I have a Royal Courtyard

Liu Xiyan had on a small semi-transparent shirt.

Inside, she wore a navy blue bikini with small flowers on it.

Her long hair cascading down.

She had on flip-flops on her feet.

She walked up to Wu Hao, and in a tired voice greeted: "Hi."


Wu Hao gave her a sideway glance and withdrew his gaze.

"You're alone?"


"Where's that little secretary of yours?"

Liu Xi Yan sat down next to him as she spoke, she had sat very close to him.

"She went back first."

Wu Hao frowned.

"Excuse me, can I call you Hao?"


"Hao, are you interested in having a drink with me?"

"Not interested."

Wu Hao shook his head straightforwardly.

Quite unexpectedly, Liu Xi Yan didn't feel angry at all, instead, she sat a little closer again and laughed softly, "You're afraid of me, huh?"


Wu Hao let out a snort.

Turning his head to look at Liu Xi Yan squarely: "I am not afraid, i am really not interested."

"You ..."

Liu Xi Yan was furious and stood up quickly.

"Hurry back to rest and rest. In an hour, I'll take you to the Summer Palace for a stroll."

Wu Hao didn't pay attention to her, but waved his hand very casually.


Feeling bored with herself, Liu Xi Yan turned around and walked away in a huff.

Just after two steps, she heard Wu Hao faintly say, "Miss Liu, my cousin is a little bit overbearing, he's not a bad person."

"What do you mean?"

Liu Xiyan snapped back.

"Nothing meaningful, go rest."


Liu Xi Yan took a deep breath and left straight away.

Wu Hao looked up at her back and shook his head with a sigh.

Women are strong and men are weak!

If there is no solid emotional foundation, sooner or later something will happen.

But with my cousin's headstrong character, it was not a bad thing to have a little trouble. If you do not fall into the pit, you will never gain wit.


An hour later.

Wu Yuanzheng and other people woke up one after another.

The sun was shining outside.

A group of people re-gathered downstairs, ready to go.

Wu Hao got some drinks in the hotel and put them in the car mini-fridge.

Then he drove to Summer Palace.

On the way.

The old people had regained their energy and chattered freely in the car.

Wu Tong and Liu Xi Yan also seemed to have returned to the state of lovers.

The two became intimate a lot.

Looking at Wu Tong's elated appearance and then at Liu Xiyan's eyes that were full of life, it is could be deduced that during the hour of rest, they did a lot of lovemaking.

I think it was Liu Xiyan who took the initiative.

For Wu Hao, as long as the atmosphere was cordial, it was good.

My parents finally came to Yanjing. I still hope they can have a good time.

Everything was smooth on the way.

When the car got to the gate at the North of Summer Palace, the four old people were all excited and crowded on the window looking at the Wanshou Mountain in the distance.

Wu Tong and Liu Xi Yan were much calmer.

Soon, Wu Hao parked the car at the entrance.

The crowd got out of the car.

"You guys wait, I'll go buy the tickets."

Wu Hao went to the ticket office and bought seven joint tickets.

When returning to the entrance of the North Palace, several old people were already there taking pictures.

As soon as he saw them taking pictures, he knew that they would not finish anytime soon and it would take them more than ten minutes to be done. Wu Hao then turned and looked at the gate and slowly walked over.

Today's refreshing sign-in location is in the Summer Palace.

First, let's see what big gift package we will get.

When he walked to the entrance of the North Palace, just as he took two steps, a reminder sounded in his head.

[Ding, congratulations the host for signing in successfully and getting a big gift package for signing in].

[Do you want to open the gift package?]


"Open it."

Wu Hao said back quickly.

[Opening the gift package.....]

[Congratulations to the host for getting a Royal Courtyard of Yihe villa, worth 800 million]

Oh my God!

Royal courtyard?

Wu Hao instantly got excited.

The old Yanjing courtyard was still very attractive.

[Ding, all the property documents of Yihe Villa's Royal Courtyard are ready, please go to the target location to complete the gift package collection]

[Ding, the address has been sent to the host's cell phone.]


The phone vibrated a bit.

Wu Hao hastily picked up his phone and flipped through it for a few minutes.

It was not far from the Summer Palace.

It was just to the southeast of Wanshou Mountain.

He vaguely remembers that the greenery there seemed to have been quite good.

If we were to say where in Yanjing was it suitable for living, I'm afraid that, that place was a very good location.

Wu Hao let out a long breath.

Before, he was thinking about where to buy a big house for his parents to live in, but now there is a ready-made place.

I will let them live in the courtyard.

They will finally have to retire in Yanjing.

As he was still deep in thought, a group of people came up behind him.

"Son, going in?"

Wu Yuanzheng asked excitedly.

"Let's go in, i was waiting for you."

"Go, go, let's go inside."

"Great, finally we get to see the Summer Palace."

"Old companion, hurry up."


A group of people, led by Wu Hao, entered the North Palace Gate and climbed all the way to the top of Wanshou Mountain.

Because there were old people around, the climbing speed was slow.

The crowd walked all the way to the top, and by the time they got there, it was already four o'clock in the afternoon.

The sun was slowly slanting in the west.

The sky began to form orange clouds of fire.

The distant villa area at the bottom of the mountain was bathed in red haze, which looked both peaceful and beautiful.

Lin Jing looked at it and sighed heartily: "The scenery here is so beautiful, it does have the style of a royal garden."

"Yes, it's really a pleasure to think that the ancients could live here."

Wu Yuanzheng also nodded his head.

Zhao Xia on the side was a layman, and could not understand them at all, and started muttering, "What's the point of living here? The mountains are full of mosquitoes. It's better to live in a modern metropolis like the Magic City. Isn't it, son?"

"That is true."

Wu Tong gave a strong nod.

Liu Xiyan, who was holding his arm, also suddenly smiled and said, "Uncle and aunt, when Xiao Wu and I get married, my father will buy a villa in Magic City for us. It's about twenty million or so."


Zhao Xia was originally a vain and stingy old lady.

As soon as she heard this, she immediately smiled happily and turned to look at Wu Hao and asked, "nephew, you're not going to buy a villa for your parents?"

"There is no need for me to buy."

"What? Don't you have more than 400 million? "

"Great aunt, I said there is no need for me to buy. Because I already have real estate here."

Wu Hao smiled and casually pointed to the foot of the mountain, "There is a royal courtyard over there and it is mine."