
Kyle entered the IL group.

Kyle's sights wandered around. He was here earlier, but now he was here for a completely different reason. The reception area was not crowded, and everyone appeared to be in their own working space.

Kyle walked to the reception. The girl was semi-formally dressed. She was not looking out of the place but rather complemented it well.

"I am here to visit Miss Day." Kyle voiced out his purpose.

"Do you have an appointment?" The receptionist asked with a smile. Her eyes were beaming but neutral.

Kyle was confused, the usual admiration that he witnessed was not there. But the receptionist was not to be blamed for it. During her daily dealings, she met so many people that she had grown accustomed to handsome men.

"No," Kyle said, looking straight at her eyes. "I am here for work."

Kyle wanted to see a difference in the girl's face but was soon disappointed.

The receptionist saw Kyle with uncertainty. She was sure she had seen him here before but could not remember. "You good name, Sir."

"Kyle Black."

"Oh," The receptionist recognized him. He had been visiting the company for a few days without an appointment. It had been a few days when he met with Evelyn. The receptionist eyed Kyle before saying, "Sorry, Miss Evelyn is not here at the moment, but she has assigned you a place to report."

Kyle nodded.

The receptionist flipped some sheets and wrote something on the piece of paper before she handed it over to Kyle.

"Please go to the sixth floor and search for Sir Mason. This is his number if you cannot find him. He would guide you with your tasks."

Kyle took the paper from the girl and nodded.

A plain paper with a name along with a string of numbers graced his eyes. Plain and simple.

Kyle's focus diverted around him. He did not see it last time, but now that he looked around, Kyle could see things more properly.

Evelyn's firm was based on a simplistic approach. The company followed a basic white and grey theme with some pop of colors at places. Artifacts were decorating the hallways.

Kyle observed their work of addressal. Most of them referred to Evelyn as Miss or Madam. No one called her President or CEO. Along with this, people working here did not have a fixed dress code but wore a coat.

A modern lookout for the workplace. Kyle strongly believed that Evelyn was influenced by her foreign country's outlook. After all, the culture you grew up in influences you a lot.

Kyle's grasp stiffened on the page as he strolled towards the elevator.


Evelyn walked through the revolving door into the company.

She was surrounded by her bodyguards. Only her long legs were visible through the barrier.

Evelyn was wrapped in an A-line silhouette. The dress had a v-cut neckline enhancing Evelyn's neck along with a front slit. She was dressed in a two-tone design, white and apricot orange. She was wearing a white Pointed Toe D'Orsay, which gave her a sharp look.

Evelyn's assistant was over at the elevator door, waiting for her to enter.

Evelyn smiled at him and mouthed a small 'thank you.' as she entered the elevator.

**Inside the Conference Room.**

The conference room was white with a large pearl color marble as their center-table. The overall white was complemented with black and silver chairs.

There was a whiteboard along with a sliding presentation screen. The floor was of black marbles with mild silver lines, adding an artistic look to the room's ambiance.

Alexander was sitting in the head chair. He was wearing a dark grey suit complementing his surroundings. His eyes were fixed on his phone.

Alexander was calm on the surface, but he was fighting with himself in his mind.


It was thirty minutes past the agreed time. There was no news from Evelyn yet.

Just as Alexander wanted to call her, Evelyn entered the room.

There were eight to ten people already present in the room. Evelyn looked at Alexander's inquiring eyes and smiled, touching her hairs.

"Sorry I am late," Evelyn said. Today she was wearing a high pony. Her long locks touched her waist.

Alexander was surrounded by the people on both sides. Evelyn walked opposite him along with her team.

Evelyn had called in an emergency meeting today. Even though there was no prior notice given, it was a pressing matter and could not be delayed any further.

"I was stuck in the traffic," Evelyn sat opposite Alexander.

Evelyn's team sat around her in their respective places.

Evelyn felt a burning gaze on her. She was sure who this person might be. Evelyn's eyelashes fluttered as she looked in front.

Alexander's eyes followed Evelyn as a hawk from the moment she entered. She was looking different. Alexander had never seen Evelyn with her hair tied up.

Evelyn's dress was hugging her body and enhancing her curves. Alexander's eyes darkened, looking at her exposed neck. It was so long, like a swan.

Alexander's lips trembled. He wanted to mark Evelyn's neck. He wanted to tell everyone present there that she belonged to him. Even if they look at her too long, he would gouge their eyes out.

"Ma'am." One of Alexander's secretaries gave Evelyn the file for today's meeting.

"Thanks," Evelyn smiled at him and turned the pages. Her smile irritated Alexander. His fingers formed a fist.

"Shall we start?" Evelyn glanced at Alexander and asked. His gaze was distracting her calm.

Alexander was staring at her neck with such a passion that Evelyn subconsciously touched her neck in defense.

Alexander smirked, seeing Evelyn's reaction. He affected her as much as she affected him.

Alexander nodded and looked towards his left.

A lady got up from her seat and went towards the whiteboard.

Evelyn observed her. She was young and beautiful. Maybe around the same age as Alexander's.

"Afternoon, I am Amelia, project head of Meadow Resort."

Amelia's voice was soothing to the ears. She mastered her field and had expert knowledge. A beauty with brains.

Evelyn watched Amelia. Others might think she was here to finalize the project, but Evelyn had already made up her mind. She was here to enjoy a play.

Amelia's eyes wandered towards Alexander. But the person was busy absorbing Evelyn's beauty in his eyes.

Evelyn just smiled in her cheeks and flipped the file given to her. She soon started scanning through it and marking things.

The project was not that complicated. The company intended to take up the halfway completed hotel and change it into a luxurious resort.

The resort would be a go-to place for the rich and elite. It would comprise the golf court, private swimming pools for each room, a horse range, and many more.

The paperwork was at the last stage. The prior owner abandoned the project due to a lack of funding. Over the years, his passion also decreased, thus, the land was neglected altogether.

The area was on the outskirts near the forest. A place away from the city's hustle-bustle. When Alexander's team decided to take up the project, many investors wanted to invest in it.

Alexander's plans always worked. Many investors ran towards them to gain an upper hand on it. A profitable project. Finance was never a problem for Knight's.

But Mr. Knight wanted Evelyn's expertise. She was young and intelligent.

Evelyn glanced at the screen. There were many plans and data on it. All of which was well explained by Amelia.

As the presentation was over. Evelyn said, "Who will look after the project."

A smile formed on Amelia's face. "I will be looking after it all together."

Evelyn nodded and turned towards Alexander. He was still observing her. A blush settled on Evelyn's neck.

"And you, Mr. Knight," Evelyn's voice was soft on the ears. It infuriated Alexander to hear the formal tone from Evelyn.

First, it was Mr. Alexander, and now it's Mr. Knight. Alexander felt he was moving backward rather than moving ahead, but he understood. It was business now.

"He would also be there for the complete process." Amelia interrupted before Alexander could reply.

Evelyn grinned at Amelia's enthusiasm. She looked towards Alexander to confirm.

Evelyn understood Amelia's mind. It was as clear as day what she wanted to do. Supervising the entire process would need Alexander to be there.

Evelyn giggled as she closed the file. Her hand rested on it.

Evelyn's fingers were long and white. A diamond bracelet dangled around her wrist. The light that reflected on the diamond gave out a glowing light. It made Evelyn's hand look tempting.

Alexander gulped. He wanted to hold the hand within his.

'A ring will look breathtaking on her.'

'A ring from me.'

'Maybe it could be engraved with our initials.'

Alexander wanted to give Evelyn something special. Something that no one had.

'Maybe I should find something soon.'

A soft voice that shook his heart broke Alexander's trail of thoughts.

"I won't invest in the project."