The simple and uncomplicated black technology solution

After watching the demonstration video, Wu Hao nodded his head with satisfaction.

The use of the super computer was bound to his stream of consciousness.

This was also a kind of black technology.

Using consciousness as a carrier for remote control of electronic devices.

Therefore, this tablet computer could not be used by anyone but him.

Next, Wu Hao spent a few minutes to copy his phone card information into the black technology phone and successfully transferred all the phone files.

Just after finishing the operation, the black technology phone 'dinged' a sound.

Received a text message.

It was an arrival SMS from the bank.

A sum of 2.46 million was received.

Immediately after that, Sun Mengmeng ran in, excitedly: "Mr. Wu, in the afternoon, Xintai Life came to move the car. Just now, the rent they owed was also paid in full. Have you received it?"

"Yes, just received it."

Wu Hao nodded, looked up at Sun Mengmeng and smiled, "Zhu Qian is quite crisp."

"He's not."

The corners of Sun Mengmeng's lips turned: "That guy was playing tough with me on the phone, saying I didn't deserve to talk to him and that I had to talk to you."

"Then what did you say?"

"I said I was Mr. Wu's personal assistant, and I was in full charge of this matter. I warned him that if he didn't do it, I would take the legal route and buy the media to make some hype for him. Hee hee, he went nuts."

Wu Hao smiled: "He did not dare to resist. New Tai Life is already going downhill, if some more news came out, it will probably collapse. Mengmeng, well done."

"Thank you, Mr. Wu, for the compliment."

Sun Mengmeng smiled sweetly.

"Mengmeng, give me your bank card number. I'll transfer some of the funds to you for the company's reboot, so you don't have to ask me for money for everything in the future."


Sun Mengmeng immediately told him the card number.

Wu Hao picked up the black technology phone and started to operate it.

"Ya, Mr. Wu, what is that?" Sun Mengmeng's big eyes instantly glared round.

"It's a mobile phone."

"Mobile phone? Such a cute phone? It's so beautiful, what brand is it?"

"Oh, it's a black technology brand. Don't worry about it, no one will be able to buy it anytime soon. I'm the only one with it in the world."


Sun Mengmeng pouted her little lips and nodded her head.

Soon, her phone vibrated.

When she picked it up and took a look, she was shocked, "Mr. Wu, you transferred 30 million? It's too much, right?"

"No it's not too much. When Xintai Life is gone, you are fully responsible for cleaning up that floor of Ding Sheng Times and moving the company there."


"Okay, you go and get busy. Don't forget to rent an apartment near here as a dormitory, at the company's expense."

"Got it."

"Go on."

Sun Mengmeng turned around excitedly and went out.

As soon as she left, Wu Hao immediately set up the super computer and used his hand on the screen to directly pull out a virtual dazzling keyboard mapped on the desktop.

Then, he typed a few words in the black technology search engine.

"Strong laser weapon."


A folder popped up on the screen instantly.

The name of the file was "100 Billion Megawatt Cascade Group Beam Laser Cannon".

Wu Hao's eyes instantly lit up.

The cow is in full swing.

Damn it, here comes the chance for revenge.

The reason why he searched for this kind of technology was because when the company was operating this kind of project before, the customer side project was put on hold because of the malicious delay of the delivery date by the foreign supplier.

As a result, Wu Hao was fined a huge amount of money.

For a small company established just over two years, that sum of money directly crushed the company.

Why would foreign suppliers maliciously delay the delivery date?

Because of the international situation.

It was complicated.

In short, Wu Hao's small company became a victim.

If China could solve this problem, then not only could they humiliate foreign suppliers, but they could achieve the goal of independent research and development of key products."

Right now, he was not worried about money at all.

Operating this type of company,in the long run they had to be a national enterprise.

Wu Hao took a deep breath, gently clicked on the folder, and began to browse through an article and design drawings inside.

Time, slowly passed.

He looked as if he was mesmerised.

The so-called black tech product is not something that cannot be produced in this era, but it was just that no one could think of such a solution.

As long as there was a solution, with the material conditions of modern society, it was possible to make 'black technology products' that surpassed the technology of the current times.

Therefore, what Wu Hao looked at was very practical and simple.

There were not many principle things in it.

It was more about engineering and solution optimisation and ingenuity.

It was from a totally unexpected perspective.

And many of the settings and techniques were extremely downright daring and terrifying.

For example, a gigawatt laser gun needs energy to pump the luminous material, as modern technology does. A different kind of laser is used to shine light on the luminescent material.

But the black technology solution was actually using the isotope of hydrogen to generate fusion?

It was the nuclear fusion effect

Using it as a pumping source ...

That's crazy.

The miniaturised fusion ark alone should be worth a fortune.

After carefully looking at the design drawings, Wu Hao felt strange again.

The design drawings were simple and clear, so clear that he was afraid he had the ability to build a strong laser cannon if he had a professional-level laboratory.

Before he knew it, it was already 12:30 pm.

Suddenly, the phone let out a 'ding' sound.

Wu Hao suddenly came back to his senses, picked up his phone and looked at it, it was a message from Sun Mengmeng.

"Mr. Wu, you are so absorbed in reading. Aren't you hungry? Do you need me to order some takeaway?"

Wu Hao was stunned.

He was so absorbed in watching that he felt as if ten minutes had just passed.

He stretched back lazily as he thought about it and then picked up the phone and texted back: "Do not order. I'll take you out to eat something nice."

"Yeah, Okay."

"Wait for me to come down."

Wu Hao casually shut down the super computer and stuffed it directly into the cabinet of his desk.

Then he picked up his phone and turned around to leave the office.

Downstairs, Sun Mengmeng had a sweet smile on her face.

"Mr. Wu, what are we going to eat?"

"What do you want to eat?" Wu Hao laughed.

"I want to eat roasted meat." Sun Mengmeng's mouth was watering.

"Then let's go to 'Sizzling Roast Meat', so you can eat all at once, let's go."

Wu Hao smiled brightly and turned towards the luxurious vintage car parked not far away.