Smash the car for me

It was seven o'clock in the evening.

Eagle Blue International Financial Centre downstairs.

At this moment, the entrance of the building was crowded with celebrities and endless streams of elites.

Shenghua Securities is an internationally renowned company.

Therefore, the monthly high-end cocktail party had invited a lot of people.

The parking lot downstairs was already lined with luxury cars.

At a certain moment.

A low engine roar sounded.

All the receptionists at the door and other guests who were about to enter turned their heads to look at the same time.

A dazzling Pagani supercar slowly drove over.

"Look, a tycoon is coming."

"That's a Pagani, right?"

"It's Huayra BC, it's said to cost more than twenty million."

"Look, who's so awesome?"


There was a chatter at the door.

Soon the sports car came to a stop.

Inside the car.

Wu Hao smiled lightly at Sun Mengmeng: "Mengmeng, go first. The parking space here looks like it's full, I'll go to park in the garden."


Sun Mengmeng unbuckled her seat belt and suddenly said nervously, "Mr. Wu, my hands are a little numb?"

"Don't be nervous. Believe me, you are beautiful."

"I'm beautiful."

"Yes, absolutely kill all men."

"Pfft, Mr. Wu, you're so funny."

Sun Mengmeng snickered, then took a deep breath and whispered "You must come quickly."

"Okay, go now."

Wu Hao opened the car door.

Sun Mengmeng got up and got out of the car.

As soon as she came out, the people around her instantly let out a soft cry.

"Wow, what a beautiful woman."

"She is the daughter of which rich family?"

"I've never seen her. I've never seen her at a cocktail party before, this is the first time, right?"

"Quick, follow, find a chance to get to know."


As Sun Mengmeng walked into Eagle Blue building, a group of 'wolves' immediately followed behind her.

Wu Hao sat in the car and watched for a while.

Until Sun Mengmeng's figure disappeared in the hall.

Not bad.

As soon as she left by herself, her little face miraculously regained its cold expression.

Those who didn't know, would have thought she was a high-cold fan.

Really good at disguise

Wu Hao shook his head and sighed, no matter what kind of girls, they are actually very good at acting.

No one around was paying attention to him.

For one thing, Sun Mengmeng's dress today was too preemptive.

Secondly, in the financial street, no one knew Wu Hao's identity except the CEOs and presidents.

Therefore, the people at the entrance only thought he was a driver.

Wu Hao drove the car away from Eagle Blue building and drove back to Garden in the Park.


When driving in front of the parking space, Wu Hao was stunned.

There was a BMW Z4 parked there.

Who is so brave?

How dare they park in a private parking space?

Wu Hao got down and took a look, and there was a small card inside the front window, with contact information left on it.

'Let's call and find out.'

'Maybe it's your first time to come here and you do not understand the situation?'

He took out his phone and dialled the number.

After a while, the call was answered.

"Hello, who is it?"

"Hello, may I ask if Yan SB5945 is your car?"

Wu Hao asked while he was amazed at the same time.


This license plate number is really fucking awesome.

Was it chosen on purpose?

"It's mine, what's wrong?"

The voice on the phone was young and quite cross.

"Buddy, the parking space you parked in is a private space, please move your car."

"Oh, I'll park for a while and move it in a minute."

"No, move it now."

"Are you fucking stupid? I said i will not move."

Wu Hao frowned and said coldly, "Are you sure you won't move?"

"Fuck, I won't move. If you have the guts, you can smash my car. Hurry up and smash it, you do not have the guts I will lend you two guts. Go ahead and smash it. If you don't dare to smash it, get out of here."

After saying that, directly hung up the phone.

Wu Hao put down the phone, with a face of indifference.

A few moments later, he picked up his phone and dialled a number.

"Hello, Manager Liu."

"Mr. Wu, what are you looking for me?"

"Come to see me in the garden immediately."


A few minutes later.

Liu Zhongheng rushed to the garden, and when he saw Wu Hao standing by the roadside from a distance, he hurriedly went over and asked carefully, "Mr. Wu, what happened?"

"Find out whose car this is."

Wu Hao casually pointed to the BMW Z4.


"After checking, find someone to tow the car outside next to the garbage bin and smash it for me."

Liu Zhongheng was stunned.

After taking a look at the car parked in the private space of the garden in the garden, basically he could guess what had happened.

At that moment he did not hesitate, he nodded and said: "Mr. Wu, I'll handle it."

After he said that he went to make a call.

A few moments later, a tow truck drove in, the BMW Z4 was dragged outside of the Financial Street and put next to a garbage bin, then five big burly men began to smash it.

This scene attracted a lot of people.

They are smashing a BMW car ah!"

I do not know who is so dense to do such a thing.

After Wu Hao parked the car, Liu Zhongheng ran over again.

He came up to Wu Hao and whispered: "Mr. Wu, we found out the owner of the car is Zhu Qian, the boss of Xintai Life Insurance Co. But it was his son who drove it here today."

"Here for the reception?"

"That's right."

"Xintai Life Insurance Company is also in Financial Street?"

Liu Zhongheng nodded: "In the Ding Sheng Times building. Sort of a dead business, with a profit of over a hundred million a year."

"Is it listed?"


Wu Hao nodded and said indifferently, "Check their rent payment and report back to me later."


Wu Hao didn't say anything more, he turned around and walked away.

Looking at his back, Liu Zhongheng had a chill in his heart.

At first he could not understand the origin of this master.

But now take a look at him, he is a good guy who does things thunderously and is decisive and ruthless.

New Thai Life Insurance is said to be a dead enterprise, but that is also compared to the other large enterprises on the financial street.

After all, people's annual profit is more than 100 million.

Because of this young master's appearance, it appears there won't be rest.

Tonight is going to be a lively night.