
"The royal courtyard down there is his?."

When Wu Hao finished speaking, all the old people were stunned.

Wu Tong was even more astonished.

He also has a royal courtyard?

First, it was 400 million arriving and then the 25 million sports cars. Although no one saw it and Wu Hao wouldn't let them look at the phone.

But right now, he said there is also a courtyard?

Who does not know that the value of a courtyard in Yanjing is over 100 million.

Wu Tong's heart was suffocating.

Since arriving in Yanjing this afternoon, he has been struck by his cousin.

The blow was simply incomplete.

First was the over a million Volkswagen MPV luxury business car.

Then came the extravagant restaurant with a per person serving of more than 1400.

He also bought two bottles costing more than 700,000 of collectible Maotai wine.

In the afternoon, it was a five-star hotel.

How did his cousin make it?

How come he has suddenly become a tycoon?

And now he says he has a courtyard?

Wu Tong went a little crazy, he scratched his hair hard, and then dragged Wu Hao's arm: "Let's go, I don't believe you. Let me see your courtyard."

"Huh? Aren't we going to visit the Summer Palace?"

"No, let's go to the courtyard first. I really don't believe you have a courtyard, Mom, Dad, second uncle and second aunt, how about we go see his courtyard?"

Wu Tong turned his head and looked at the four old people.

The four old people all looked at each other, and were actually very interested in the courtyard.

Finally, it was Liu Xiyan who said, "Let's go, let's go take a look. Anyway, it's about to get dark, the Summer Palace is fine for another day."

"Are you guys sure?"

Wu Hao blinked.

"Let's go take a look then."

"Okay, let's go. Anyway, Yanjing's courtyard is considered an antique, let's go and see it."

"Let's go then. The Summer Palace will be visited another day."

Once he saw that several people were moved, Wu Hao no longer insisted, he smiled and turned around to wave his hand, leading the group of people down the hill.

Ten minutes later.

The crowd went out of the Summer Palace and came outside to the southeast of the Long Lake Summer Villa area.

Wu Hao followed the instructions on his phone to find the courtyard that was a gift from the system.

"My God, so luxurious?"

"It's spectacular."

"This is not an old courtyard, this is a modern building, right?"

"At a glance, this should be the villa area of the courtyard, right?"

The four old people looked at the building in front of them and talked about it.

Wu Tong and Liu Xi Yan did not speak.

He had a dumbfounded face.

And Wu Hao dialed a number according to the phone number prompted in the phone message.

Soon, the phone was connected.

"Hello, hello."

"Hello, this is Wu Hao."

"Is this Mr. Wu? Hello, I am Song Qian from Long Lake Real Estate, you can call me Xiao Song. Are you here? We have prepared all the title documents."

It was a girl's voice on the phone.

It sounded quite young.

Wu Hao looked at the gate of the courtyard and said, "I'm already at the entrance of the courtyard."

"Ah? That's right, I'm inside too. Because I just got the news, so I found someone to do a little cleaning and maintenance of the courtyard as a whole. Wait a minute, I'll come out."


Wu Hao hung up the phone.

Within two minutes, the gate of the courtyard creaked open.

From inside, a tall girl quickly walked out.

Dressed in a professional OL women's clothing.

Tied a ponytail.

Clear white skin, melon face, willow eyebrows.

Born with a pair of quite rare European-style eyes, She was very beautiful.

As soon as the girl came out, she looked around for a while, and when she saw Wu Hao reaching out, she immediately walked over in a hurry.

"Hello, it's Mr. Wu, right?"

"It's me."

"I'm Song Qian."

Song Qian smiled sweetly, then picked up a pile of documents and handed them to Wu Hao, saying crisply, "Mr. Wu, here are the property rights documents of Royal Courtyard No. 8, please look through them."


Wu Hao took the documents and flipped them open and looked at them carefully for a few times.


A modern courtyard building of more than 1,200 square meters.

Three floors of purely detached villas on the ground.

The selling price was 800 million.

After reading all the documents, Wu Hao nodded his head and said, "No problem."

"That's good, Mr. Wu. Starting from today, this courtyard will be officially handed over to you. We are doing some cleaning and maintenance for you for two days. Starting from next Monday, you can live here."

"Thank you."

"Mr. Wu, since this courtyard of yours is priced at 800 million and is the most expensive one we have here, you have become our diamond VIP. In the future, no matter what problems the property has, you can come to me directly. I am your personal liaison."

Song Qian bent down and bowed with a sweet smile and a very affable attitude.

"Thank you, I will look for you if I need to."

Wu Hao also smiled gently.

Then he turned to look at the few dumbfounded people behind him and smiled: "Come on, let's all go in and take a look. Now it's getting cleaned up, so I guess we can only view it for a while."

It was only at this moment that the group suddenly returned to their senses.

Lin Jing and Wu Yuanzheng rushed in impatiently.

Then Wu Yuanhui and Zhao Xia also went in.

Liu Xiyan looked up at the spectacular and extravagant courtyard, breathing unusually fast, with a tangled and odd expression.

Finally, she was pulled into the courtyard by Wu Tong.

Wu Hao did not go in.

He just wandered around a little and looked at the surrounding environment.

Finally, he returned to the entrance of the courtyard and muttered: "Nice, I wonder if Mom and Dad mind living here. If there is no problem, this will be their retirement place."

"Did Mr. Wu buy it for the elderly to live in?"

Suddenly, Song Qian asked with a smile.

"Sort of."

"Mr. Wu is so filial."

"Thank you!"

"Mr. Wu, can you add a v letter? In the future, in addition to calling, you can also contact me through v letter. Song Qian is at your disposal."


Wu Hao happily exchanged v letters with her.

Then, looked up at the luxurious courtyard villa, he let out a long sigh.

Is his current self, considered a winner in life?