Protective Instinct

Layla saw this scene from afar.

The rose in her hand was crushed as its petals fell on the ground.

Alexander was never this loving in front of her. Did Evelyn and Layla saw the same person?

There was a smile in Alexander's eyes when he talked with Evelyn. As he touched her cheeks, there was satisfaction on his face, which was quite rare to watch.

Alexander and Evelyn were looking at Kyle. There was no change in emotions on Kyle, but the same cannot be said for Alexander.

Alexander's eyes were glaring knives at Kyle. His body was burning with hatred. An emotion that was unknown to Alexander.

Layla saw the strained atmosphere surrounding the three and walked towards Kyle.

Alexander was staring at Kyle with venom-filled pupils. His mind was working in all possible directions.

'What was Kyle doing here?'

'Had Kyle met with Evelyn?'

'Why didn't Evelyn say anything about Kyle's visit to him?'

'If he did not visit today, would Evelyn keep it a secret?'

He did not meet Evelyn for a few days, and Kyle was here to talk with Evelyn again.

Evelyn sensed Alexander's emotions change. Just as Alexander was about to move towards Kyle, she held Alexander's hand on her face.

Alexander felt the softness surrounding his hand as he looked down to the source.

Seeing Evelyn, Alexander wanted to ask her, 'Did Kyle threaten Evelyn again?'

Alexander wanted to defend Evelyn, no matter the cost. His friendship with Kyle was already over. Alexander would not mind taking a step further and destroy his prior friend.

'Maybe I should get a ring fast.'

Evelyn observed Alexander before she shook her head and sneezed Alexander's hand. Reassuring him on his unasked question.

Alexander took a deep breath and calmed his mind. He had to remember he was outside. What if his ruthlessness scares Evelyn? Won't all of his effort be in a vain?

As Alexander was lost in his thoughts, Layla arrived near Kyle and held his hand.

Kyle was busy scrutinizing the couple in front of him. He was happy that Alexander had forgotten Layla and found someone else. But it still baffled him how fast this transformation was.

"Kyle" Layla's faint call brought back Kyle from his trail of thoughts. He looked at Layla. She was here. If Alexander had someone at his side, so did Kyle. Kyle's face curved up as he held Layla's hand firmly.

Layla turned to and saw Alexander and Evelyn staring at her.

Layla was uncertain about her emotions. Alexander's eyes were blank as he looked towards her. Alexander had never looked at Layla like this. Earlier, there was interest towards her, but now Alexander's eyes were empty, just like dead. It frightened Layla as her breath hitched.

"Should we go now," Evelyn saw the changing emotions on Kyle and Layla's face. She held Alexander's hand and said, "Alex."

Alexander's eyes widened with happiness. He forgot the upheaval of his heart. Evelyn had taken the initiative to call him 'Alex' for the first time.

Alexander ignored the existence of two human starings at him and concentrated on the fairy like a person in front of his eyes.

'Trust and Communication.' Alexander breathed out and let Evelyn sit in the car. Alexander did not glance back at the other two, who were wide-eyed at Alexander's behavior.

**Inside the car**

There was an awkward silence filling the small space. Alexander and Evelyn both were looking outside the window.

The lights reflected on Alexander's face from various sources starting from street lamps to the car headlights.

Evelyn turned her head and saw colors flashed on Alexander's face. It made his face show mixed emotions in various lights.

Alexander was filled with thoughts and had no idea that a small kitten was observing him with dedication.

Alexander wanted to ask about Kyle. But he was afraid of the answer Evelyn would give. All the negative answers came into his mind as Alexander clenched his fist. He had a strong urge to beat someone, to vent the feeling crawling into his heart.

Evelyn knew there was some misunderstanding on Alexander's side. Maybe he was thinking ahead on the situation, but Evelyn did not know where to start explaining. If Alexander did not ask her anything, how could she explain then? Evelyn did not know what was bothering Alexander. But Evelyn felt Alexander's mood getting worse.

Evelyn touched Alexander's clenched fist as she fiddled with his fingers all the way.

Alexander saw the small and soft hand trying its best to release his anger in silence. A smile formed on his face, and he let Evelyn play with his hand.

Unknown to Alexander, his wrath was blown away gently and replaced by pleasure.

**At the dinner table.**

"Before you ask, Kyle has started working in the company," Evelyn said after they ordered.

"Why?" Alexander was not happy with Kyle being near Evelyn at any cost.

Even though Alexander knew Evelyn had no interest in Kyle and Kyle was happy with Layla. Alexander still hated the idea of them both working together and seeing each other almost every day and every time.

"What, why? For payback, obviously." Evelyn circled her finger around her glass rim.

"Under you?" Alexander thought this was the main question he wanted to ask. For how long will Kyle see you? Will you communicate with him more than you talk with me?

Those were the questions Alexander hid behind his sentence. His heart was beating fast as he anticipated Evelyn's answer.

"Not under me. Under my Vice President Mason," Evelyn drank the water from her glass, "I think you know him."

Alexander nodded. 'But still, Kyle would be able to see her daily.' Alexander was irritated with himself.

Alexander knew Mason. He was not only the Vice President of IL Group but also one of Evelyn's best friends. Mason had attended a few meetings on behalf of Evelyn when she still was abroad. He was not an easy man to deal with. Under his playful exterior was a very calculative and cunning man.

Alexander touched his chin. If Mason was like this, then how horrible would be his boss.

Alexander gazed at Evelyn but shook his head soon.

'How can an angel be surrounded by evil?'

No matter how Alexander looked at Evelyn, he only saw a soft white ball that needed his protection.

Alexander's eyes turned soft, which was noticed by Evelyn.

"Why did you wanted to have dinner?" Evelyn asked.

"Because we are friends." Alexander shrugged his shoulder as if it was the most likely answer.

'Always there is this same repetitive answer for almost everything. Friends these, friends that.' Evelyn was starting to get irritated hearing it.

Evelyn promised herself if Alexander said it one more time, she would smack his head.

"You say that a lot." Evelyn giggled in annoyance.

"Because we are friends," Alexander said innocently.

"Oh," Evelyn remarked, "You say it so often as if I have a weak memory."

Alexander nodded, conforming to Evelyn's remark, "That's why I love to remind you."

Soon the food was served, and both of them kept their sarcasm aside and started enjoying the food.

The table was filled with healthy food. Alexander had ordered everything healthy. The table was covered with almost all colors of food, greens, yellows, reds, etc.

Evelyn took a few bits before asking, "I don't want to sound noisy, but what did you do about the project?"

"The land is off the table. Thanks to you." Alexander smiled. "We are searching for new land now."

Evelyn nodded and resumed eating.

"Do you have any suggestions?" Alexander asked.

"Don't you think I would make some profit out of it?"

"I won't mind sharing my money with you." Alexander winked at Evelyn, making her pink.

Observing Evelyn's neck turning red, Alexander murmured, "Maybe for a lifetime."

Evelyn choked on her food. She hurriedly drank some water to stabilize her breathing.

Alexander was worried about Evelyn. He patted her back to comfort her, "Are you okay?"

Evelyn nodded before she resumed eating. Her heart was beating faster than usual.

Alexander's single sentence affected her, which annoyed Evelyn.

"Evelyn?" Both Alexander and Evelyn turned towards the sound of a man.

Alexander did not know who the man was, but the tone he used to call Evelyn was too friendly for Alexander's liking.

Alexander's eyes turned dark.

'First Kyle and now him. Why was the path towards Evelyn so hard?'

But Alexander knew this path would lead him towards a fruit that would be more sweeter than heaven.

Alexander saw the man looking at him with hostility. Alexander's protective instinct was activated. His hand automatically moved towards Evelyn's palm as he held it tightly, marking his territory.

Alexander looked at the man in provocation, but before he could say anything, a small head popped from behind the man.

The man was not alone. There was a female partner alongside him, who was staring at them both with wide eyes.
