Much like a real couple

After 6:00 pm.

A girl slowly walked into the financial street.

She had two long white legs and was wearing a pair of white sneakers.

Had on pink flannel shorts, a thin and shapely T-shirt.

Shoulder-length hair tied up into a ponytail.

She looked very beautiful.

Her innocent beautiful face had a hazy soft glow under the streetlights.

When she walked near the garden in the garden, her eyes instantly lit up.

"Wu Hao."

"Han Yuehua, you have dressed in a very sporty manner."

Wu Hao smiled and looked at her.

"So did you"

Han Yuehua took two quick steps and approached Wu Hao, looking at him, her eyes couldn't restrain the little stars.

The current Wu Hao was tall and handsome.

An enigmatic charm was constantly emitted.

'Every time I see him, I feel my heart beating faster.'

'Why didn't i feel this way when we were still in school.?'

Han Yuehua blushed and said somewhat coyly, "Shall we go to Beihai Park?"

"Well, how about it?"


"You can ride a bike, right?"

After saying that, Wu Hao patted the bike beside him.

Only then did Han Yuehua notice the two identical bikes and was surprised, "Such fancy bikes?"

"They are just a little bit fancy, do you want to try?"


Han Yuehua nodded her head excitedly, but after looking at it carefully, she muttered, "This seems to be a foreign competition bike, right?"

"Well, it's for the Tour de France."

"I knew it, it looked very familiar. The seat of this bike is too high, and I don't seem to fit."

"It can be adjusted."

Wu Hao supported the bike and stood in front of her holding the bike seat: "Come here, step over to feel it, I'll adjust the seat for you."


Han Yuehua came to the front of the bike, one foot on the pedal, she lifted her buttocks just a little.

"Ouch, it's still high."

Wu Hao: "..."

His heart beat a little faster.

Truth be told.

Her movements were purely natural and not pretentious, but they came across as very sexy.

Just from that, Wu Hao's heart shivered, He really wanted to hold her by the hand and help her sit.

Han Yuehua's legs were long and straight.

It was actually easy to sit on.

It was only that the bike seat was too high, it would make her feel like she is lifting up her buttocks, making her feel less elegant.

"Wu Hao, can you turn it down a bit?"

Han Yuehua asked softly with a red face.

"I can."

Wu Hao smiled and started to adjust.

Because she needed to feel the height of the bike seat, She had to keep her face close.

In this way, when adjusting the bike seat, the two people were very close to each other.

And Wu Hao was busy around her thighs, which made Han Yuehua's face more and more red, and her body also more hot.

After a few adjustments, the seat height was finally suitable.

Han Yuehua rode the bike, not only with a beautiful posture, but also peddled without any trouble at all.

"Giggle, this bike is so comfortable, it's easy to ride. Wu Hao, what kind of material is this bike, it feels very light."

"It's a carbon fibre structure, it's for competition."

Wu Hao also pushed another bike and quickly rode it.

The two of them rode back and forth twice in the long financial street, to get a feel.

Since it was Saturday and it was already late, there were hardly any people in the financial street, except for the two of them.

The bright streetlights seemed to open the way for the two of them.

The night breeze was gentle.

It brought along a cooling sensation when it came in contact with the body.

Han Yuehua was in a good mood, giggling while riding her bike.

After riding back and forth a few times, Wu Hao waved his hand: "Let's go, let's go to Beihai for a big circle."


The two turned their bikes around and quickly rushed out of the financial street.



Beihai Park was not too far from the financial street.

The two rode leisurely all the way, accelerating and sprinting one moment and riding side by side the next, much like a real couple.

The performance of the two bikes was also superb.

In less than half an hour, the two rode to the park and started riding around the embankment while enjoying the night view.

After riding most of the way, they stopped at the junction of Zhonghai and Beihai.

There was a small relaxation square there.

Wu Hao took Han Yuehua to the square, and casually found a food stall, asked for two baked cold noodles, and ordered a few skewers.

Han Yuehua was quite surprised.

She thought that with Wu Hao's current strength, he had long stopped eating such snacks outside.

It turned out that he was still very down to earth.

The two of them were halfway through eating when suddenly a burst of engine roars sounded outside the small square.

A series of four or five sports cars parked next to the square.

Those sports cars were fancy and green, there were BMWs, Mercedes, and a Porsche Boxster.

Soon, from the sports car got down a group of people.

The people in the small square for leisure and relaxation all looked surprised, many people were carefully backing away a good distance, afraid that someone is going to cause trouble.

However, there were some people who were not afraid and instead leaned over to look at the sports cars.

Wu Hao and Han Yuehua did not pay attention.

Because the two people were eating and talking at the same time, the atmosphere was very peaceful and was not disturbed by the outside world.

At a certain moment.

Just when Wu Hao picked up a cola and took a big sip, an excited scream came from behind him, "Mr. Wu."


Wu Hao spilled out a mouthful of cola all over.

"Lol, Mr. Wu, what a coincidence!"

A girl wearing a sexy orange biker suit came around in front of Wu Hao.

It was Wei Xia.


She was really hot.

Inside the red biker suit, she actually wore only a small sports coat, showing her snow-white belly.

On her lower body she had on ultra-short hot pants.

And a pair of high-heeled leather boots on her feet.

What's up with her hair?

Wu Hao blinked his eyes, with a look of curiosity.

Yesterday it looked good, today it was flowery and green.

Quite a nice girl, now she looked like a delinquent girl.

"Xia, who is he?"

A group of people walked over.

All of them were of the same paradigm.

Standing next to Wei Xia was a young man in a white suit.

He was quite handsome.

But his face had a trace of arrogance, with a kind of domineering feeling.

Looking at the situation, Wu Hao felt helpless.

Yanjing is so small?

How come I ran into this crazy girl?