Chapter 1

Another day. Bright, sickening mornings with brats. If this wasn't the only decent paying job that gave him time for his graduate studies, he would have rather be at home reading his books and drinking tea. Unfortunately, with his sourpuss attitude and his "distasteful" lack of respect, he had to be sitting behind a desk facing thirty kids who think they're adults.

On the good side, he didn't have to leave the room and just wait for the brats to gather.

He grabbed his cup by the edge and sipped the warm tea.

The brats were commonly quiet. Why? Well, he had given them another quiz on what verbs or nouns should be used in this kind of sentence. It wasn't part of the curriculum, but he knew it would appear in the college exams they'd take near the end of the school year.

His sharp, silver eyes glanced around the room before lingering on one particular student. This student was sleeping. He could see this student because they had chosen a rather interesting spot to sit in which was at the very front of the class. If he didn't know that she was already done with the quiz, he'd have normally been pissed. His quiz was folded by the right side of her desk and pressed down by her elbow.

Levi noticed the glares sent at her direction and soft murmuring that took place. He knew about the rumors surrounding this student. It was no wonder for him how a hardworking student could be so hated by her peers.

All the teachers, including him, liked her. She always stayed behind class to clean up, even if it wasn't her time to clean. She'd prepare snacks, not to bribe, but because she had "accidentally" made too much. Of course, he wasn't to be bribed but did get a few bites out of her homemade puto.

(puto maya is a traditional Filipino snack. It is a steamed sticky rice cake.)

It was delicious, by the way. Soft, easy to chew, and delectable. When added with that brown sugar, it was even more sublime.

But that wasn't the point.

What was she doing preparing snacks for teachers when she had classmates to share? Maybe then the flames on her would die down a little. And probably get a friend or two.

He sipped his tea again. It was cold, nonetheless soothing to his dry throat and aching head. He looked over his watch and repressed his lips from quirking into a smirk. There were five minutes left on the clock before his class ended. And there goes his half an hour rest then he'd be back to scoring another set of brats poorly made essays where he's forced to leave a passing grade.

No student left behind. The law itself is already crappy on teachers like him.

Just the usual shitty afternoon for him.

Levi's gaze drifted back to the napping student once more. Since the first semester started, he found himself drawn to her. She reminded him of the him from his senior year. All work and no play. If it weren't for his best friends, he'd probably be the target of all the huge bastards who think they can beat him to a pulp.

She looked small and fragile in her seat. However, there was this aura about her that stated otherwise. How she looked at everyone- how she looked at him. She wasn't afraid.

She was just…genuine.

He had a difficult time explaining what he felt about her other than the soft touch of reminiscence. His lips met the cup again for another sip, but drank air instead. His eyes sharpened into a glower at this. His thoughts more disturbed than he thought that he didn't even notice he had already drunk all of his tea

The soft tap of his glass meeting the desk synced with the ringing of the dismissal bell. He looked up at the brats who all stood up in unison, leaving the quizzes on their desks, and watched as they one by one joined the crowd of students in the school hall.

It left him with the napping girl who somewhat or another piqued his interest.

He found himself leaning against his chair and staring at her. She shouldn't be too sleepy, should she? He was sure that the glasses woman had skipped class today for her monthly eye checkup. So, she should have rested during that one hour of class.

His legs were standing up and sauntering over to her desk before he knew it. His hands were crossed behind his back and his glare centered solely on her. It didn't take five seconds for him to stand in front of her desk. Her (h/c) hair was draped over her face and exposed her neck for everyone to see.

Levi tilted his head and released his grip on his hands to tap on her desk.

"(L/n), class has ended." His voice came out as crass instead of the gentle touch he wanted to go with. Still, she remained motionless. His lips pursed into a thin line. He didn't want to waste his free time spent on waking this brat.

And yet, here he was still tapping on her desk softly, just loud enough to wake her up and not alarm her.

"(L/n), wake up." He whispered again. He actually saw himself in her. He was always exhausted from the fights and would sleep in during class after finishing up what the teachers wanted him to do. When the school bell rang, they'd slap his head to wake him up which irritated him and made his head ache even more.

He didn't want to be that teacher.

He was glad that she didn't take long to wake up. Her messy hair fell down to her face as she looked up at him from her desk. He froze once her eyes locked with his. He stilled his breath at the exhaustion pooling in her (e/c) orbs.

And his fists clenched at the bags under her eyes.

She wasn't bullied, was she?

"O-Oh, it's time already?" She stood up from her desk and began packing her stuff.

The concern for her was lodged in his throat then and there. He didn't want to come out as that sort of person. But he didn't want her to assume.

Instead, he cleared his throat. "Yes. You should head home now before it gets dark." He faced away from her to start picking up the quizzes on the desks.

Yet his feet went still when her voice rang out from behind him. "How about you, sir?" Her tone was hoarse, most likely from her nap, yet it was laced with genuine worry.

He spun on the heel of his right foot to meet her gaze and to say that he was fine and that she needed to go home. But the words were yet again locked in his throat by the glow of her entire form. The light of the sun was focused on her, giving her the shine deserved.

She was…so small and vulnerable.


Levi bit his tongue when he realized he's been silent far too long. His eyes flickered briefly to his watch and he immediately turned on his heel to face away from her.

Shit. He was staring at her for a minute long. He was going to be down right pissed if she assumed him to be staring at her for…

"I'm fine, brat. Just go home already. My free time is already wasted on waking you up." He stated bitterly and began going down the rows of desks to pick up the damn quizzes. Yet the heat rushing up to his face couldn't be stopped no matter how hard he frowned.

Why the hell was he feeling so embarrassed for?

When he heard her receding footsteps and the soft thud of the door closing, his guard relaxed. He let the breath he didn't know he was holding and covered his face with his right palm. The blush was practically radiating off of his face.

She reminded him of the him back then. And it spited him so much.


She had been working at the place for nearly a month now. Fortunately, there were no close calls and her part time there was more or less a breeze. She would be working up to only eleven in the evening- no buts or extra hours. She was charged 100 pesos per hour, another 100 if she was kind to the customers.

No matter how disgusting and ill-mannered they were to her.

Today she was late. Having taken a nap longer than usual. So, her usual wages were down by a 100 when it should be 500 pesos.

"You're getting the hang of it, huh, (U/n)?�� Gunther grinned down at her and nudged her shoulder with his elbow.

(F/n) giggled at the compliment and rolled her eyes. "Well, I have a pretty good teacher." The words rolled out of her mouth smoothly while she poured three glasses for the waitress to take.

She had resisted the urge to wipe off the foundation from her face and simply went for a scratch on her nose. Her uncle had said quote to quote that 'it's disrespectful to customers if you look haggard when you're supposed to entertain them' or whatever that meant.

Her fingers twiddled on the hem of her apron, enduring the itchiness on her scalp. The wig fit her to the T but it didn't stop her from wanting it off of her head. It was just weird.

Yet, she had no choice.

Other than the wig and the colored contacts to lighten her eyes, she would be easily recognizable with such messy (h/c) hair and vibrant (e/c) eyes. It was just for the year anyway so she can handle it.

She blew off a strand that fell on her face.

"Hey, young miss, I'd like a glass." She raised a brow at the customer. He was dressed to impress- a wonder for her since this place was quite run down. He was bald too, but had a grey moustache that swept down his lips like a ribbon.

"Beer?" She sauntered over to him with a light smile. Her work voice quickly kicked in without much effort.

The man nodded and heaved a long, exhausting sigh. Somehow, it reminded her of her teacher that kept sighing that way. The way his brows creased in irritation, but she knew for the most part it was from a headache. And how his bangs would sweep over his sharp, yet soft eyes to look over at them-

She poured a glass for him and slid it over to his open palm.

She was about to walk away when the bald man quirked his head over to her. So, she stopped knowing the action meant an initiation for a conversation.

"You know, young lady- work's been tough for us, old folk. People are not appreciating the work we do." He gulped down the drink in one go and slid the glass back to her with a flick of his hand.

She stopped it and poured another glass for him. "Oh? Why wouldn't they appreciate your work?" She passed the drink back.

The old man spun the glass, letting the beer swirl in the cup. "I'm a headmaster for this college- Marleyan's King College." (F/n)'s breath hitch at the college, but she stilled herself from probing deeper.

"Isn't that the big 'ol college that's usually hard to get into?" She hoped the anxiousness wasn't clear and felt her stomach drop in relief when he nodded.

"Mhmm… Is it so hard to ask for a thesis that hasn't been done before? I'm already tired of the usual clean up for the local barangays and the like- only having so much effort to be studied and never to be used." He gulped down the drink again and tilted his head to her with a drunken sigh.

She pursed her lips and shrugged casually. "Well, I guess they're trying to find an easy way to finish things." Her thumb dug into her finger nervously as she thought of what to say next. "If…someone does this kind of thesis, would you consider them into the college even if they have…you could say a bad financial background?" She looked over to Gunther who was looking at her in confusion. He motioned with his hands to stop but she looked away from him.

The old man nodded fast. "Of course! I'm even willing to pay for their studies there if they can surprise me!" He slammed the glass down to stare at her with a serious glare in his eyes.

(F/n) felt her heart lurch up her throat in pure excitement and glee. "You're saying this…seriously, right? Not just because you're drunk?" She bit her lip at the furrow of his brows and crossed her fingers behind her back.

"Do you know someone who can do this?" He slurred out as he slid the glass back to her.

She shrugged, casually again to look oblivious. "Sort of… What's it to you? I just want a good school for this person." She bit her tongue in hopes he'd catch on her lie while she poured another glass for him.

The old man narrowed his eyes and leaned over the counter. "Hmm… you've piqued my interest, young lady. And don't worry. I keep my word." He grabbed the glass from her with his left hand and with his right pulled out a piece of cardboard. He thumbed it fondly before sliding it over to her.

"This is my number and email. Usually it would go through my secretary, but I'm quite interested to meet this person you speak of." He gulped down the drink again in one go. "And don't think she's special- I've done this to a few before. A rather sharp and very egotistical one, you could say."

"Wait, what do you mean-?"

He waved her off and took out a thousand bill before putting it on the counter beside the glass. "I'd like to meet her a week from now at my office. I'll tell my secretary about her so she can enter easily."

The old man walked off before she could even say a thing. Her jaw slacked in shock at what just happened.

"(U/n)… you're not supposed to make deals with the customers." She jumped hearing the criticizing tone of Gunther.

She grabbed the thousand bill and the card before he would. "Uh no! This is my education we're talking about. You have no idea how good this is going to be for my family." She stuck her tongue out and slid the thousand bill into the cash register hidden under the counter. "You better keep quiet about this from Unc- I mean, the boss or I'll tell him you paid for that girl's drink from two weeks ago."

"Weren't you in the bathroom?! How did you see that?!" He whispered/shouted in exasperation.

She quirked her lips into a frown while raising both her shoulders in unison. "My eyes can see through walls, Gunther."

Of course, she wouldn't say that she wasn't actually going to the bathroom and just took a break by the juke box where she happened to see the encounter.

Gunther groaned and glared at her. "Fine. I keep this shut; you keep shut about what happened."

(F/n) tilted her head at him and raised a brow. "What ever are you talking about?" She turned on her heel and walked away from him. "We should be working and not chatting, Gunther." A giggle slipped past her lips at the annoyed murmurings from her co-worker.

This was a great night, despite the awful start on her morning.