Go call your father to pay the rent

"Xia, who is he?"

The young man in the white suit looked at Wu Hao with a wary face.

"He ah ..."

Wei Xia's eyes turned and she suddenly ran over to hold Wu Hao's arm and giggled, "He's my potential future husband."


"what the f*ck, who is this kid?"

"Brother Jie, are you going to tolerate this?"

"Brother Jie, i believe sister Xia just picked a random person to send you away"


A group of people were in an uproar.

The young man in the white suit walked up to Wu Hao with a cold face, stood very close, and provocatively said, "Hello, my name is Zhu Jie."


Wu Hao frowned.

No problem.

He turned his head and reached out to press Wei Xia's forehead to push her away hard, and said in a cold voice, "What the hell are you up to?"

"Mr. Wu, I just ... want to see you."

Wei Xia stuck out her tongue.

"So, it's not a coincidence? You've been following me, right?"

"Hee hee, my brother told me that you are in the financial street, if you want to be angry, go scold him."

Looking at Wei Xia and Wu Hao coquettishly smiling and being cute, Zhu Jie's face became even darker and burst into anger, "Xia, where the hell did this bastard come from?"

"Hey, be careful what you say."

Wei Xia gasped, "Mr. Wu is our big boss, be polite in your speech."

"What, big boss?"

Zhu Jie was stunned, he took a look at Wu Hao, and then looked at Han Yuehua, who had not said anything, then suddenly sneered, "Your big boss is terrible"

"Nonsense, Mr. Wu is certainly powerful."

"Oh, powerful enough to pick up girls and ride bicycles? Great enough to eat roadside grilled cold noodles, eat kebabs? Xia, you like making things up. This kind of person can be your big boss?"

After Zhu Jie's voice fell, a group of people beside him laughed.

"The big boss on a bicycle, quite a character."

"Look what scares people can also scare a horse."

"Hey, buddy, is the squid whiskers delicious?"

"Hahahahahahaha, do you want a few brothers to sponsor you to buy some lamb kidneys?"


At this moment, standing next to the bike a sharp-tongued young man raised his foot to the bike to kick it, with his lips curled while cursing: "riding a broken B bike and still pretend with ..."

"Monkey, you dare to kick that bike?."

Wei Xia let out a scream.

The one called monkey was startled and was directly frozen in place, and the outstretched leg stopped in place.

Wu Hao turned his head and looked at him indifferently.

Wei Xia was relieved, she huffed and puffed past and delivered a kick to the young man's ass and scolded: "You seek death"

"Aiyo!, sister Xia why did you kick me?"

"Why? I just saved your family's life. You dare to kick that bike?. I will tell you, if you had kicked that bike I guarantee that you would lose everything."

"What the hell?"

The young man looked confused.

Zhu Jie also frowned and said, "Xia, who are you fooling?"

"Idiot, you are a fool as you do not know"

Wei Xia pinched her waist with both hands, one finger pointed at Wu Hao's bike and said in a delicate voice: "Mr. Wu's bike was sent from Sotheby's auction house in England, you know?"

"What?" Zhu Jie was startled.

"What is Sotheby's auction house?"

"Never heard of it."

"It's a pawn shop right?"

Zhu Jie frowned and waved his hand at the people around him: "If you don't know then don't talk nonsense. If you don't want to be embarrassed. Sotheby's is one of the world's largest auction houses, ranked 195th in the world's top 500 brands."

"Hmm, You have a little insight."

Wei Xia patted the bicycle seat and said in a delicate voice: "I will tell you that this bicycle, is the bike that belonged to Armstrong, the seventh consecutive champion of the World Tour de France. It was worth $500,000 at Sotheby's when it was auctioned."

Jie Zhu: "..."

A hiss rang out all around.

If it was other people saying such claims, they would not have believed them, but they had to believe what Wei Xia had just said.

Because Wei Xia is the biker princess in the Yanjing sports car circle, her brother is the head of the famous champion car company Wei Lai.

So the people who came with her were dumbfounded.

The skinny guy who just wanted to kick the bike was so scared that he hastily shrank behind the crowd and broke out in cold sweat.

If he had really kicked it, wouldn't that mean his foot would have costed his family hundreds of thousands of millions?

At the same time, there was another person who was scared.

It was Han Yuehua.

She did not know that she actually rode a bike worth several millions in the street.

At first, when she saw the bike, She thought it was fancy and a bit eye-catching.

But she never thought that it was actually a bike that had competed in the Tour de France.

It was also Armstrong's original bike.

How in the world did Wu Hao get it?

This kind of thing, I'm afraid even money alone was not enough to acquire it, right?

Han Yuehua's eyes fell on Wu Hao's body, her eyes were full of confusion and shock.

"Okay, Xiaoxia, don't fool around here, go do what you need to do."

Wu Hao finally

finally spoke.

"Well, Mr. Wu ..."

Looking at Wu Hao's somewhat unkind look, Wei Xia's little face became nervous.

Zhu Jie on the side couldn't help but say coldly, "surnamed Wu, what can you do even if you are the big boss of the champion car shop? You don't control Xia. So don't act like a big brother. "

"Who are you? Do I know you?"

Wu Hao gave him an impatient, sideway glance.

"You ..."

Zhu Jie's face was almost green with anger.

It feels like he just introduced himself in vain?

Seeing Wei Xia, who was not accommodating and cold in front of him, had turned into a good little kitten as soon as she saw Wu Hao, had infuriated Zhu Jie.

He bullied him again and said angrily, "my name is Zhu Jie. Remember."

The young man with a sharp nose also stretched out his neck and shouted, "our brother Jie's father is a big man in the Financial Street, with a fortune of over a 100 million. And you think you are awesome because you ride a bicycle costing just a few mere millions? "

Wu Hao, who had already turned around to go, suddenly stopped.

He glanced back at Zhu Jie: "Your father is a big man in the financial street? It's not Boss Zhu Qian Zhu, right?"

"What, you know my father?"

Zhu Jie got smug.

"Of course I know him. How long has it been since you've been in touch with your dad?"

Wu Hao smiled, a bit weirdly.

"What do you mean?"

"Nothing, go call your old man and tell him Wu Hao told him to hurry up and pay all the rent and get out."


Zhu Jie was stunned.