Black technology super computer

Wu Hao drove back to the Financial Street office building.

He parked the car at the exclusive private parking space in the garden.

As soon as he got out of the car, he heard Sun Mengmeng's shriek: "Ah, why are you here, Mr. Wu? Wow, what kind of car is this again?"

"Mengmeng? You didn't go home to rest?"

Wu Hao carried the super computer and closed the car door.

Sun Mengmeng wandered around the old car for a while like a rabbit and said excitedly, "I don't want to go home. The place I live is worse than the toilet here. It's better to stay in the office and be more comfortable."

"Where do you live?"

Wu Hao asked casually.

"Dongsi Xinyuan District, a single room shared with others."

"It's far enough."

"It doesn't matter how far it is, I can take the subway. The main thing is that the sister I share a room with has several dogs, and does not clean up every day, so it's dirty."

Sun Mengmeng took a picture of the old car while answering back.

"You should move out."


Sun Mengmeng was stunned.

Wu Hao waved at her, turned around and walked towards the office building, saying as he walked, "You should move out and find a single apartment near here."

"Live here?"

Sun Mengmeng was shocked: "Mr. Wu, the rent here is very expensive. Renting a small bedroom of 10 square meters costs 4000."

"Mengmeng, the company will pay for your rent, consider it as staff welfare."


"It's settled. You are now the only one left in the company, how can there be no benefits for you."

The two people talked and went into the office building.

When they came to the office on the third floor, Wu Hao put the super computer on the desk and looked at Sun Mengmeng and smiled, "The house you rent will be the company dormitory, how about it?"

"Dormitory ah?"

"Right. When you buy your own house, you will move out from there. It will be a dormitory for new employees."

"Then can I live there for a long time?"

Sun Mengmeng said bitterly, "I don't even consider buying a house in Yanjing, it's too expensive. You may not be able to buy a suite even if you spend your whole life working."

"Who said that."

Wu Hao sat down with a smile and said casually, "From now on, you are my personal assistant. The annual salary is initially set at one million for you."


Sun Mengmeng let out a startled cry, "One million?"


"One million a year?"

"Are you a repeater?"


Sun Mengmeng stuck out her tongue, easily calmed down, and excitedly whispered, "Mr. Wu, will you really give me an annual salary of one million?"

"Ugh, you really are a repeater. I have to repeat it several times, right? Go give Liu Zhongheng a call and ask him if the matter of Xintai Life has been resolved."


"When Xintai Life has made up the rent and moves out of Ding Sheng Times, you need to start planning. I need Haotian photon to restart within half a month. The new location will be in Ding Sheng Times."

"Okay, Mr. Wu, I'm going to make the call."

Sun Mengmeng turned around excitedly and ran.

When she ran to the door, Wu Hao said again, "Mengmeng, remember, any phone call you make from now on is on my behalf. So, think about it when you call."

"Well, I know."

"You know?"

"Mm." Sun Mengmeng gave a strong nod.

"Then who are you?"

"I'm Sun Mengmeng, huh?"

"Stupid, you are Wu Hao's personal assistant, my spokesperson." Wu Hao gave her a helpless look.

"Oh, yes, I'm Mr. Wu's personal assistant. Hee hee, I'm going to make a call, don't worry Mr. Wu, I know what to say."

Sun Mengmeng smiled cheekily and ran out.

Wu Hao let out a long sigh.

This little secretary, Is getting more and more likable.

He then looked down at the mysterious computer on the table.

Come on, let's see what black technology there is.

Wu Hao rubbed his hands together and excitedly opened the black box.

Inside there was a flat plate like crystal glass, looking quite luxurious.

There was a logo below the tablet.

The shape was a bit peculiar, he had never seen it before.

It had a weird shape quiet a bit similar to the Möbius ring.

How was he supposed to open this?

There was no button around to see the power on button.

Wu Hao picked up the tablet, turned it over and over a few times, and muttered, "How can this thing be opened? System, give a hint."

Suddenly, the crystal tablet turned black.

Immediately after, on the screen appeared the boot screen, which was the process of the mysterious logo flashing.

Wu Hao was stunned.

How did it open?

Could it be ...

Through the stream of consciousness?

Soon, the screen logo flashed and entered a pitch-black interface.

Wu Hao took a deep breath and flashed a consciousness in his mind, "Is there an operation guide? Put it up for me to see."


The pitch-black interface really appeared with the operation guide demonstration video.

Speaking of the video, Wu Hao had never seen this type of video player before.

It had all those mysterious and weird logo patterns.

Then, the video began to explain the simple application functions of this super tablet computer.

It looked like something out of a science fiction movie.

This was an extremely powerful supercomputer, its computing rate surpasses the world's best Mi 'Vertex' supercomputer.

At the same time, the supercomputer was networked globally.

It could explore the entire 'deep web' behind the Internet.

Of course, the most awesome thing about the supercomputer was its black technology search engine.

The system's so-called black technology gift package referred to this black technology search engine, from which one can search for black technology that surpassed the current level of world technology.

Finally, the video demonstrated a little surprise.

Behind this supercomputer, he could also key down a palm-sized fully transparent crystal screen super phone, which is connected to the computer.

Black technology cell phone.

It could use the cell phone chip card of this era.

And it also had all the functions of the super computer.

Seeing this, Wu Hao excitedly turned over the computer and really keyed down a super-thin crystal transparent cell phone from the back core area.

He took it in his hand and looked at it.

It was too fantastic.

It was as if it was a whole piece of a clear crystal, He could feel it's texture on his hand.

This is black technology, right?

If one could develop this kind of phone, I'm afraid they would leap to become the world's top cell phone supplier.

Wu Hao's heart thumped wildly.

The appearance of the super computer seemed to have opened a new door in front of him.

The future was even more exciting!