Chapter 2

This day had to be awful from the get go. Levi cursed under his breath as his co-workers panicked around him like a flock of squawking seagulls. There was a mistake in the system for the school calendar and it had become faulty when Hanje checked over it. So, now the teachers, which unfortunately included him, gathered to talk about the activities. Again.

For the 4th fucking time.

And they had to post the calendar to the school website before the dismissal bell.

It was still ten. Ten in the fucking morning.

Great way to start the day, Levi. Really, when was the principal going to fix the damn system? From what he heard from Thick Eyebrows, this faulty system has been going on for five years.

He just started last year.

Thank the heavens above that this year was his last year from this forsaken school and then he can pursue his career as a prosecutor.

He pinched the bridge of his nose as pain shot up to his head again. He needed tea, but with this stupid meeting going on for another two hours (most likely), he had to sit there and wait. He was already finished with passing on with his activities and could not leave because of the school's motto- which is quote by quote "One for all and all for one".

No one's leaving until everything is over with.

Of course, except Principal Reiss who must be sleazing off in his office.

Levi knew who was actually doing the work behind the scenes. His keen gaze shifted from the squawking seagulls to the blonde man that sat at the very top of the round rectangular table. He was shouting out orders with a calm air and passing papers to each teacher with a stern gaze.

This was the same man who brought him to this place to fix himself after self destructing. He wondered what would happen if this man hadn't help him up from when he and his best friends were at the lowest. A small smile lifted from his lips when the blonde man nodded at him.

"Erwin, you sure about this? Wouldn't Principal Reiss be mad if we added changes to the school calendar?" Petra, a newly hired teacher, queried nervously.

"Since when did he give a damn about the school calendar?" Levi asked back. He didn't hold back the sarcasm and annoyance in his tone whatsoever. He leaned against his chair and sighed heavily. "Let's just get this over and done with so we can get back to the brats. There are nearly half a thousand of students that needs to be prepared for college exams. And this stupid calendar isn't going to help them."

Murmurs of agreement erupted from the teachers. Levi watched as Erwin stared at him with pursed lips. He smirked back and shrugged his shoulders.

Erwin might have saved him from damnation, but that wasn't going to stop him from being him.

"To answer that, Petra…" Erwin's somber tone silenced the murmurs swiftly. "…I'll be taking care of explaining these changes to Principal Reiss so you should hold no worries there."

Levi rolled his eyes and tapped the table in clear irritation.

"And since you seem to have no trouble whatsoever, Levi… Please pass these papers to the librarian." A form of revenge, so to say. Withholding the chuckle in his throat, the short man nodded in a quip manner that soured the blonde man's mood even more.

Before Erwin could add more, the lunch bell rang and Levi stared at the man with a brow raised. Erwin chuckled softly and shook his head.

"We're done here. Let's go and have lunch." Sighs of relief and joy spread throughout the room and everyone left one after another. Levi stood up once the last teacher walked through the door, leaving him with his close friend.

"You never fail to leave a sarcastic remark, Levi." Erwin said once Levi was in front of him. The height difference was far and great, yet ambience spoke otherwise.

Levi grabbed the papers from his friend's hands and clicked his tongue at the list of books to borrow. "I wouldn't have to if you weren't so compliant to that sleazebag." He browsed through the papers and nodded in satisfaction.

Erwin chuckled. "Well, I'm not the one hated by all."

Levi shrugged. "Most, not all."

"Wow, being a lawyer really does suit you well."

"This conversation is going nowhere. Enjoy your lunch, Thick Eyebrows. I'm going to the library." Levi waved his friend off and stalked out of the room.

"At least eat lunch, Levi!" The short man grunted in return and continued walking off. He would after these books- he didn't want to spend his free time getting the books. His free time was pure relaxation and rest.

It didn't take long for him to arrive at the library. It was just a floor down from the teacher's meeting room where they had gathered.

The library was a large room with very tall shelves stacked on the sides. On the center were tables for studying or simple leisure reading. On the far back was where the computers were situated for research purposes.

Levi began walking over to the librarian's desk but then paused just before he reached the desk. He noticed that instead of the librarian, it was this particular student that was constant reminder of his younger self.

Even if it was just a few years ago, it was still sore memory for him.

"(L/n), students aren't allowed to be in the library without staff guidance." He berated her without an ounce of sympathy. He stared at her as she fell off the chair and emitted a loud thud from landing on the wooden floor.

"S-Sir! I know that- the librarian just left to eat lunch and told me to take over for her." (L/n) stuttered out while getting up from her fall like it didn't just happen.

Levi pursed his lips. "Still. There was an incident two years ago where a student was nearly assaulted. That's why the rule that each room has to have a staff present or at least more than one student." He looked around the empty room to prove his point. "And there���s no one here, except you."

(L/n) chuckled. "But you're here now so 'technically' the rule wasn't broken." The short man raised his brows in surprise at the comeback. Usually, they'd just apologize and say they'd won't do it again (when they'll just keep doing it anyway).

"My, (L/n), are you being sarcastic with me now?" He pushed, lowering his brows to a glare.

She coughed and turned away from him. "S-Sorry about that, Sir." His brows furrowed at the sudden change of her tone. "Anyway, what are you here for?"

He decided to drop it because he could really care less at this point. Of course, it wasn't because he was hungry and tired. Oh no, he just didn't give a flying fuck.

He passed the papers to her outstretched hands. "I need these books. Just tell me where to find them." After two long minutes of her looking down at the papers, he scowled. "If you don't know where they are, just tell me where the card catalog is. Don't need to feign knowledge, (L/n)."

She finally looked up from the papers and had the audacity to blink at him. "Oh, sorry, Sir. But what do you need these books for?" He watched as she grabbed a pencil and started to scribble on the paper. She was scratching down the letters and numbers that would normally be found in the card catalog.

Huh, she has amazing memory.

"It's for the monthly teacher evaluation if there are any missing books that needs to be added." He answered. He wasn't one to be amazed but found himself drawn to her writing down swiftly without looking at the computer. "Have you been reading these books?" The question escaped his mouth before he could even think about it.

"I've read most of the books. There's nowhere else I'm more wanted than here." Levi pursed his lips at the melancholic statement. She whispered the latter sentence, but he had heard it loud and clear. He didn't probe into the subject, knowing full well from experience alone that she'd want to be left alone.

"You…do well. I appreciate the effort you make in not making my life more unbearable." He found himself saying. He scratched his cheek at the awkward silence that was filled in by the scratch of paper.

After five minutes, she sniffled and handed the papers back to him. "Err, there are about ten books that aren't there, but I added the classifications so you can check if it is there."

"Thank you, (L/n)." He accepted the papers and stood there. He didn't look at her face and simply stared at the papers. "You really do well though. Don't forget that." The words left his mouth despite himself saying no. He spun around and walked away to find the books needed.

Of course, he wasn't giving her the space she needed.

Honestly, he couldn't give two shits about that.


One moment she was on high- the next moment she was drowning. Why couldn't she just have a sliver of peace? A moment of hope? A tiny chance to dream? Yet here she was feeling as if the world was turning its axis on her.

(F/n) should have been at work today and yet here she was, lying on her bed and wallowing in her sorrows. Her uncle had forbidden from working after she nearly broke down in his office when he questioned the redness of her nose.

She was already giving her uncle trouble by hiring her in the first place when she shouldn't even be there. She took a deep breath and exhaled all the pain and sorrows. Yet the ache was still there.

Why did she even panic in the first place?

She pursed her lips from recalling the events before she entered the bar. She rolled to the edge of her bed and grabbed the card that she had left there. The meeting with Headmaster Pixis was great. She didn't want to recall the conversation at the moment. It would only remind her that no one really cared about her.

She blew off an invisible strand and sighed heavily again. Right, the meeting went great. She just needed to prove herself worthy to be a scholar of Marleyan's King College. She knew she wasn't the only one; after she had left his office, there were two more who were sitting outside.

There might be more too. She had to prepare a thesis that would blow away his mind.

But what?

She placed her arm over her head and grumbled incoherently. She'd rather be working at the bar than do nothing- she could have earned another thousand pesos today. Yet here she was grumbling like a hopeful pessimist.

"You really do well though. Don't forget." She muttered her teacher's exact words. Was she really? Or was he just trying to comfort her? And why would he even comfort her? She pursed her lips as she racked her brain where she had showed a sign of weakness.

She never did, which made her feel more bizarre than ever.

And yet…somehow…

She inhaled slowly then exhaled.

His words had made her feel like she did something good for once. And that she wasn't a failure. She scoffed at the thought, yet the smile was on her face. She still felt like the world was against her, but Sir Levi's words spread warmth in her chest.

And for once, she felt like she was finally given two shits about.