Green, but beautiful

Zhu Jie was taken aback by Wu Hao's words.

Pay the rent?

Get out of here?

What do you mean?

Did something happen in the past few days?

Zhu Jie's heart unexpectedly rose up with an ominous feeling, and he hastily took out his cell phone and made a call.

"Hello, Dad, it's me."

"Where are you?"


"Why are you moving?"

"What? We're leaving from Financial Street? Who decided that?"

"Is that ... guy named Wu Hao?"

By the time he said this, Zhu Jie's voice had started to tremble.

While looking at Wu Hao, he said tremblingly, "I ... I met a man named Wu Hao, the owner of the champion car company. He said ... he said for you to pay the rent as soon as possible ..."

"Good, I know."

Zhu Jie hung up the phone.

Accidentally, his phone fell to the ground.

He bent down to pick up the phone, did not even look at Wu Hao, he then suddenly turned around and walked away fast back to his car and quickly drove away.

He left his friends confused on what was going on.

Wei Xia also froze.

It took a long time before she looked at Wu Hao in confusion and said, "What happened to Zhu Jie? Their family can't afford to pay the rent? Mr. Wu, what happened?"

"Xia Xia, no more following me or harassing me in the future. Otherwise both you and your brother can roll up and leave for me."

Wu Hao said with a frown.

Then he turned around and pushed the bicycle, looked at Han Yuehua and said, "Let's go, i just lost interest in the night tour. Let's go back to Finance Street, there are cars there, I'll send you home."


Han Yuehua hurriedly pushed the bike to follow along and leave.

Behind the two, Wei Xia watched dumbfounded, until the two of them disappeared into the night, then she retracted her gaze.

The one who was called monkey finally came over and said with a perplexed face, "Sister Xia ..."

"Fuck off."

Wei Xia suddenly shouted: "It's all your fault, do not come near me in future."

After she finished speaking, she darted back into her Porsche. Then an engine roar sounded and she quickly disappeared into traffic.

Monkey looked puzzled, scratching his head: "What's it to me?"




After getting someone to send Han Yuehua home, Wu Hao had the two bikes sent back to the 4S store and he went home alone.

After arriving home, he called his mother again.

After talking for a while he learnt that his cousin and Liu Xi Yan had left by plane overnight.

Gone ...

It appears he has run away.

The first uncle and the first aunt did not leave.

The main thing was that living in the five-star hotel, made him feel sour.

Wu Hao heart was in between tears and laughter.

Was it too much to take?

In the past, his cousin used to brag a lot and he would laugh it off.

His psychological quality was too low.

However, it was apparent that after the two of them return to Magic City, there may be some twists and turns, right?


After chatting for a while, Wu Hao hung up the phone.

Tomorrow they had decided to go on their own tour of four people. They would go with the eldest uncle and eldest aunt, to look at the national flag then stroll around Old summer palace, and then to Badaling.

They did not want to go with Wu Hao.

Because with Wu Hao around, there were always a variety of incidents and shock and that was too scary for them.

It was also stressful.

Since they had decided that, Wu Hao was also happy to be free.

He directly sent his mother 500,000 to her Wechat.

Tomorrow they could have fun as much as they wanted.

After taking care of things, Wu Hao stripped naked and turned into the bathroom to take a cold shower.

After taking a shower with a bath towel around his waist.

His hair was not even dried and was still wet.

He liked this feeling.

He returned to the living room and he picked up his phone and scanned through it.


Four to five messages?

Tapping on it, they were all from Han Yuehua.

"Wu Hao, are you home yet?"

"Have you slept yet?"

"Had a great time today, thank you."

"I hope we can get together undisturbed for once next time, I'm looking forward to it."

A bunch of little red hearts were sent afterwards.

There was also a photo.

It was a small trophy.

Once he saw that trophy, Wu Hao froze for a moment.

Wasn't that the prize they had won for attaining the best dance award at the New Year's Day party after dancing a waltz with her at school?

She had actually kept it.

Wu Hao was surprised.

He also had one.

They were a pair.

Since there was only that one intimate contact during college, Wu Hao never thought that he would get together with the department flower.

So he did not take it too seriously.

Now seeing her taking a picture and sending it to him, for a moment in his heart there was a little strange and warm feeling.

It was as if the youthful days of college had returned.

Wu Hao got up and went into the bedroom, rummaging in his bookcase, and soon found the small trophy.

Come to think of it, it seemed that once upon a time, there was a little moment of flirting with this beautiful flower from the department.

So he had never thrown it away.

Wu Hao casually took a photo and sent it directly to Han Yuehua.

He sent it with a caption.

"Green, but beautiful. Reminiscing."


His phone vibrated.

Han Yuehua's message quickly came back.

"That is true."

A very simple three words reply.

Wu Hao smiled gently and threw the phone aside and fell headfirst onto the bed.

It seemed that two people with common memories would more likely become a couple, right?

Isn't it so?

Just when he was indulging in the memories of his college days, suddenly there was a knock on the door from outside.

It was loud.

Wu Hao frowned, got up and walked to the door and he looked out through the peep hole.


The landlord was here.

Why did she come at this late hour?

It was not even the day to pay rent yet.

Wu Hao casually opened the door and looked outside at a sexy young woman dressed in a sultry and enchanting way, wearing a fish net stocking.

That was his landlord, called Sun Xiu.

"Sister Sun, what's up?"

"Ahem, Xiao Wu ah, you see the price of our neighbourhood has gone up for three months in a row. Not that I do not have sympathy, but next month, the rent really has to go up some more. In the future it will be 4500 a month, you first have to pay the next quarter's rent."

She stretched out her hand.

Wu Hao suddenly didn't know whether to laugh or cry.

He didn't expect that he was actually being urged to pay rent.