Despised by the little anchor

He got back to his seat.

Sun Mengmeng whispered, "Brother Hao, was i right?"

"Quiet accurate."

Wu Hao gave her a thumbs up.

"What about my reward?"

"I had said, as long as you guessed correctly, you would be rewarded with a car."

"A car is too expensive, I don't want it. You've given me a million annual salary increase, I don't want too much. My reward is very simple."

Sun Mengmeng looked a little coy and whispered, "I just want to work with you all the time."

"Oh, I don't plan to fire you either."

Wu Hao smiled, his eyes aimed at Wan Ming who walked out and said casually, "Your wish is not the same as my reward. You will be awarded a car tomorrow."

"Uh ... really award a car?"

"Don't you have a driver's license?"

"I passed the test, but i have not bought a car and have not really been on the road," Sun Meng Meng stuck out his tongue.

"It's okay, when I'm free, I'll take you."

Wu Hao watched Wan Ming walk back to his own seat, and secretly sighed in his heart.

This kid, in the end, decided to go for a facade.

Why bother?

The girl he was dating, at a glance, was the kind of person who lived a more delicate life.

Now he was going to fake his lifestyle and pretend to be someone he was not, how many times was he going to do this?

Wu Hao shook his head and his gaze turned to Sun Mengmeng: "Giving you a car was also a thought of mine a while ago. After all, you will have to go out a lot in the future, for the company's welfare."

"I'll gladly accept it. Thank you, Brother Hao."

Sun Mengmeng smiled unusually brightly.

"Eat up."


The two of them continued to eat.

More than half an hour later, the grilled meat feast was finally finished.

Wu Hao settled the bill.

The two of them walked out of the barbecue restaurant and went outside.

At the moment, the sky had completely cleared up.

The sky was as blue as the ocean, the soothing shade of blue.

Wu Hao was having a few laughs with Sun Mengmeng, when suddenly a shout came from the parking lot on the side: "Zhao Jiao, wait a minute, Zhao Jiao."

"We are not suitable for each other, bye."

"Hey, Zhao Jiao ..."

It was Wan Ming?

Wu Hao blinked his eyes.

He watched the girl walk proudly and got into a red BMW in the opposite parking space.

That was presumably the girl's car.

It was a BMW new 5 series sedan, seems to be 540i, It cost around 600,000 at most.

Soon, the girl drove away.

Wan Ming stood on the side of the road like a defeated rooster, looking dejected.

"Old Wan."

Wu Hao took Sun Mengmeng and walked over.

"Mouse, Sun Mengmeng. Did you enjoy the barbecue? Sun Mengmeng, how come I didn't notice it before, the more you grew up the more beautiful you became."

Wan Ming pretended to be relaxed and looked at Sun Mengmeng and joked.

"Oh, manager Wan, I've always been this beautiful."

"You still call me manager Wan?"

Wan Ming rolled his eyes, casually threw the car keys to Wu Hao and laughed helplessly, "The car is returned to you, it was useless."

"What's wrong?"

Wu Hao took the key and asked casually.

"She didn't look at me, she also disliked my general appearance, and the fact that i had no house. She said the car i bought is strange looking, the exhaust was still on both sides and she said it was too ugly."


Wu Hao had a speechless face.

Sun Mengmeng on the side couldn't help but ask: "Manager Wan, do you know what kind of car this is?"

"Yes. Ford Cobra."

Wan Ming scratched his head: "I've introduced it to her as an imported car. And that it costed at least more than half a million, but people said it's not as expensive as her car."


Sun Mengmeng couldn't help but giggle, pointing at Wan Ming and shaking her head: "Manager Wan, you look so frustrated. You didn't even ask brother Hao?"

"Ask what?" Wan Ming was stunned.

"This car is not an ordinary Cobra. It's a 1961 Shelby Cobra 427, an antique, you know?"

"What?" Wan Ming stared blankly.

"This car is an antique. It was worth 1.3 million dollars when it was auctioned abroad, okay? Now, the evaluation is definitely tens of millions."

Sun Mengmeng couldn't help but tease a bit.

As a result, Wan Ming looked at the sports car beside him with a dumbfounded face for a long time before he let out a strange cry of 'digging trough' and turned his head to look at Wu Hao with a crying face: "Why didn't you say so earlier?"

"You didn't ask me."

Wu Hao curled his lips.

"But ... you're too abnormal. How can you drive an antique car worth tens of millions out to dinner? I thought it was just an ordinary Ford Cobra."

"All right, it's your turn to run. stop your deception otherwise you won't find a girl."

Wu Hao patted him on the shoulder and said with a smile, "And it's just blind date, why are you so serious? Can't you find somebody else?"

"I ... more or less moved." Wan Ming mumbled.

"You are looking at the person's beauty, right? long legs, thin waist, is not it?" Sun Mengmeng came over and laughed.

"Go away, what do you know."

Wan understood Sun Mengmeng's glance, he then took out his phone, flipped out a few photos excitedly: "Mouse, she is my mother's friend's child. Look, She is a blogger who does live streaming. Isn't she pretty?"

The phone displayed several photos in a row.

All of them were of that girl.

Talk about not beautiful.

She could only be said to have a Netflix face.

Plus if you add a live filter or something, Who could see how she really looked like?

Today in the barbecue restaurant, Wu Hao gave her a quick glance and did not pay too much attention to her.

Anyway, Wan Ming was really fascinated.

While showing the photos he kept rambling: "Her name is Zhao Jiao, twenty-four years old. Seems to be a media university graduate. It's been a year since she started live streaming and she also earns around 600,000 to 700,000 a year."

"So what?"

"So she's good."

"I did not say she is not good , the key thing is that she did not see you for you. Old Wan, that kind of girl lives a very delicate life and she needs material things. Do you have them?"

"I ... do not."

"That's it."

After saying that, Wu Hao turned around and sat in the car, smiled and said, "Okay, do what you need to do. Meng Meng and i have to go back to work."

"What the fuck, you are so well off and still work?" Wan Ming was shocked.

"Do people have too much money?"

Wu Hao just finished speaking, and suddenly found Wan Ming looking at the main road with a dull face, the expression on his face changed from amazement to surprise, and then to excitement.

He looked back.


That red BMW is back ...