Blossomed into a Beautiful Butterfly

Evelyn emerged herself in deep thoughts. Many things were dancing around her mind, from her meeting with Kyle to Alexander's loving words. Mr. Day, whose face was clouded with worry, knocked and opened the study room door.

"What are you doing here?" Mr. Day's gaze scanned the dimly lit room. Hardly a window was open, making the atmosphere gloomy and suffocating.

Mr. Day saw his daughter sitting on a chair with a clouded expression.

"It's already late. Sleep."

"Y-Yes, I was on my way" Evelyn's speech was soft and faint. She was too immersed in her thoughts to know when her father entered.

"What's wrong?" Seeing his child distracted, Mr. Day asked, as he entered the room while closing the door.

Evelyn looked at her father's worried expression.

Lucas Day was not that old to start. Her father was even younger than her mother. Yet as his eyes dropped to look at her, they were always full of worry and love.

Evelyn sometimes felt that her father's love was much greater than her mother's. He was so heartbroken when she decided to live abroad, apart from them. Still, he supported and encouraged her while ignoring all the outside protests.

"Nothing" Evelyn did not want to make her father sad. It was better to handle the situation by herself.

"I heard today you met someone?" Lucas Day said as he sat in an empty chair facing his daughter, Evelyn.

"Hmm," Evelyn's mind suddenly drifted towards Alexander. He was the one who was constantly on her mind since morning.

A small smile formed on Evelyn's lips, which was not overlooked by her father.

Evelyn's hands were warming up where Alexander's lip touched, and she subconsciously rubbed.

"Kyle Black, isn't it?" Mr. Day incurred.

'Why is Evelyn blushing?' Evelyn's red face confused Mr. Day.

"Uh?" Evelyn was embarrassed when asked her mind subconsciously went towards Alexander. "Yes"

The smile on Evelyn's face faded instantly at the mention of Kyle, which confused Lucas.

'Wasn't she smiling and blushing just now?' Mr. Day's brows knitted as his forehead creased.

'Was there someone else who visited Evelyn?'

"Why was he there?" understanding Evelyn's change, Lucas Day asked.

"He is always flocking around the company." Evelyn shrugged as she scowled.

"True" rumors were going around in the circle about this, which was heard by Mr. Day as well, "But you took him inside your cabin to talk, which is very unlikely of you."

Lucas was worried about his daughter. Evelyn never behaved like that. Wasn't she always indifferent towards such people? Evelyn especially hated Black's. Then why she did this, made Lucas more confused.

"Are you spying on me now, Dad?" Evelyn giggled. She knew her father was an overprotective dad. She sometimes felt that he was the one who kept her inside the womb for nine months, always taking care of her like a mother hen.

"It's hard not to know when it occurred in the company's lobby, in front of so many staff."

"That is true." Evelyn pressed her hands to her cheeks.

"Why was he there?"

Evelyn's head was messy. Should she tell him or not?

'Dad would be sad if he got to know it from somewhere else.'

With this thought in mind, Evelyn decided to share her distress with her father. The figure who has always supported her.

She took the papers from her drawers and handed it over to her father to read.

As Lucas read the content, his eyes filled with rage. Was this even possible to obtain? How did that little Black get this?

"This..." Lucas's breaths quickened as it filled him with anxiety.

"I will look into it myself," Evelyn interjected, "You just take care of yourself and Mom."

Evelyn felt responsible for a lot of things. Now that she was old and mature, it was time to make her family live a carefree life while she takes all of their worries and burdens on herself.

'You guys deserve a peaceful life' was what Evelyn was dying to say.

"No, it is something I should look into," Lucas said sharply. He was running on sheer anger. His hand clenched tightly onto the paper.

"Dad," Evelyn slowly touched Lucas's hand, "Please."

Lucas closed his eyes to suppress his rage. He sighed and nodded slowly. It was hard to make his daughter give up on things when she had made up her mind.

"But, you should tell me.."

"I will tell you if anything goes wrong, Dad," Evelyn raised her chin to look at Mr. Day, as her hand squeezed his, "I promise."

Lucas nodded in defeat. He touched Evelyn's cheeks before he got up from his seat.

"I still have some work," The trust and understanding her father had on her touched Evelyn, "Sleep on time."

Evelyn smiled and nodded as she saw Mr. Day's back.

As soon as Lucas entered his bedroom, Isabel, Evelyn's mother, caught him by his arm and asked anxiously, "What did she say."

"Nothing, she is just busy with work." Lucas smiled softly as he ran his hand through his wife's hair.

"Are you sure?" Isabel was concerned about her daughter. After returning from work, Evelyn was lost in her thoughts, and she did not even come down for dinner.

Even though she was busy, Evelyn habitually conveyed words that she would eat later or would just drop by to eat a bite or two. But today was different. Evelyn's behavior made Isabel restless.

"Yes," Lucas wrapped his arms around his wife as he rested his chin on her shoulder from behind, "Trust me."

"If you say so."

Lucas hated lying to Isabel, but he knew that if Isabel got to know about it, she might be miserable and heartbroken. It hurt Lucas seeing his wife and daughter in that state.

Even though he was unhappy to leave the things to Evelyn, Lucas wanted to help her from the corner. He wanted his daughter to rely on him just a little more.

His baby had blossomed into a beautiful butterfly who would fly anytime now. As a father, Lucas wanted to endure its presence a little more.


Alexander touched his lips subconsciously as his eyes gleamed with sparkles.

"This is the 5th time you have touched your lips," Mr. Knight scowled, "Can you stop now?"

"Why? Are you jealous?" Alexander was in a good mood. He was feeling invincible.

"Shut up," Mr. Knight's eyelids drooped, but he bit back his anger for the time being.

Mr. Knight was infuriated at his son's response. Alexander took everything very lightly as if he was not impressed with things.

When he took over the business, Mr. Knight was relieved, but his son was heartless when dealing with people. He was arrogant and rude, who was least bordered about other's pain and suffering.

'Should I find someone to keep a lash on him?'

Mr. Knight had a perfect match for Alexander in his mind. He wanted to make the beauty his daughter-in-law as soon as possible before some other predator chose to take a bite.

Isn't it said to keep the best goods in the family?

"I think you should settle down soon." Mr. Knight managed to say as he observed his son's expression carefully.

"I think so too." Alexander chuckled. He wanted to make someone his own as soon as possible. A dangerous light flickered through his eyes.

Mr. Knight was shocked to hear those words from Alexander.

'Is he really my son?' Mr. Knight narrowed his eyes to examine Alexander from head to toe. 'He agreed to look for someone.''

"Stop looking at me like this," Alexander said awkwardly.

"Good, we agree on something," Mr. Knight laughed, "I have someone in my mind.."

An overbearing and deep voice interrupted Mr. Knight, "No need, I already have someone in mind."

"You do?" Mr. Knight's eyes widened, and his voice was louder than he expected it to be.

'Why was it so unbelievable?' Alexander was confused.

Mr. Knight's brain started running in all possible directions, 'Was it someone like Layla?' was the main question that clouded his mind. Mr. Knight never liked that girl. He was grateful that Alexander never said once that he loved her. Otherwise, Mr. Knight did not know how to refuse him. Layla was only Alexander's little crush.


"Who is she?" Mr. Knight wanted to know. Curiosity was eating him up. He wanted to know, the lady capable of making his stubborn son smile so foolishly.

"You look quite interested in my love life, Father?" Alexander emphasized the last word, making Mr. Knight uncomfortable.

"You are my son. I should know what type of girl you like." His son was ruthless, but he was his father. A change in tone can never affect him.

"Should I call my mother?" Alexander smiled, showing his canines.

"Why?" Mr. Knight became uncomfortable.

"She would be thrilled to know you are getting interested in your child's love life," It was fun to see his father's forehead sweating, "Afterall, it is not the first time,"

"You.." Mr. Knight pounded his fist on the table in anger

There was no loving husband who was not afraid of his wife. No matter how vicious Mr. Knight was, he was a scared fox in front of his wife. His children loved to take advantage of this and scare him at times, which irritated him more.

"I have things to take care of," Alexander giggled as his father gritted his teeth.