Shelby Cobra 427

Wu Hao's rented small one-bedroom was 3500 a month.

Now it actually rose directly to 4500.

It was an astounding increase.

Fortunately, he no longer needed to rent a house, if this is a few days ago, he would have felt helpless.

The property bubble in Yanjing was very strong.

"Sister Sun, I don't need to rent the house anymore. I'll move out in the next two days."

Wu Hao said straightforwardly.


Sun Xiu froze.

Her big eyes that had a pink eye colour blinked and smiled suddenly: "ouch, brother, is this scaring you? You're still a small boss after all. "

"No i am not scared, I have a place to live."

Wu Hao laughed.

"You really don't want to rent?"


"Brother, do you really have a place to live in? If you're scared, I'll soften my heart again and let you have a few months. So you don't rent a basement. "

Sun Xiu had a concerned expression on her face.

Her concern was real.

Wu Hao could feel it.

This landlady was only in her early thirties this year and was a widow.

She was alone with her two-year-old child in Yanjing, surviving only on rent temporarily.

Wu Hao had talked to her before.

Her husband was a firefighter who unfortunately passed away during a fire rescue operation at the beginning of the year.

He was a very respectable person.

Sun Xiu is very strong.

It was temporarily because she couldn't go to work and take care of her child at the same time. She had also refused the help of her family. She was also running a micro business and collecting rent at the same time.

During the time that Wu Hao was renting she took good care of him.

So Wu Hao and her got along quite well.

The only thing he couldn't stand was that this big sister always liked to tease Wu Hao.

She would always come to chat with him when she had nothing to do. Sometimes she would make some delicious food and send it to him. Every time she came over she would dress very sexy.

Just like today.

Her fishnet dresses got in the way...

Wu Hao looked at Sun Xiu's expression of reluctance and thought for a bit, then went back to the house and took out his phone and smiled: "Sister Sun, how about this, I'll give you the next quarter's rent. And as for which day I will move out, it will all depend on my mood."

After saying that, he quickly transferred 13,500.

Ding ding!

Sun Xiu's phone rang.

She picked it up and looked at the amount of money he had sent, She suddenly froze: "You payed by 4500? Sister had just told you that i will allow you a few months. You'd better pay by the original amount of 3,500."

"Sister Sun, It's fine and like I said, i am good. It's because i really do have a place to live."

"Really? You bought a house?"

Sun Xiu asked, puzzled.


"Where did you buy it?"

"Yihe Villa, a courtyard."


Sun Xiu was speechless.

Those big charming eyes plucked out a fierce glance at Wu Hao, while coming closer and whispering, "Brat, you coax your sister like that? A villa courtyard? All right, I know you are kind-hearted. So how about I accompany you for one night?"

"Cough cough ..."

Wu Hao was choked and coughed.

When Sun Xiu giggled, he closed the door and said aloud, "Sister Sun, hurry up and go back. Be careful at night, dressed like that you might attract wolves."

"Hey, brat open the door? You're throwing me out now?"

"I'm going to sleep."

"You're a virgin, you're so scared. All right, I'm leaving."

The sound of high heels sounded outside.

Wu Hao shook his head and smiled bitterly.

This big sister is a good person but she is too much.

Back in the bedroom, Wu Hao relaxed his whole body and climbed straight into bed.

Looking forward to tomorrow's big gift package.

He fell asleep



[Ding. Today's check-in package has been refreshed. Check-in target, Yanjing University.]


Wu Hao climbed down from the bed.

He had a good sleep.

He did not even dream.

He turned his head to look outside, it was actually raining.

The light rain was drizzling and the sky was gloomy and frightening.

A gust of a cool breeze blew in through the window, it was very cooling.

Recently, it had been hot and muggy, so it was hard to expect a rainy day.

Wu Hao hurriedly called his mother.

After chatting for a while, he hung up the phone in between laughter and tears.

In order not to waste time, the four old men ran to see the raising of the national flag in the rain.

And a little rain did not dampen their high spirits.

They had gone behind the Forbidden City, the great wall and the Ming Tombs and so on according to their tour plans.

Anyway, Mom has money in her hands.

Wu Hao was more or less reassured a little.

In Yanjing, if you have money, you can do things easily. At least, you can enjoy the whole capital comfortably.

A few minutes later.

Wu Hao washed up, casually wore a set of sportswear, took the umbrella and quickly left home.

Today's target, Yanjing University.

Wu Hao first went to the 4S store.

Now It had almost become his habit to go to see the refreshed vehicles every day.

After arriving at the 4S store, he unexpectedly saw Wei Lai reprimanding Wei Xia, and also trained that girl to tears.

Wu Hao was puzzled and walked over.

"What's wrong?"

"Mr. Wu."

Wei Lai hastily nodded in greeting and came over with an apology and said, "I'm sorry, I know all about last night. This girl is simply not like that, I will strictly restrain her in the future."

When Wu Hao heard that, it suddenly dawned on him.

So it was about what happened last night.

Turning his head to look at Wei Xia, who was standing at the side with an aggrieved face and teary eyes, Wu Hao was also in between laughter and tears.

This girl can only be handled by her brother.

Outside, she was like a demon.

"Forget it, it was just children fooling around ..."

"I'm not a child, You always treat me like a child, I'm eighteen, I have the right to like the man I like, what's wrong with that?"

Wei Xia suddenly burst out shouting before turning around whimpering and ran away.

"This ... sorry, Mr. Wu, this sister of mine ..."

Wei Lai looked apologetic.

"It's okay, just don't let her stalk me in private in the future. Everyone has been eighteen years old, I used to be even crazier than her."

Wu Hao smiled and patted Wei Lai's arm, turned around and walked towards the high-premium garage, asking as he walked, "Is there any new car today?"

"Mr. Wu, another strange car came today."

Once he heard about the car, Wei Lai's expression became odd again.

"Strange car?"

Wu Hao gave him a look.

"Yes, very strange."

"What kind of car has made you feel strange?"

"Shelby Cobra 427, 1966 model."


Wu Hao was stunned for a moment.