I'm happy to get a little fan girl

"Wow! what a cool sports car"

In the parking lot.

When Sun Mengmeng saw the McLaren P1, she screamed with excitement.

Her squicky voice made Wu Hao's ears buzz.

She walked around the car several times, and still could not believe that this was Wu Hao's car.

"My God, Mr. Wu, this is the 'evil smile', right?"

"It has a nice feel."

"I can't believe it, I've only seen such a sports car in games and on TV."

"Wow, Mr. Wu, please tell me the truth. Are you the son of a big shot? You know you can tell me right? And i promise not to tell anyone else."


Sun Mengmeng excitedly jumped around Wu Hao.

Wu Hao didn't know whether to laugh or cry.

"Mengmeng, Mengmeng, be quiet, be quiet."

"Oh, okay, I'll be quiet."

Sun Mengmeng stood in front of him, And looked at him with a pair of big eyes filled with adoration.

It was also really strange.

When the company started operating in the past, this girl had always worshipped herself when she was hired.

Wu Hao couldn't figure out what made her to be so fascinated.

There were so many people who graduated from college and started their own businesses.

At that time, he was really poor.

But yet she did not mind.

Either way, this girl was really good.

Wu Hao let out a sigh and opened the car door while laughing: "Mengmeng, can i ask you a question? but you have to think carefully before answering me."

"Alright Mr. Wu." Sun Mengmeng nodded seriously.

"Do you still want to continue working with me?"


"Aren't you afraid that I will fail again? And drag you back in life, wasting your days of being young?."

"Nah, there's nothing to lose, besides men get more attractive as they get older."

Wu Hao was suddenly speechless and said helplessly, "I am talking about your youth."

"Oh, women are the same. I'm not mature enough right now, i just squander my youth and when I settle down, I'll match with Mr. Wu ... cough!."

Sun Mengmeng hastily covered her mouth and lowered her head.

One foot was rubbing swaying around back and forth on the ground.

Wu Hao gave a meaningful look.

Only nineteen years old.

And with a height of 1.68 meters.

Long legs, thin waist, high face value, and what was wonderful about her is that she was very thoughtful.

Coupled with how orderly her work was, she seems to be a more suitable partner.

As for the age well ...

Wu Hao suddenly reached out and patted the car door: "Meng Meng, let's go, let's have a meal together, at noon I will take you home."

"Where are we going?" Sun Mengmeng was stunned.

"You'll know when we get there so get in the car."

After saying that, he directly got into the driver's seat.

Sun Mengmeng jumped excitedly and squeezed her small hand, bawling it into a fist and after giving out an 'oh yeah', she got into the passenger seat.

As the car door slowly closed, Sun Mengmeng was startled by the sound of the car.

Then the sports car roared out of the underground parking.


After two o'clock in the afternoon.

Wu Hao brought Sun Mengmeng to the financial street.

When the two entered the office building in the garden in the garden, Sun Mengmeng's whole body was dumbfounded.

"Mengmeng, for the next few days, you'll be working here."

"I ... I'm working here ...?"

Sun Mengmeng froze and asked.

"Yes, Haotian Photon is kind of complex for me but I'm not ready to give it up. So In the next few days I will send you some information and all you have to do is sort out all my clients into different categories."


"Also, sort out the products we dealt in before and In the future we will only be focusing on domestic ones and no longer dealing with foreign products."


Sun Mengmeng was stunned, "Is the domestic equipment competitive?"

"Mengmeng, competitiveness and brand are needed to operate. As long as the product passes the test. I was in a hurry before and as such my positioning was wrong."

"Why?" Sun Mengmeng did not understand.

"Mengmeng, the optical industry, whether military or civilian products, the future trend is to support independent brands. The country can't let foreign products choke them by the throat, do you understand?"

Once she heard this, Sun Mengmeng's eyes lit up: "I understand."

"So, I will go and look for a local partner."

"Well, Mr. Wu, every time I see you full of confidence, I can't help but admire you."


Wu Hao's old face turned red.

This girl is really hot and direct.

What a good character.

Saying that she admires you and then stare straight at you with those big eyes.

Can't stand it

Wu Hao coughed dryly twice and casually put the key card on the table: "Okay, you get familiar with this place first. The top floor is my office, but I have to go out in the afternoon."

"Mr. Wu, when will you be back?" Sun Mengmeng hurriedly asked a follow-up question.

"Not sure. I'll give you a call when the time comes."

Wu Hao waved his hand and turned to leave.

Sun Mengmeng stood at the door looking at his back and muttered, "Wow. He is so admirable."


Leaving the financial street, Wu Hao called Wan Ming again.

"Hey, old Wan, wait for me at the usual place."

"Misty grass, mouse, I thought you didn't want me. I'll go right away, wait for me."

After saying that, the two hung up the phone.

Wu Hao drove straight to a barbecue restaurant outside Yanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics.

A few minutes later.

He parked the car at the roadside and walked straight into the barbecue store.

Behind him, countless shocked eyes were left behind.

Driving a McLaren sports car to eat barbecue in front of the school?