Beautiful or not with a scoop of water

Leaving Yuzhangmen, Wu Hao walked to the parking lot.

From a distance he could see two people standing next to his car taking pictures.

A stylishly dressed woman was leaning against the sports car, scratching her head.

Another long-haired young man with a high-end SLR camera was taking pictures of the girl.

These days, this kind of thing was very common and not rare to see.

Wu Hao could care less.

After getting near the two, he leaned on the car.

Wait a minute.

Everyone's heart was filled with vanity.

But what he didn't expect was that just after he sat down, the long hair with the camera looked back at him, and then pushed him away.

"Watch where you sit, I just bought this car."

Said the long-haired man and then proceeded to wipe where Wu Hao had just sat with his hand.

With the corners of his mouth almost reaching his ears.

Wu Hao blinked, then suddenly turned around and approached the girl who was leaning against the sports car and pulled her away with one hand, and casually rubbed the dust off the hood of the car.

"F*ck you ..."

The man's eyes glared at him and cursed.

As a result, Wu Hao took out the car key and unlocked the car.

With the vertical car door slowly opening, Wu Hao sat in the driver's seat with an indifferent face then the car door slowly closed again.

The long-haired and the fashionable girl looked embarrassed and they quickly stepped aside.


The car started and the engine roared.

In a roar, the sports car quickly drove away from the small alley.



Ten minutes later.

Wu Hao drove the car to the Newton office area.

His small company was in this building and only two office rooms were rented.

Sitting in the car, Wu Hao's mind was all over the place.

He pressed down the car window, took out a lighter and lit a cigarette, while smoking and looking at the company floor.

It was still very sad.

During the two years of entrepreneurship, the company had grown to the size of ten people.

Since it was a small agency to put it bluntly, all they dealt with was buying and selling so they did not need too many people as such ten people were enough.

Unfortunately their product's positioning in the market was not accurate.

In addition, he acted as an agent for foreign products and was stuck with the delivery date and source of goods by foreign suppliers. Not long ago, an accident led to problems with customers' orders

This resulted in a loss of more than seven million.

The company's capital chain as a result was completely broken, almost all mortgages were mortgaged and only then had they barely compensated the money.

Subsequently, employees resigned one after the other.

In the end only Wan Ming remained.

Wu Hao took a hard drag of the cigarette and then slowly puffed it out.

His mind was deep in thought.

Wan Ming has his weaknesses.

He had his short comings

As he was impulsive and impatient.

He was really not suitable to be a partner.

Being his friend is almost the same.

At the start of the company, the registered capital was borrowed in pieces, and that kid had borrowed nearly half a million as he overestimated his abilities.

Psh, that brat.

Wu Hao relaxed his body and leaned back in the chair, with his left hand on the window, he slowly closed his eyes.

The cigarette between his fingers still burning a little.

"Hey, handsome."

Suddenly, a whispering voice came from outside.

Wu Hao froze.

Got up and twisted his head to look at where the sound came from.

Next to the car window, a woman wearing a red halter dress with long hair was bending over to look inside the car.

Goodness gracious.

What a revealing outfit.

As she had bent over, he could see everything.

Wu Hao blinked: "What is it?"

"Handsome, do you need company?"

The woman lowered her voice and whispered a sentence.

Once he heard this, Wu Hao suddenly came to a realisation.


Nowadays as long as you are driving a sports car, there would be people rushing to accompany you on the roadside?

He looked at the woman carefully.

She looks old enough.

Her face had a thick layer of makeup.

With her smile constantly rustling down.

Her lips smeared like she just ate a child to death.

Apart from her body, her face was a turnoff.

Wu Hao frowned and withdrew his gaze and said indifferently, "There is no need."

"Yo, handsome are you really not interested?, Is it because I'm not beautiful enough?"

"Beautiful or not you need a scoop of water to take off your makeup, you look like a ghost."

Wu Hao casually returned a sentence.

Then closed the car window, started the car and hit the full throttle straight into the office building underground parking space.

After parking the car, he took the elevator to the sixth floor.

The two office areas on the sixth floor were where his company was located.

The full name of the company is 'Yanjing Haotian Photonics Technology Co.

Looking at the sign at the entrance, Wu Hao muttered: "Life still needs passion. Now that i have money, we should be more driven."

"Ya, Mr. Wu?"

Suddenly, a person ran out of the company.

It was the receptionist girl?

"Sun Mengmeng?"

Wu Hao said curiously, "Why are you still here?"

"Mr. Wu, I ... was a little sad to leave this place, so I came back to take a look."

Sun Mengmeng ran to Wu Hao.

This girl lived up to her name.

Just nineteen years old this year.

Only a year ago she was hired into the company to become a receptionist.

She is very enthusiastic.

She is a Ganxi girl with a straightforward and spirited personality, and she is well organised, which Wu Hao really appreciated.

"Mengmeng, the company is bankrupt, why couldn't you let go?"

Wu Hao asked casually.

"Mr. Wu, I really liked the team atmosphere of our company, because they were all young people. It felt very energising. Especially you, Mr. Wu."

Speaking of this, Sun Mengmeng blushed and lowered her head and whispered, "I think you are very handsome, Mr. Wu you are very stylish."


Wu Hao laughed: "I've driven the company out of business, how am i stylish?"

"That's stylish."

Sun Mengmeng lifted his head and said seriously, "No one can just succeed. Wasn't it that Wang Wanda and Ma Ali had financial backing? Mr. Wu really had started with nothing."

"Yo? You are very good."

Wu Hao's eyes lit up.

He had not noticed that this little receptionist was quite knowledgeable.