
(F/n) (L/n) - First name Last name

(U/n) - Undercover name

(e/c) - eye color

(h/c) - hair color


The day was as uneventfully thick and bright. He used to long for such light, but seeing it over and over just felt irritating now. He sighed. A deep, long, and heavy exhale lightened the ache in his back. He leaned against his chair and looked over the scene before him.

It was nearly four in the afternoon- a few minutes left before he was free to rest. For half an hour. Then he was going to check on the brats' essays, which he hoped was given at least two shits about. Another heavy sigh slipped past his lips at the thought of checking shitty essays. Again.

He pinched the bridge of his nose, knowing full well that it was going to happen. Especially with students that knows only how to talk and not write. It was their senior year- you would think that they'd actually pull their heads out of their asses.

"Sir Ackerman, are you alright?" His tired, silver eyes shot up from his desk and met the piercing, kind (e/c) eyes. (F/n) (L/n). She wasn't a well-known student- rather the opposite.

He remained quiet and stretched out his hand for the paper in her hand. He saw the hesitation in her eyes, but then she reluctantly passed the test to him. Just then the bell rang and one after another, students stood up.

"I can…" Levi paused from his movement to stand up to look at (F/n). His brow raised at the jittering girl. "…take the papers, if you don't mind, Sir?"

He paused for a brief moment. But he saw the genuine glow in her eyes. "Be my guest." He waved her off and took a relaxing seat back. He watched her bounce from one empty desk to another, picking up the papers that were left behind.

(F/n) was one of the students he could actually stand. Aside from some others- she just looked true and real to him. He had just transferred last year and knew that he was one of the teachers that students would bet on be the worst, yet she kept trying to get on his good side.

Which luckily for her was working. Her company felt soothing and eased up his stress. He'd rather relax in his seat than go over the same rows of desks for the fifth time of the day.

"(L/n), don't you prefer being with other students at this time of day? Or resting at your home?"

These were the words that were still stuck in his throat for the past three weeks since the first semester started. He felt the rush of heat spread across his cheeks and he was damned to let a student know that he was affected a bit too much.

So, instead, he prepared a snack for her. He had seen her eat it a few times at the cafeteria- the cursed, germ-filled cafeteria. He pulled the snack out from his bag. It was a (favorite snack). It wasn't one he loathed, but it wasn't one he loved either.

Now, if only he can give it to her discretely-

"Sir, what's that you have over there?" Levi slammed the snack back into his bag and snapped his neck at her. The stack of test papers was laid neatly on his desk and (F/n) was standing just across him.

Why was he acting like an adolescent? It was just a small gift. He gave gifts to people he found likeable.

"I just brought this for you." He finally caved after five grueling minutes. He placed the snack just beside the papers and watched as the sparkles gleamed in her eyes. A joyful glee branched out from within him at her warm grin.

"Thank you so much, Sir!" She bowed at him. He noticed that she had looked down at her watch. It was 4:30 now. "I better get going. Thank you again, Sir! You should get going too!" She sprinted out before he even said anything.

He should have been irritated, but a chuckle slipped past his lips. He shook his head. (F/n) reminded him of Isabel during his high school days. It would be nice to be 18 again and not 23.


The night was dark and damp. The neon lights provided enough glow for her (e/c) eyes to see the building. It wasn't as run down as she expected it to be and looked decent and clean enough. In actuality, she shouldn't even be there but it was her last year anyway- so it shouldn't be a problem. Right?

She swallowed nervously while she glanced around the building. Round wooden tables were scattered about filled with huge burly strangers or press cleaned suited workers. Waltzing around were women who were either showing a lot of their skin or not at all. A single black apron with the name 'Night Club' covered their front, mostly enough to show some cleavage.

Standing on the only stage was a man dressed extravagantly who was singing an 80s song she wasn't really familiar with. Dancing along with him were similar dressed men and women boldly dancing and showing lots and lots of skin.

And there she was, 5"0 and in her pajamas (a random t-shirt that hung over her small body, grey sweat pants, and sandals), standing in the midst of it all. Her fingers nervously tugged the tips of her (h/c) hair as her anxious eyes searched around the room. No one paved way to acknowledge her having their attention focused on the bright colored stage.

"Is that my adorable niece, (F/n) (L/n)?" Hearing her uncle's nasally drunk voice sent the heaviness on her chest and nervous critters in her stomach away.

"Uncle Oluo, what took you so long?" She asked, placing a strand behind her ear. "And stop saying my name out loud. How would it make you feel if I called you Oluo Bazado with a room filled with strangers?" Her anxious eyes still surveyed the area where she noticed that some began to stare at her after her uncle's rather loud introduction.

He waved his hand and slurped a beer. "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, my ever-adorable niece! I had to take care of a drunk customer and kick him out the back after assaulting one of my workers." (F/n) pursed her lips as her uncle's arm made its way around her neck and began dragging her to the back room of the building.

Why couldn't she have some of his height huh?

"Huh. No wonder you're drinking. He got you pretty hard?" She chuckled at his poor excuse of a glare and rolled her eyes. "Am I going to be up front and be taking care of the big guys?" She straightened her back and punched her right palm in a lame attempt of looking tough. Of course, she knew didn't look at all scary. She was 5"0 with a thin figure and puffy cheeks. She looked far too 'frail' and adorable (no quotation marks there because she is adorable. Period.).

Oluo laughed and shook his head. "Oh no, no, no. They're just going to become more louder with you up front! You're just going to be working behind the bar with Gunther. He'll teach you everything you need to know about handing out drinks."

(F/n) looked over where her uncle was pointing. There was a man handing out drinks from behind the counter. He had a weird tip at the back of his head, which must be his hair, though it looked sort of great on him. He was in a white formal shirt under a black vest from where she could see.

Can she even reach the counter????

"I already placed an extra flooring for you." Her uncle said right before she could ask.

She scoffed, a light smile spreading across her face. "Of course, you did. If you hadn't, I'd have no choice but be up front."

Oluo laughed and patted her head. "I'm sure you can hold your own but I don't want any more rough- housing than we already have here."

(F/n) hummed. She knew that. Because of her small figure and all.

The man behind the counter noticed their approach and waved at them. "Good evening, Boss! And this must be my new co-worker." His voice was thick and deep- much to be expected from his size. He grinned down at her and offered a hand. "My name is Gunther. You are?"

She stretched out her hand and shook his, offering a smile. "(F/n), but I'll be going with (U/n). 'Boss' filled you in about that right?" She tilted her head to her uncle and Gunther nodded.

"Yep, to the brim too. He doesn't stop chatting about you and your cousin."

She looked up at her uncle and rolled her eyes to look back at Gunther. "Of course. That's him. He doesn't shut up about this place too." She resisted the urge to glower at Oluo. "No matter how many times I told him to stop."

Gunther laughed and patted Oluo on the shoulder. "How is she even related to you, Boss?"

Oluo's face squinted, quite offended at the question and shoved him. "Get back to work and teach this shrimp how things work here." He shoved (F/n) as well after his statement and stalked off, gulping down his beer.

After a few minutes of staring at the drunken mess of a Boss, her new co-worker coughed. "Right, well. I think it's time for you to get started. Observe how I do things first and then I'll let you try."