Met old Wan on a blind date

Sizzling barbecue, was a special restaurant in Yanjing.

The store is decorated with memories of old Yanjing in the 1980s.

Water is served in large enamel jars.

Tea bowls are printed with antique prints and happy words, full of a sense of age.

Cast iron skillet, copper cast oven.

Two bottles of cold beer, a few plates of fresh beef from Cow Street, and a few friends to drink a glass of change, it was a great enjoyment.

When Wu Hao arrived with Sun Mengmeng, the store was in it's peak dining period.

The lobby was filled with a mouth-watering smell of grilled meat.

Wu Hao liked this smoky atmosphere.

After the waiter confirmed the table, he immediately took Sun Mengmeng inside.

When they arrived at the seat, the two of them sat down.

Soon, the waiter brought the menu.

"Mengmeng, you can order."

"Then I won't hold back Mr. Wu ..."

"When we are outside just call me brother Hao, and not Mr. Wu because it makes me sound like i am a several years older than you."

Sun Mengmeng's eyes lit up and smiled sweetly at Wu Hao: "Brother Hao."

"That's right."

Wu Hao also smiled.

Sun Mengmeng was a typical little happy girl in her daily life.

Her smile was charming.

It was easy to make people forget about their troubles.

This was also why Wu Hao wanted to keep her around.

Two minutes later, Sun Mengmeng finished ordering.

The waiter placed the order and left.

Sun Mengmeng said with a thieving face, "Brother Hao, I ordered a lot of meat. Can you eat it? I'm afraid you will look bad if you grow meat."

"What's bad about growing meat?" Wu Hao laughed.

"Your current figure is simply the perfect proportion a man should have. I don't want you to grow meat, I now have a guilty conscience, what do i do?"


Wu Hao felt helpless.

Just when the two people were talking, suddenly someone on the other side let out a 'Huh' sound.

As soon as he heard the voice, Wu Hao knew who it was.

What a coincidence?

He turned his head to look, it was really that guy old Wan.

Should i go?

This guy actually had long hair, had a slim figure and was with an exquisite fashionable girl.

Did he have a girlfriend?

Wan Ming also saw Wu Hao.

But he didn't come over to say hello, but gave Wu Hao a wink instead.

What the hell?

Wu Hao blinked and withdrew his eyes again.

Forget it, since he didn't say hello, I guess there is something fishy, it must have something to do with that girl.

"Brother Hao, who are you looking at?"

Sun Mengmeng also noticed Wu Hao's strange appearance and asked suspiciously.

"I just saw old Wan."

"Ah? Manager Wan is also here?"

Sun Mengmeng hurriedly glanced back and said excitedly, "Manager Wan is looking for a girlfriend? That woman is so beautiful."

"Come on, stop gossiping and don't look. That boy did not come over to say hello, so i guess that something might be going on."


Sun Mengmeng turned around.

Looking at Wu Hao she blinked, then suddenly whispered, "Hao, you ... how have you not been looking for a girlfriend?"

"Me? Haven't met anyone interested yet."

Sun Mengmeng lowered her head, and a strange look flashed in her eyes.

Soon, the dishes were served.

The grill was also ready.

Wu Hao reached out and knocked on the table: "Hey, hey, girl, what are you thinking about with your head down? Let's eat, are you not hungry?"

"Oh, right, I'm starving to death."

Sun Mengmeng hastily raised her head, with her hands together.

A piece of specially marinated fresh beef was placed on the grill and started sizzling.

The oily smoke floated up and the fragrance was overwhelming.

Wu Hao also couldn't help but start gulping.

A few minutes later.

"Brother Hao, start eating."

"You eat too."

The two people gave each other a courtesy and then coincidentally extended their chopsticks.

As a result, both their chopsticks coincidentally reached for the same piece of meat.

Sun Mengmeng was stunned and looked up at Wu Hao.

Her face instantly turned red.

She didn't know what she was thinking.

Then she retracted the chopstick, biting her lips with a shy look.

Wu Hao looked at her and smiled as he put the meat he had got into the small plate in front of her, "Have we both been mixing for too long, even our preferences are almost the same."

"Thank you, Brother Hao."

Sun Mengmeng smiled sweetly.

Her big watery eyes narrowed into a crescent moon.

"Don't be polite, start eating."

Wu Hao swept his chopsticks into a whirlwind and ate up with Sun Mengmeng.

The hall was getting more and more lively.

The sound of laughing and talking was rising and falling.

The rich smell of roasted meat lingered around.

Just when Wu Hao and Sun Mengmeng were eating happily, someone suddenly passed by and whispered, "Mouse, come to the toilet."

Then he walked past.

Wu Hao turned around and swept a glance, it was Wan Ming.

He was sneaky ...

"Ugh, I am going to the bathroom."

Wu Hao helplessly put down his chopsticks.

"Hee hee, Hao, you'll see if I guessed correctly later"

"Guessed what?"

"I guess that girl is quite demanding. I guess Manager Wan will come looking for you to find a way to fill the door. If I guessed correctly, you have to reward me."

Wu Hao smiled: "Okay, I'll reward you with a car if you guess correctly."


Taking advantage of Sun Mengmeng's daze, Wu Hao got up and left.

In the bathroom.

As soon as he saw Wu Hao come in, Wan Ming immediately went over and grabbed his shoulder, while laughing bitchily, "Mouse, you fucking tricked Sun Mengmeng into it?"

"Get lost."

Wu Hao lost his temper and went to the side ready to pee: "Meng Meng is still with me. I just brought her in for lunch. What are you doing sneaking around?"

"Mengmeng is still with you?" Wan Ming froze.

"Yes. She's excellent at her job, or at least more resourceful and daring than you. Alright, what the hell are you up to? You didn't even greet me when you came in?"

Wan Ming scratched his head and said awkwardly, "Brother, I'm here for a blind date today."

"See, it's not bad."

"Ofcourse. But her requirements are a little too high. She requires a car and a house in Yanjing. I think it may be difficult to have a house, but the car should not be a big problem."


Wu Hao finished shaking twice and glanced at him obliquely.

"Did you drive today? What kind of car? Can I borrow it?" Wan Ming was looking forward to it.


Wu Hao didn't hesitate at all.

He directly threw the keys of the antique classic car to Wan Ming.

At the same time, he said lightly, "Old Wan, personally, I suggest that it's better not to do this kind of deception. Once you start, you may not be able to stop."

After saying that, he patted his arm and turned around to leave.