Cycling at night

Half an hour later.

Wu Hao sent everyone back to the Rosewood Hotel.

They suddenly had no interest in touring.

One by one, they all looked heavy-hearted.

Especially the eldest aunt Zhao Xia.

Wu Hao didn't bother to pay attention to them.

After returning to the hotel and accompanying his parents into the room, Wu Hao said straightforwardly, "Dad, Mom, how about the courtyard? I want you guys to move to Yanjing, how about it?"

"This ..."

Wu Yuanzheng looked at Lin Jing.

Lin Jing, on the other hand, pulled Wu Hao to sit on the sofa and said with an odd face, "Son, mom's heart is a little upset today, all because of your scare."

"Is it too much?" Wu Hao laughed.

"lt's not too much. Besides even if we really come to Yanjing, we are not used to it"

"Then what kind of place do you want to live at?"

"Well, an ordinary place. For example, we could buy a yard in the suburbs, and maybe open a farmhouse in the future."

Wu Hao nodded: "Those are great ideas. All right, as you wish. Anyway, I have the house ready, you can live wherever you like."

"Son, what are you ..."

"Mom, don't ask about work, I won't tell if you ask. Anyway, your son makes money and you are responsible for enjoying it and that's it. Why do you worry so much?"

"Yes dear, stop worrying so much."

Wu Yuanzheng pulled out the bottle of large-leaf sunflower Maotai from the suitcase and played with it lovingly, turning it over and over again.

Lin Jing looked at him angrily.

Then sighed and said: "Alright, if you say so then mom won't worry. You should also go back to rest, Otherwise you might not have enough energy to have fun with us tomorrow."

"Are you not having dinner with me later?"

"I'm not going to be able to. So you'd better go about your business. It's too scary to eat with you. Son, mom doesn't want you to spend tens of thousands for every meal."

Wu Hao shrugged his shoulders, "Fine, whatever you want. Then I will take my leave now."

"Well, go back."

"Call me when you have plans for tomorrow. I'll be the driver anytime you need me. Or I can find someone to chauffeur you."

"No, no. Your father and I are not seventy years old, so go back and rest."

Lin Jing directly pushed her son out of the room.

Wu Hao was at a loss for words.

Then go.

You have accompanied us for the whole day, it's time for you to take a break.


An hour later.

Wu Hao drove back to the financial street, and stuffed the Royal courtyard's documents into the office building's safe.

Then sat on the sofa and stretched hard.

Suddenly, his phone vibrated.

He took it out of his pocket and checked to see who it was. It was a message from Han Yuehua

Han Yuehua: Hey, did you have fun today?

Wu Hao: It was not bad.

Han Yuehua: Still with aunt and uncle?

Wu Hao: No. They were tired from having fun so they are resting, I am alone in the financial street.

Han Yuehua: Have you had dinner yet?

Wu Hao: Not yet, I don't have much of an appetite.

Han Yuehua: If you still have energy, care to go for a walk?.

The message was followed by a smiley face emoji with a shy red cheek.

Wu Hao blinked, suddenly his eyes lit up, and he quickly replied: "You can come to the financial street and let's go to Beihai Park by bicycle tonight."

Han Yuehua: Yeah, wait for me.

Wu Hao: Hmm.

After sending the message, Wu Hao called Wei Lai again.

"Hey, Manager Wei."

"No, Mr. Wu, just call me Lao Wei. If there is something you need."

"Oh, Lao Wei. Please find someone to transport the two bicycles that were delivered to me today to Finance Street."

"Ah? You want to ride them?"

"Well, i want to take them out for a walk. That's what bicycles are for."

"Ahem, okay, I'll get someone to deliver them."



In the 4S store.

Wei Lai was sweating profusely.

Two bikes worth seven million, said to be taken out for a walk.

Shouldn't a normal person collect them?

It's so out of this world!

"Brother, is it Mr. Wu who called? What does he want? Do you need my help?"

A petite figure leapt up to Wei Lai with a whoosh.

It was Wei Xia.

Looking at her thieving expression, Wei Lai said angrily, "Do not need your help. Go play aside."

"Brother, what does Mr. Wu want?"

"What can you do, So relax. What else can rich people do but enjoy life. He wants the two bicycles delivered to the financial street. I guess he's going for a ride with his girlfriend."


Wei Xia blinked her eyes and murmured, "He doesn't seem to have a girlfriend yet. No, I have to go and see."

"What did you say?"

Wei Lai, who had already walked away, didn't hear her and looked back at her.

"Ah, nothing, I'm going to work, I'm going to wipe the car."

With that, the woman slipped out of the 4S shop.

Wei Lai also did not have time to pay attention to her, So he turned around and shouted, "Xiao Wu, drive the two bikes in the premium-grade garage to Financial Street, Mr. Wu is waiting there."

"Oh okay."

After a while, the bikes were loaded.

Xiao Wu, who was wearing a work uniform, came up to Wei Lai: "Brother Wei, these two bicycles are so valuable and Mr. Wu wants to take them out for a ride?"

"Nonsense, isn't a bike just for riding?"

"But it is seven million."

"Hmph, can you understand the world of the rich? Yesterday, Mr. Wu's limited edition Pagani supercar was smashed to pieces and he didn't even blink an eye."

"Uh ..."

"Even the Sotheby's gave Mr Wu a gift. His background is beyond our imagination. So hurry, and don't delay."

Xiao Wu hurriedly nodded once and turned around to leave.

"In the end, it's a pity that the Pagani was destroyed..." Wei Lai sighed quietly.