Then i will pretend to be bigger

The McLaren logo looked dazzling.

Wan Ming was dumbfounded.

He quickly picked up the car keys and examined them , and said in disbelief, "Mouse, is this ... a model key? It's just a joke, right?"

"Hm, what a coincidence there is a McLaren P1 parked below and you pulled out McLaren car keys. Does that mean that car below is yours?"

Tan Hong snorted.

"Yes, it's mine."

Wu Hao looked indifferent.


Tan Hong did not believe him so he casually grabbed the car keys, walked to the window and pressed it in the direction the sports car was parked.


The sports car below sounded.

At the same time the headlights lit up a little.

Tan Hong was confused.

He pressed the key once more.

The sports car let out a sound again.

And the headlights flashed again.

Tan Hong froze in place.

Wan Ming, who was huddled on the side, also saw it and jerked his head to look at Wu Hao and said, "Mouse, where did you get the car? It's not a rental is it?"

"Am i crazy to the point where i would rent a sports car to meet you?"

Wu Hao gave him a cold look.

"Then you ..."

"My car."

"Where did you get such a nice car?"

"Don't worry about it."

Wu Hao took a seat and knocked on the table and said, "Come here, you two, I have something to say to you."

Tan Hong slowly turned around.

He blinked and suddenly threw the car keys to the table, then said with a disdainful face: "If you really had this kind of car then your company would not have gone bankrupt. So you can pretend as much as you like, I really despise people like you the most."

"Hehe, so you can't accept that I have money?"

Wu Hao laughed.

"You have money? Did the golden father fall from the sky?" Tan Hong's face rose red.

"Golden father does not exist, Or maybe it can be that I suddenly have an extra grandfather and directly inherited trillions of dollars?"

"You read too many novels, right?"

Just then, there was a knock on the door outside the private room followed by a clear sweet voice: "Wan Ming?"

"The beauty is here."

Wan Ming's eyes lit up and he winked at Wu Hao: "I have a surprise for you two."

"Surprise my ass, I know who it is just by the voice alone."

Wu Hao glared at him, then said loudly, "Come in, Han Yuehua."

"Huh? How did you know it was her?"

Wan Ming was stunned.

Immediately after that, the door was pushed open.

Han Yuehua stepped in wearing her white high heels with a slim and graceful face, looking at Wu Hao with a surprised face: "You're here too?"

"Yes, it's a classmate reunion isn't it??." Wu Hao smiled.

"My God."

Wan Ming looked at Han Yuehua who came in with dumbfounded eyes, and muttered, "Han Beauty, you are getting more and more prettier."

"This is our department flower, right?"

Tan Hong also welcomed her.

"Hello, I'm Han Yuehua."

Han Yuehua smiled at Tan Hong.

She had mild dimples which complimented her white casual gauze dress she was wearing and her black hair that dropped down to her shoulders looked silky and smooth.

Her two eyes looked like jewels.

Her face value had increased yet again.

Even Wu Hao had to secretly praise her.

Han Yuehua could be regarded as a natural beauty.

Especially her temperament .

She was not vulgar.

Instead she carried a certain air pure softness.

The atmosphere in the room finally eased down. The power of beauty sometimes exceeds the power of material things.

Wan Ming and Tan Hong both forgot about the sports car.

The two were attentive and led Han Yuehua to the table, next to Wu Hao.

Afterwards, the four people took their seats.

Tan Hong's fat face was glistening with oil, and he excitedly picked up the Maotai and said, "Today, we are officially acquainted with our department flower. Han Yuehua, today we have to drink a little bit."

"Wait a minute."

Han Yuehua quickly waved her hand, then turned her head to look at Wu Hao, with fiery and admiring eyes, and lightly smiled, "Let's toast Mr. Wu."

"What?" Tan Hong was stunned.

"Toast him for what?"

Wan Ming also asked in confusion.

"You all don't know, huh?"

Han Yuehua glanced at the two, then said with a proud face, "It seems that I'm the only one who knows about it. Wu Hao, you're still hiding from everyone?"

"What am I hiding?" Wu Hao blinked.

"You are now a man who is worth over 100 million, and you are still pretending to be a pig while you are a tiger."

When Han Yuehua's words fell, Tan Hong and Wan Ming were stunned at the same time.

"Han Yuehua, what are you talking about? What man worth over a million dollars?"

Wan Ming's voice trembled as he spoke.

Han Yuehua took a look at Wu Hao and since he was not objecting to her saying anything she looked at Wan Ming and Tan Hong with a smile and said, "He is now is a rich man. The Yanjing Financial Street you know, now is all under his name."


The Maotai in Tan Hong's hand fell on the table.

His face froze

It instantly turned pale.

Wan Ming had his mouth open for a while before regaining regathering himself and finally looked at Wu Hao and asked in astomishment, "Is it true? Mouse?"


Wu Hao gave a slight nod.

"So that means that McLaren sports car outside ..."

"I said, it's mine."


Tan Hong fell onto his chair.

This is a big joke, right?

If Yanjing Financial Street is really Wu Hao's, isn't it normal for him to have a McLaren P1 sports car?

The atmosphere in the room was strange.

Tan Hong face reddened.

Wan Ming was also full of disbelief.

Han Yuehua's big watery eyes blinked, puzzled: "You two ..."

"Alright, three."

Wu Hao suddenly stood up long, casually picked up the bottle of Maotai wine and put it in front of Wan Ming and indifferently said, "Old Wan, your character is too humble."

"I also have a few rich friends. If I needed to rely on such means to revive the company, I wouldn't have asked you to declare bankruptcy."

"Our problem is not money, but rather the product positioning itself is wrong."

"You shouldn't have bought this bottle of Maotai."

"In future you should take care of yourself."

Then he looked at Tan Hong with a disdainful smile: "Old Tan, originally I wanted to see my old classmates, But i take pleasure in going back."

"Classmates reunion was supposed to be a joyous time but since we are being pretentious?"

"Then I will simply pretend to be bigger. Yesterday, I just went to the Financial Street to collect rent, and ended up collecting 4.1 billion. Does that sound good?"

"Everyone has the possibility of turning over a new leaf. A few million can't buy a classmate's love. You want to help, I accept your favour. But do not be pretentious with money because no one is inferior to you, you know?"

After saying these words, Wu Hao's expression softened a bit and looked at Han Yuehua and smiled: "I'm not in the mood today, let's get together again some other day. Let's go."

"Mouse ..."

Wan Ming hurriedly stood up.

Unfortunately, Wu Hao picked up the car keys and left the private room without looking back.