"Pig madness" with repeated failures

In the top floor of Eagle Blue International Building.

In the Star Hall.

There were a lot of people crowded around Sun Mengmeng.

Mostly they were young men in suits, holding red wine glasses and chatting casually.

They were very interested in Sun Mengmeng.

Everyone thought she was a rich girl.

Otherwise, how could her neck have a crystal necklace worth more than 100,000.

The bag she had on her hand and the gorgeous evening dress were also worth a lot of money.

Plus all regarded Wu Hao as her driver, a beautiful woman sent by the driver in a Pagani supercar, that background is simply thrilling.

Unfortunately, no one noticed.

Sun Mengmeng, who was outwardly cool and self-assured, had been harbouring a hint of panic in her eyes.

She had never attended such a high-end reception.

She didn't know what to say.

She didn't even dare to reach out for a glass of wine.

She just stood in the corner silently, like a snow lotus on an iceberg.

As a result, the more she was like this, the more frenzied those who were staring at her became.

Not long after.

The soft sound of music rang out in the hall.

The lights dimmed.

The crowd in the middle dispersed, giving way to a dance floor.

Many men and women embraced each other in pairs and walked onto the dance floor to dance a soft waltz.

Sun Mengmeng breathed a sigh of relief.

The surroundings became dark, she only slightly feel a little more comfortable.

As a result of this relaxation, the urge to pee came.

'Oh no, i want to go to the toilet.'

Just when she was looking around for the bathroom, a figure flashed in front of her and reached out with a sly hand: "Hello, beautiful. My name is Zhu Feng."


Sun Mengmeng froze.

The two words that came to her mind were ''pig crazy''.

His name was ...

"My name is Zhu Feng. It means Mount Everest, let's be friends."

Only then did Sun Mengmeng look clearly.

It was a young man in his twenties.

Wearing a white suit and pants.

He had sly eyebrows and two downward drooping eyebrows.

His eyes were also very lewd.

Always aiming at Sun Mengmeng's fragrant shoulder collarbone, wandering in that position.

Sun Mengmeng was a little disgusted and she put her hands behind her back and whispered back, "Excuse me, I want to go to the bathroom."

"Hey, wait a minute."

Zhu Feng hastily moved and stopped in front of her while smiling and said, "Beauty, I see you have been standing for more than ten minutes without drinking nor dancing, first time here, right?"

"That has nothing to do with you."

Sun Mengmeng quickly responded.

A cold as frost feeling radiated from her.

"Tsk, you have character."

Zhu Feng came closer and lowered his voice and said, "Beauty, let's be honest. We come to this kind of cocktail party because we are looking for excitement. Isn't it?"

"What do you want to say?"

Sun Mengmeng frowned and took two steps back.

"You still don't understand? We are all people with status, but we can't suppress our desires. So this kind of cocktail party provides us with the right opportunity. The people here are all very high-class. You're looking for a target too, right?"

"I don't know what you're talking about."

"Still pretending? All right, i'll name a price, 100,000 a night. How about no one contacts the other afterwards?"

Zhu Feng reached out and pulled out a bank card directly between his two fingers.

"You ..."

Sun Mengmeng's face turned white with anger.

Just then, a hand suddenly reached out and casually took the bank card. Then flicked his hand and threw it into the trash can.

"Hey, what the fuck ..."

"Get lost."

A tall figure stopped in front of Zhu Feng.

The two people were a head difference.

It was Wu Hao.

With a cold face, he looked directly into Zhu Feng's eyes and said indifferently, "Go home and look for excitement with your mother. Get lost calf."

"You ... well, remember that."

Zhu Feng was a little more than 1.7 meters tall.

Standing in front of Wu Hao he looked like a small chicken.

Seeing Wu Hao's body type which was tall and robust, after cursing, he hurriedly ran to the trash can to retrieve his bank card.

"What's that?"

Wu Hao cursed in no good mood and dragged Sun Mengmeng far away.

"Phew, Mr. Wu, you're finally here."

Sun Mengmeng complained bitterly.

"Oh, scared?"

"That's not true. It's just that ... is ..."

"Is what?"

Sun Mengmeng's face was red, and she muttered in an embarrassed tone, "I wanted to go to the toilet, but I ended up being pestered by that disgusting person."

"Oh, you want to go to the toilet you silly girl, come here, I'll take you there."

"No no. Mr. Wu, you just tell me how to get there, there is no need to follow me."

Sun Mengmeng shook her head in a hurry.

"All right. There is a separate bathroom in the Star Hall, do you see the door over there? Just go out from there and turn the corner."

He said while pointing.

Sun Mengmeng nodded hastily and hurriedly walked away with a red face.

Her walking posture was a bit strange.

Probably she was holding it in.

Wu Hao shook his head and smiled, then turned around and wandered around leisurely.


On the dance floor.

The number of people dancing increased.

The beautiful waltz, dark and hazy environment, men and women embracing each other, dancing to take advantage of the high-class cocktail party.

Somewhere on the dance floor.

There were a lot of people crowded.

All of them were young, handsome men in suits and they looked dignified.

In the middle of the crowd there was a tall girl wearing a white gauze dress with shoulder-length hair.

Wearing white high heels.

Like a princess.

Unfortunately, no one could make her to move.

Mostly, those who wanted to invite her to dance were politely rejected.

A moment later.

Zhu Feng, who had his eyebrows hanging squeezed in front of the girl: "Hi, how are you, my name is Zhu Feng."

"Hello, my name is Han Yuehua."

"Miss Han, you're so pretty."

"Thank you!"

Han Yuehua gave a polite smile.

Zhu Feng's eyes lit up and came a little closer, smiling, "Miss Han, how about a dance?"

"Sorry, I don't want to dance."

Han Yuehua shook her head.

At the same time, her expression seemed a bit different, and her attention was suddenly focused on the other edge of the dance floor.

When Zhu Feng saw her ignore him, he felt a little frantic.

He had failed twice tonight.

I do not believe in evil.

He suddenly took a step closer and with an aggressive gaze at Han Yuehua he whispered: "Miss Han, to be direct. Dance with me for one night for two hundred and fifty thousand. Do you want to do it?


Han Yuehua frowned and gave him a cold look without good grace.

Then, passed Zhu Feng and she hurriedly walked towards the opposite side.

There, stood a figure that made her heart flutter.