We are..

"P-Pa-Pardon," Clara wanted to curl up in shame inwardly.

Her mind was screaming at her stupidity with 'He remembers' like a broken recorder.

Just as Oliver was about to answer Clara's trembling cry, the Executives suddenly disturbed their bubble, "Welcome, Mr. Hart."

"Yes," Oliver's attention diverted successfully as he walked inside the meeting room.

Clara breathed out the air, which she was unknowingly holding. Her heart rate, which had accelerated a few seconds ago, was now returning to normal.

Clara was skeptical about Oliver's behavior as she walked back to resume her work.

It has been 2 hours since Clara returned to work, but her eyes were gazing in the elevator's direction. Clara was confused about her behavior. It annoyed her that her eyes were not in her power anymore.

'Am I possessed?'

Clara thought to hit her head somewhere to get her sanity back.

'If I do so, people will think I have gone mad.'

Clara groaned in frustration and tried her best to concentrate on her work.

As Clara focused on her work, but various whispers soon distracted her.

"Have you guys seen Mr. Hart?" Clara's ears perked up as they called the name out.

"I know. He is so handsome."

"And his strong, long fingers." small giggles followed, "I just want to shake his hand once."

"Don't forget his dreamy eyes."

"Do you think he already has a girlfriend?"

"He might. He is definitely not married, as he doesn't have a wedding ring."

"Maybe we can try talking to him."

"He might have many girls flocking around him like bees already."


Someone amongst them said, and everyone became quiet.

Clara was curious to know what made them so silent suddenly. She looked around her and saw their supervisor walking by.

One amongst them gathered her courage and asked, "Ma'am, what does Mr. Hart do?"

The supervisor's eyes narrowed, and her voice was domineering, as she said, "try focussing on your work rather than gossiping."

"Yes," the ladies went back to work with dejection burning their eyes.

Clara was amazed by the authority her supervisor possesses.

Does her supervisor like Oliver? But then why did she ask her to escort him? She should have done it herself?

"Clara, come to my cabin."

It was a bad omen. Whenever the superior calls anyone out of the blue, it is usually to either scold them or to increase their workload.

Clara was unsure about what she had done wrong now? She has been scolded so much at the start that she could not even count it on her fingers. But now she has grown and hardly made any mistake.

Clara entered the cabin with an unsettled heart.

"Take a seat," Her supervisor said with warmth, but to Clara, it was like hot lava ready to be poured on her.


"Call me Lily," Clara's eyes widened as her forehead creased. Her supervisor has given no one permission to call her by her first name.

"Y-Yes," It was a rare opportunity that came knocking on her door, and Clara wanted to relish it.

Lily was a young girl around 26-27 years old. Maybe a year or two older than Alexander and Kyle.

What made Lily so special was that she was a brilliant girl. She came from a humble background, but she has worked hard over the years to get where she is today.

Lily initially started doing a part-time job at the young age of 15 and has been working hard since then.

She was a role model for many in the company as she was a living example of working hard will make you succeed irrespective of your background.

"How is your work doing?"

"It is good. I have learned a lot of things until now."

"Is it?" Lily narrowed her eyes.

"Yes, I am grateful for your guidance." Clara really was grateful. Lily was a straightforward person in her daily life and work. Maybe for this, the higher up did not like her much.

Yet Lily was a valuable asset to the company, and they tolerated her. She was very strict with her work and with people working under her.

This behavior has made Clara understand a lot of things. The importance of hard work, discipline, and clear knowledge of things were, to name a few.

"Good," Lily gave a lopsided grin.

"Then you won't mind giving me a report on what you have learned so far."

Clara's mouth fell open. She knew this was a bad day. She should have just slept in.

"Yes," Clara managed to answer with great difficulty.

"Good, you are a very hard-working intern." Lily encouraged Clara with sugar-coated words.

Clara nodded as an anxious feeling crept in.

"Then I am expecting a long report on my table till tomorrow."

"Y-Yes," Clara nibbled on her bottom lips.

"Don't hold back on your words. I love reading experiences in brief." Lily was enjoying herself. Clara had a poker-face, which was uncommon .

Lily's eyes and smile were screaming broadly, 'I like you.'

Most of the people working under lily would have a crying face till now. There were only a few who would be this indifferent in front of her. This amused Lily greatly.

Clara did not like being liked by Lily in such a way. It was easy to read Lily's thoughts just by glimpsing at her facial expression.

'Can you not like me like this' was what Clara wanted to say out loud.

'You can even hate me.'

'Or not,'

'Will you ask me to kill myself if you hate me?'

Clara's head nodded a yes, and she left the cabin.


"Mr. Ale.."

"Alex," Alexander's irritated voice interrupted Evelyn's soft tone, "Call me Alex,"

"H-Hn," Evelyn was unclear at first but then understanding the meaning of Alexander's words, a flush crept up her face.

Evelyn was embarrassed to keep looking in his eyes as she kept avoiding eye-contact.

'Why does it happen in front of him, I become braindead?'

"It is not the first time you will call me that," Alexander smirked, remembering Evelyn's word and tone.

She sounded as if she was calling for her beloved child. It was filled with so much adoration and love.

Or was it?

Alexander did not care. He would go with the explanation that satisfied him the most. That was with adoration and love.

"That is true, but," Evelyn wanted to refuse his request. It was embarrassing to suddenly accept this kind of request.

Seeing that Evelyn was ready to find some excuse to refuse, Alexander shifted to the topic, "Why was Kyle here?"

"Oh, He wanted my help." Evelyn was glad that they were not discussing the topic any longer.

"In?" Alexander's smile faded.

"His business, what else," Evelyn lifted her shoulder in a half shrug.

She felt comfortable talking with Alexander now. It would have been a bizarre idea a few days ago, but now it felt ordinary.

"And you are going to help him?" Alexander did not want Evelyn to be in further contact with Kyle. He just wanted to make her his. He wanted Evelyn's eyes to be on him and only him.

"I am still thinking about it," Evelyn confessed. The pages Kyle gave her made Evelyn consider things again.

All of Evelyn's thoughts were now focused on how to go about things from now on.

Alexander's eyes danced between the paper on Evelyn's desk who she was holding in a firm grip and her unfocused eyes.

"What is that?" Alexander's expression hardened, and his sharp eyes looked at Evelyn's hands.


"The paper?"

"It's nothing, just work," Evelyn locked the paper in her drawer hurriedly.

Alexander understood that Evelyn was hiding something, but he wanted to give her some space until she trusted him. But that doesn't mean that he would let her deal with it alone.

"That reminds me, what brings you here?" Evelyn asked with a dull voice.

"You." Evelyn's eyes widened as heart rate sped up again. A visible blush formed on her face."I am joking, just business."

"I am asking, why are you here," Evelyn emphasized, "In my cabin."

"I was in your company, why can't I come and meet you? After all, we are..." Alexander did not continue any further.

"We are?" Evelyn's mind was running everywhere. Many possibilities came into her mind.

Alexander was enjoying this view. He never knew someone could be this red by just some words.

"You tell me, what are we?"

Evelyn was started. What should she answer? Can her words affect their relationship?

"We are... We are.."

"Friends?" Alexander said with a smirk, as if it was the only explanation.

Evelyn felt that she was the only one who was overthinking.

"Yes, friends."

"So, I can come to meet my friend anytime, right?" Alexander had a playful smile on his face.

"Hhnn," Alexander's smile distracted Evelyn.

"Friends can meet occasionally," Alexander repeated. He loved the way he affected Evelyn.

"That is true."

"Good, See you soon then," Alexander said, gazing straight at Evelyn's eyes, "Eve."

Evelyn's eyes widened. Was she hearing things? "Evelyn," She corrected Alexander.

"Friends call each other by the nickname."

"But we are not that close yet."

"But we are friends, remember."


"You called me Alex a few minutes ago."

Alexander reminded her, "So I can also call you Eve," with a sly smile, Alexander asked, "Can't I?"

It was true. She did call him Alex. But that was on impulse. What can she say now, when her behavior did not match her words?

Evelyn nodded in defense.

"Good." Alexander laughed and stood up from his chair. He took Evelyn's hand in his long, firm hold and kissed the back of her palm.

Evelyn could not speak any words. Alexander's powerful grip made her feel warm and secure. When his lips touched her skin, Evelyn felt her skin burning.

"Soon." With these last words, Alexander left Evelyn's cabin.