It's All About The Experience

All the evil thoughts encircling Alexander's mind were masked beneath his smirk.

Evelyn was in awe. How someone could be this charming was beyond her imagination.

A face like Alexander was like a drug that was too addictive to resist. How his lips arcs were enough to make Evelyn's eyes linger on them.

"If you have nothing else to do, then let's eat here?" Alexander wanted to eat something since he was too occupied in his head since the morning.

"Huh?" Evelyn's eyes moved above from Alexander's lips to focus on his entire face.

"Lunch?" Alexander flicked Evelyn's forehead as he chuckled.

"Ouch" Evelyn rubbed her forehead to reduce the pain. She looked at Alexander with accusing eyes.

First, it was messing Evelyn's hairstyle and now beating her up? What was Alexander planning next? Killing her?

It amused Alexander to see so many emotions flowing through Evelyn's face. She was so engrossed in her own thoughts that she did not manage her expressions.

Alexander stretched his hand out to touch Evelyn's. As his hand was nearing Evelyn's face, she moved back reflectively and looked at Alexander in shaking eyes.

"What are yo.." Alexander did not let Evelyn finish as his one hand hold down Evelyn's shoulder while the other held her wrist.

Looking at Alexander's face coming towards her own, Evelyn closed her eyes reflectively. But even after a few seconds, there was nothing special happening.

Just as Evelyn thought nothing would happen, a gust of warm wind was blown on her forehead.

Evelyn opened one of her eyes and stretched her neck to look at Alexander. She can only see his chin, which was moving up and down with the moments of the winds.

Evelyn's gaze moved down towards his neck. Alexander's long neck was like a sculpture, so well defined and artistic. Evelyn just had to move a bit further, and she could kiss his chin.

Evelyn gulped at this thought. She killed herself a thousand times for getting distracted by such a human thing.

Alexander was blowing on Evelyn's forehead. Although Alexander knew he had applied no strength, Evelyn's gaze told a different story. He wanted to comfort her.

The strength Evelyn was using to rub it annoyed Alexander. Her smooth skin was turning red because of the force. Thus Alexander had no other choice but to help Evelyn.

But deep in his heart, Alexander knew it was a lie. It was a satisfactory explanation he would give Evelyn if she asked why he did this.

As Alexander was working on his plan to explain, he felt some moments down below. The little kitten that he had caught was struggling to move out from his clutches.

"Stay still." Alexander held Evelyn's shoulder down to make her sit still before he did what he was doing.

This sudden attack stiffened Evelyn. A strong grip on her shoulder on one side, her wrist held above her head on the other. She was in an awkward situation.

A blush crept onto her face. Her ears and cheeks were painted in red.

Evelyn could not move. She was a fish trapped in the net.

Seeing Evelyn in this condition, so helpless and weak towards him, a mischievous idea stuck to Alexander's mind.

"It's all red now," Alexander said in amusement as his sound was packed with guilt.

"Sorry, it must be so painful. I should have paid attention to my strength," Alexander's tone was turning pitiful towards the end.

Evelyn had a bad feeling about the upcoming situation, but before she could voice her feelings, Alexander made a move that was beyond Evelyn's anticipation.

Alexander lanced his body towards Evelyn, and before she could understand anything, he kissed her forehead.

Within seconds, Evelyn's mind was blank. A gust of hot whiff fused with soft and delicate cold lips was driving Evelyn crazy. Her palms flew in defense to rescue herself from this spot.

Evelyn held Alexander's arms and tried to sway him off, but before she had a chance, Alexander said, "Looks like your ears are hurt as well. It's all red."

"Let me relieve you a bit more," Alexander replied to Evelyn's moment without detaching his lips from her skin.

Alexander moved below and kissed the tip of Evelyn's ears, causing her to shiver all over.

'How cute.' Alexander smiled. He was pleased, looking at all the honest responses given by Evelyn's body.

Alexander wanted to go forth, but he restrained himself. 'Baby steps,' Alexander warned himself again.

"Let's order," Alexander summoned the waiter to order as if nothing had happened just now.

Evelyn was frustrated by seeing Alexander's neutral expression. She narrowed her eyes in anger. Her body has previously given out her genuine feelings, Evelyn needed an act of sweet revenge to satisfy her pride. It just so happened Evelyn knew how to get it.

She placed an order with a smile on her face. People like Alexander relished getting a response from their prey.

Evelyn seemed like a kitten, but she was a tigress who knew how to bite.

If Alexander enjoyed looking at Evelyn's reaction, she also loved to watch his helpless expression. It gave her a sense of victory, which she aspired to taste soon.

Unaware of the thoughts brewing in Evelyn's mind, Alexander asked, "How have you been?"

"Normal, you?" Evelyn responded blankly.

"Normal," Alexander laughed. People would usually answer with 'good' or 'fine', but Evelyn replied with something unusual. She truly was different.

"You are looking splendid today?" Alexander complimented.

Evelyn's dress truly suited her. When Alexander saw Evelyn getting out of the car at Dave's company, he craved to run towards her. A girl as beautiful as her should belong with him alone.

"Thanks." Evelyn nodded and started exploring the room with her eyes.

'What no word of appraisal for me?' was what Alexander wanted to ask, but he understood Evelyn now, at least a little bit.

Evelyn was avoiding Alexander. She wanted to deprive him of any type of satisfaction for pulling out the stunt.

"What were you doing with Olivia?" Alexander said, although he already knew the answer.

He wanted Evelyn's attention to him. What was so interesting in the room when he was sitting beside her?

"Just normal talks." Evelyn did not look at Alexander, which irritated him to no end.

"Didn't look normal to me," Alexander continued, "Never knew you were her friend."

"I am not." Evelyn looked at him.

"Then," Alexander asked. He had finally found something, which made Evelyn look at him. How can he leave it now? Alexander wanted to continue this discussion.

Before Evelyn could continue, their order arrived. Alexander's face crumpled. He was frowning as he glared at the waiter.

The waiter served the dishes with a trembling hand, unable to guess what he had done wrong. Cold sweat formed on his forehead, making him unable to concentrate on his task.

As soon as the waiter was done serving, he ran out without any care. Survival was important momentarily.

"Why don't you sit in front of me?" Evelyn asked, "It would be more comfortable."

"I am more than comfortable here." Alexander smiled, "Aren't you happy that your friend is right beside you?"

"Very." Evelyn gritted her teeth.

What was the use of arguing now? Alexander was an unreasonable person. Evelyn has not encountered it firsthand, but she has heard many rumors.

Evelyn sighed. She had no power to argue anymore. It was better to be quiet.

They both started eating after this small episode.

Soon the general talks turned into business talks, and the atmosphere was back to normal until Evelyn abruptly touched Alexander's lips.

She rubbed her small fingers over the corner of his lips over and over again till Evelyn was satisfied.

"You had food there," Evelyn stated in a plain voice, but Alexander's expression stiffened as if the lightning struck him.

Alexander's eyes widened in shock. He wanted to feel more of Evelyn's skin on his. Alexander had a childish mind when it came to Evelyn, which was a surprise as he had never experienced it prior to this.

Alexander wanted to touch Evelyn's lips. He wanted to feel the softness, which he could only see from afar. 'Should I use the same method that she used?' Alexander was confused.

It was too obvious if Alexander used the same means. Soon Alexander's eyes twinkled.

"You want ice-cream?" Alexander asked once they were done eating.

"Who eats ice-cream in broad daylight?" Evelyn chuckled. Alexander had some weird hobbies which were beyond her understanding.

"Don't be a cry baby. It's just an ice-cream. Can't you eat one with your friend?" Alexander looked at Evelyn with hope.

"Ok." Evelyn groaned. Why was she surrounded by all the babies again? But to Evelyn's surprise, Alexander wanted to have an ice-cream from an ice-cream cart in a park.

It was a very specific request.

"Why?" Evelyn asked in confusion.

"It's all about the experience. Let's go." Alexander held Evelyn's hand together into a firm grip and went out.