400 million from the champion car dealership

The lunch was eaten with great enthusiasm.

Wu Yuanzheng and Lin Jing two families feel twice as dignified, so eat very high.

During this time, Lin Jing pulled Sun Mengmeng to chat for a while, making Sun Mengmeng's face red and blush, she looked shy.

Wu Hao, on the other hand, kept his father and uncle company to chat.

Wu Tong and Liu Xi Yan did not talk much.

The two of them whispered privately for a while, not knowing what they were exchanging.

After three rounds of wine.

Liu Xiyan changed her position with Wu Tong and sat next to Wu Hao.

At a certain moment, while the others were intensely discussing the current complex situation in the world, Liu Xiyan lifted her glass and smiled sweetly at Wu Hao: "Older brother, I'll drink to you."

"Sorry, I'm going to the bathroom."

Wu Hao didn't waste any time, he got up and went to the toilet.

A few minutes later he returned.

Sun Mengmeng directly greeted him: "Mr. Wu, the restaurant owner is urging me, can you pay for those two bottles of wine first. I don't have that much money ..."

"Take my phone to pay for it."


Sun Mengmeng took Wu Hao's phone, turned around and quickly ran out.

Wu Hao returned to his seat and sat down.

Liu Xiyan picked up the wine glass again and smiled, "Have a sip of wine and let's simply exchange a words okay?"


"Actually, I haven't formally introduced myself to you. I am a colleague of the same company as Wu Tong. Magic City Zhongxing Wealth Management Co., have you heard of it?"

Wu Hao looked dazed: "Oh, Zhongxing wealth, ah, heard of it. A very famous third-party investment and financial management company."

"It's really worthy of starting a company. When I was a boss, my horizons were different. "

Liu Xiyan gave a delicate smile, took a small sip of wine, and then laughed: "My father is one of the shareholders of Zhongxing Wealth, and I am the manager of the major account department of Zhongxing Wealth. In fact, Wu Tong is my subordinate."


Wu Hao instantly had a black face.

It's actually this kind of relationship?

Cousin is this a rich sister,?

No wonder this woman is arrogant like this.

Generally the young lady from the magical capital could rarely look at the northerners.

Wu Hao glanced at Wu Tong.

Wu Tong had been drinking with his head down, and they didn't listen to things outside the window.

"Older brother, your spending is quite high, if i may ask, what exactly do you do?" Liu Xiyan asked again.

"Am an owner of a small company and i also collect rent." Wu hao shrugged.

"Collect rent?"


"Do you have a house in Yanjing?"

"No, i am renting"


Liu Xiyan was speechless.

After asking for a while, Wu Hao simply did not reveal anything much, making her angry.

Isn't he just a small local tyrant?

In the end, he is still nothing but a turtle, right?

There may be some shops or something like that where collects rent.

He spent more than one million to buy two bottles of Maotai wine, it is not a big deal, my own home holds hundreds of thousands of red wine.

Thinking of this, Liu Xi Yan's enthusiasm faded once again.

After putting down the glass, she turned and looked at Wu Tong on the other side, frowned and said, "what are you doing? Haven't you eaten enough yet? You have been eating without talking? "

Her voice was a little loud.

The originally lively dining table suddenly quieted down.

The faces of Wu Yuanhui and Zhao Xia both looked a little cold.

At this time, Wu Tong put down his chopsticks and blinked, then showed a reluctant smile and whispered, "It's not like that, I didn't talk because I saw you chatting very well."

"I talk well?" Liu Xi Yan's face was a little cold.

"Xiyan, don't be like this, my father and mother are here." Wu Tong whispered.

"What's the matter? I'm talking to you, not to them. Do i have to talk to my boyfriend on separate occasions?"


Wu Tong did not say anything.

The four people had an embarrassed face.

Wu Hao was even more strange.

When he was young, his cousin was so domineering, he would squeeze him and bully him all the time.

Now he has grown up and instead became a bear?

Because Liu Xi Yan is the daughter of the company's boss?

The rich sister had lost her temper.

No wonder you have an annual salary of a million.

This is how you made it!

Wu Hao shook his head and just as he was about to speak, suddenly the door of the room was pushed open, Sun Mengmeng was panting and running back.

"Mr. Wu, the money for the wine is paid."


"Here's your phone. And you just got a text message. It seems that the half year earnings of the champion car shop has been been transferred and about more than 400 million has been credited. "


As soon as Sun Mengmeng's words fell, the wine glass in Wu Yuanzheng's hand fell on the table.

Everyone looked at her with a stunned expressions.

Only then did Sun Mengmeng stick out her tongue in a daze: "Uh, I let my mouth slip."

"That's okay."

Wu Hao smiled and picked up his phone to take a look, and it was really the half-year earnings of the Champion Car shop, a total of about 460 million dollars.

The champion car company was strong and was really worthy of being one of the four major car companies in Yanjing.

It is estimated that there is a lot of gray income.

After putting down his cell phone, Wu Hao shrugged as others stared at him: "eat and drink. Your mission here is to have fun. Don't worry, I'm not poor. "

"Brother, just now your secretary said ..." Wu Tong looked at him dumbly.

"I have a car dealership."

"Car dealership? What car dealership can make more than 400 million profit in half a year?"

"It's there, you just don't know it."

Wu Hao smiled.

Sun Mengmeng on the side also said: "When I said that Mr. Wu has is a multi-million dollar sports car, you did not believe me. The Pagani that was smashed yesterday was more than 25 million."

Wu Tong: "..."

Wu Yuanzheng and Lin Jing: "..."

Wu Yuanhui and Zhao Xia: "..."

Liu Xiyan's eyes lit up again.

She was already on the verge of falling apart.

One minute it's true and then it's not, Why is this cousin so exaggerated?

He now has 400 million in his bank card?

Wouldn't that be more money than what her family has?