People can't forget their roots

"Mouse, Here i am."

Wan Ming was out of breath as he entered the barbecue shop.

"Over here."

Wu Hao beckoned.

Wan Ming squeezed through over to him and looked at the table full of skewers, plus a whole case of beer next to it, and said in a stunned expression, "Mouse, this is ..."

"Sit down."

Wu Hao smiled faintly.

After waiting for Wan Ming to sit down, only then did he say as if it was no big deal, "I just transferred three million to you."

"Ah? What for?"

"You should use this money to pay back the loan and thank you for trusting me in the first place, so naturally I can't let you down."

Wan Ming blinked and muttered, "Mouse, you're ... breaking up with me?"

"Hehe, it's not that serious."

Wu Hao casually picked up two bottles of beer and put them on the table, opening them while saying, "After paying back the money you borrowed, the rest is what you deserve."


Wan Ming's face went gray.

"Old Wan, don't be so depressed. Didn't you also say you don't like doing sales too much? Use this money to do something you like to do."

"What else can I do?"

"It depends on your interest. Interest is the first requirement for success."

Wan Ming's voice was a little hoarse: "So, is this a farewell meal?"

"You're crazy."

Wu Hao rolled his eyes and hit his bottle with a wine bottle: "I won't be your colleague, but you are still my brother. If you hadn't brought 500,000 to support me in the beginning, I wouldn't have been able to open this company."

"Holy shit!"

Wan Ming suddenly exhaled.

His face returned to that of a silly expression, and he looked at Wu Hao and sighed: "Mouse, you f*cking scared me to death. Next time don't talk to me with a stern face. You almost scared me to death."

"Come on, don't be silly. Are you going to drink or not?"

"Yes, I am grandson."

"If that's what you say, I asked for a case today so drink it all."

"You ... are crazy, right?"

Wan Ming cried: "Mouse, who dares to drink with you like that? Even if i was to drink my stomach till it bleeds today, I still can't drink that much."

"Drink and see."

Wu Hao smilingly picked up the skewer and ate it by himself.

Wan Ming blinked and suddenly came closer and lowered his voice and said, "Mouse, how come Financial Street has suddenly become your property? Do you really have a tycoon grandfather?"


Wu Hao laughed.

"Don't do that Mouse, just tell your buddy about it."

"Tell you? You have a big mouth, isn't telling you the same as telling the world? Come on, let's drink. The more you know, the faster you die."

"Holy shit. Ok fine I won't ask i will just drink."

"That's right, drink."

Two people picked up the bottle of wine and bumped them , raised their heads back and began to down the bottles.

In the summer, eating kebabs and drinking ice cold beer was a norm.


Four o'clock in the afternoon.

The two people finally finished drinking.

They used less time drinking and spent more time chatting.

Wan Ming and Wu Hao were actually not familiar with each other in school, the two met during a basketball game.

After talking and realising they had the same things in common they became friends.

After graduation, Wu Hao wanted to start a business.

As a result, Wan Ming was the first to respond to cooperate, and even brought half a million to help him.

Wu Hao was still grateful towards Wan Ming.

Can not cooperate.

But one can't forget their roots.

A case of beer is neither too much nor too little.

The two of them were actually quite drunk and were dizzy, they felt like they were floating.

Wu Hao hailed a cab on the side of the road and directly stuffed a hundred dollars to the cab driver's pockets and let the driver take Wan Ming back to his neighbourhood.

Then he took out his cell phone and made a call.

"Hey, Manager Wei, please find someone to come to the barbecue restaurant in front of Yanhang. I'm too drunk to drive, find someone to drive me home for a trip."

"Okay Mr. Wu, just a moment."

Wei Lai's voice was calm, strong and crisp.

He hung up the phone.

Wu Hao leaned against the side of the sports car and blew out air.

There was a large flow of people around the school and many students passed his way, each one glancing at him with an envious look.

Especially many girls' eyes were shining.

After standing for less than five minutes there had already been four girls hitting on him one after the other.

Wu Hao, through the influence of wine did not to refute.

And gave his number to the beautiful girl out of the four.

He only said a few words to the ugly ones to chase them away.

After a moment, on the side of the road ran over a person.

The person quickly rushed to Wu Hao's side and said in a delicate voice: "Mr. Wu, I'm here."


Wu Hao was stunned.

How come it was a girl?

Turning his head to take a closer look, wasn't this one of the girls wearing biker clothes in the 4S store of Champion Motors?

I should say she was the most beautiful one.

A bit like the national daughter Xiaotong, even the body is very similar, not appealing.

Wu Hao blinked

Blink: "You ... can drive?"

"Will yes?"

"How old are you?"


"Let me see your driver's license."

The girl immediately pulled out a driver's license and handed it over.

Wu Hao swept a glance.

Her name was Wei Xia.

Sure enough, this was an official driver's license.

"You last name is also Wei?"

"Mr. Wu, Wei Lai is my brother."


Wu Hao gave her back her driver's license, rubbed his temples and said, "You drive, take me home, I'm a little dizzy from drinking."


The two of them got in the car.

Wu Hao sent her the address, and leaned directly on the back the seat and closed his eyes for a nap.

"Mr. Wu, how much wine did you drink?"

"More than twenty bottles."

"Huh? You can really drink. Sit tight, let's go."


There was an engine roar in Wu Hao's ears.

Then, the car slowly drove out of the intersection and merged into the main road.

Immediately after that he felt like he was falling onto clouds.

Wu Hao squinted his eyes for a while, nodding slightly and finally felt relieved.

This girl is actually a decent driver