The origin of the big-leaf sunflower Maotai

The two bottles of Maotai were one and a half million.

Wu Yuanzheng's eyes were straight.

Over the years, he liked to drink Maotai.

His love for Maotai had almost reached a level of obsession. However, the living condition at home did not permit him to drink a lot as such he could only drink a few times.

So when he heard that the two bottles of wine were more than one million, he quickly picked up a bottle and carefully observed it up close.

Wu Tong on the side also picked up a bottle and half-heartedly said: "more than 700,000 a bottle? Bullshit, right? This raggedy ..."

"My God, it's a big-leaf sunflower. Big brother, come and see, this is big-leaf sunflower Maotai."

Wu Yuanzheng had an excited face.

With an excited and somewhat trembling hand he carefully put the wine in front of Wu Yuanhui.


"That can't be, the big leaf sunflower was produced in 1967, it's out of print."

"After all, I did not expect to see the big-leaf sunflower Maotai again in my lifetime."

The two old brothers lamented over the wine.

But the others were confused.

What kind of gimmick is the big leaf sunflower?

Wu Hao also did not know.

However, when he saw sun Mengmeng standing on one side, her face was full of pride. He knew that the girl must have knowledge about it, so he smiled and said, "Mengmeng, explain."


Sun Mengmeng proudly pointed to Maotai and said, "The two uncles seem to recognise it, which can prove the background of these two bottles of Maotai."

"First of all, these two bottles of Maotai were indeed produced in 1967. But why is the logo sunflower? This goes back to those times of trouble."

"The original Flying Maotai logo was with the Dunhuang Flying Sky pattern. All of you who have drunk it must know that."

"But that was a special time in 1967, when the sunflower brand of maotai was designed to symbolise the sun for reasons of breaking the four old styles."

Then she pointed to the two bottles of wine: "these are those two types of wine."

"Later, this sunflower Maotai due to the reason that sales were not very good, only lasted for eight years before getting discontinued."

"Due to the short time and limited quantities in existence, it has a very high collection value, so the price has soared to more than half a million per bottle."

After Sun Mengmeng finished, Wu Yuanzheng nodded his head: "The girl is right, it is the big leaf sunflower Maotai. When I was young in the coal mines, I once attended the mine director's wedding banquet and was offered a bottle but did not drink. The bottle was small-leaf sunflower, It was produced two years later than the big leaf."

"That's right, i also know the origin of the big-leaf sunflower."

Wu Yuanhui also nodded his head.

"Meng Meng, how could the restaurant owner be willing to sell such precious wine?" Wu Hao asked.

"Hehehe, Mr. Wu, this restaurant owner is not a wine lover. He hoarded the wine just to sell it. But these two bottles of wine are too expensive. The transaction price outside is only half a million. But he asked for more than seven hundred thousand for one bottle."

When Wu Hao heard that, he suddenly understood and laughed: "Great, this is the person who knows how to do business. All right, drink these two bottles today ..."

"Son, i can't drink it."

Wu yuanzheng like a corpse, held the Maotai in his arms and excitedly said: "this bottle of wine can not be drunk. If you do, it'll be one bottle for me and your uncle. If you want to drink, you can go buy yourself erguotou and drink it."


Wu Hao had a headache.

Sun Mengmeng also scratched her head and said, " Uncle, there is no erguotou for sale here."

"It doesn't matter what you drink, but just know that this wine should absolutely not be drunk."

"Yes, it's better not to drink it. It must be treasured because it is of historical significance."

Wu Yuanhui also waved his hand straight at his son.

Indicating him to pass the wine over.

Up to this moment, Wu Tong's mind was still confused.

Is this real?

He got two bottles of Maotai costing more than 700,000 for lunch?

Is his cousin's company collapsing or growing?

With him inattentive, the bottle of Maotai was snatched away by Wu Yuanhui from his hands.

The two old men completely ignored the gaze of others, cherished the Maotai and stuffed it into their suitcases and wrapped it tightly within their clothes.

Lin Jing and Zhao Xia were looking at each other and did not know what to say.

It felt like they had entered a different world once they arrived in Yanjing, They were having a meal that costed thousands and now a bottle of wine costing more than a million had presented itself.

Only Liu Xiyan was the most calm.

Moreover, the previous rather cold eyes, were now hot.

They were aimed at Wu Hao.

"All right, if you don't want to drink it, then don't drink it. Meng Meng, just go to their wine cabinet and take a look at what they have and then buy whatever wine there is or maybe just get soy white wine."


Sun Mengmeng turned and ran out.

Wu Hao looked at his father helplessly, "Dad, you can't carry that wine on the plane. You might as well just drink it here ..."

"I dare not to drink it. If i can't take the plane I'll take the train. Anyway, this wine i can not drink it."

Wu Yuanzheng unrelented.

Wu Yuanhui on the side was laughing: "Big nephew, you are quiet promising. You bought two bottles of wine for more than a million, your aunt and I are followed by glory"

"Uncle, don't be polite. When I first started my business, you were the one that borrowed me more than a 100,000 without saying a word. This bottle of wine is a thank you gift."

"Look at how this nephew speaks so openly."

Wu Yuanhui looked back at his wife Zhao Xia and said: "at the beginning, I said to take 500,000 yuan directly, but you still put it off. Now look..."

"Come on, what are you talking about."

Zhao Xia pushed him with a black face.

Unfortunately, the words were already half spoken.

Wu Hao knew it by heart, he smiled and did not take it seriously.

In uncle's family, uncle was simple and an honest character, which was very similar to his father, whereas his aunt and cousin were like chicken thieves.

The bottle of wine was given to the eldest uncle.

No one else would want to take it for themselves.

Soon, Sun Mengmeng came back.

She had bought two bottles of maotai sauce, which was similar to maotai in nature, but was much cheaper.

The two old men were excited.

Immediately after that, special dishes were served one after another.

After all the dishes were served, Wu Hao waved his hand: "mom and dad, uncle and aunt, eat, do not be polite. cousin and sister you too feel free."

"Okay, come on, come on, drink."

"Drink, drink."

"Try this."

"Aigoo, this dish is beautiful, I don't even want to eat it."
