The embarrassment of the truth coming out

Zhao Jiao drove back again.

And her face, had a look of unexpected surprise.

It turns out that after she drove away earlier, she started a live broadcast to ridicule Wan Ming.

She was a popular broadcaster on Tiger Live.

With more than 200,000 fans.

Every day she had nothing to do, so everywhere she went she would broadcast. Because she had good make up on and a very good body, in a year she would earn around five or six hundred thousand.

Today's blind date was purely initiated by her family so she had to go.

At the same time, this kind of thing could be used as content to live troll, so she came.

Before coming, Zhao Jiao had seen the photos of Wan Ming.

She was not too satisfied with his appearance.

Later when she heard that he had started a company with his friend, she then decided to come and meet him.

While they were eating she found out that the company went out of business.

He had no house in Yanjing.

He said that he had a car.

After eating she went have a look, She saw a strange sports car, that had an exhaust on both sides of the body and it downright had a strange appearance.

Wan Ming said it was a Ford Cobra.

Which probably cost more than 500,000.

After Zhao Jiao heard the price, she couldn't help but compare it to her BMW brand new 5 Series, and the fact that her car was more than 700,000, so that meant his car was nowhere near the price of her car.

So in the end, she just rolled up her sleeves and left.

After she drove off, she quickly started a live broadcast, where she made fun of the incident as a topic of conversation.

Her fans went crazy.

Seeing their goddess with a complaining face, they gave her some small gifts in the live room to comfort her.

Zhao Jiao finally got happy.

In the blink of an eye, there were hundreds of thousands of tips.

Finally, she directly sent a few photos she had taken when she saw the antique classic car to the live broadcast, spitting a few words about how ugly and dirty the car was.

It was those photos that suddenly set the live stream on fire.

A few car-loving fans replied frantically, picking up all the information about the antique vintage car and brushing it off in the live stream.

Zhao Jiao was confused.

She quickly parked the car on the side of the road and asked the fans in the live stream for a minute, finally she found out the name of the car.

Shelby Cobra 427.

A legendary super car.

It sold at a foreign auction a few years ago for $1.3 million.

Now ... it was estimated to be worth tens of millions of dollars, right?

At that moment, Zhao Jiao's felt fire all over her body.

She thought she had met a golden diamond prince, so she immediately turned her car around and rushed back at twice the speed.


Zhao Jiao came back, Wan Ming did not know whether to be happy or depressed.

Because he knows it by heart.

The reason for coming back is most likely because of the Cobra sports car.

"Wan Ming..."

Zhao Jiao got off the car and came straight to the parking space.

But just after shouting his name, she saw Wu Hao and Sun Mengmeng.

A series of question marks appeared in her head.

Sun Mengmeng was beautiful.

She was a threat!

Who is Wu Hao?

He was very handsome, the type of handsome that could cause people to drool.

But, how come he was sitting in Wan Ming's car?

In an instant, Zhao Jiao thought of countless possibilities.

But she still ran in front of Wan Ming, she first smiled charmingly, then looked at Wu Hao in amazement: "Who is he? Why is he sitting in your car?"

"I'm Old Wan's friend."

Wu Hao smiled lightly, got down from the car, and shrugged: "Seeing his luxury car, I couldn't help but to go in and sit in it."


Zhao Jiao's face immediately had a wonderful expression.

She looked back at Wan Ming and smiled delicately, "To be honest, I'm actually a very filial girl. Mom said that you are a very progressive person, so I decided to give dating you a try."


Wan Ming's face was a bit green.

Wu Hao stood beside Sun Mengmeng and looked at him with a smirk.

"Wan Ming, you're really annoying too, why did you lie to me?"

Zhao Jiao slapped him petulantly.

"I'm sorry, I shouldn't have lied to you."

Wan Ming muttered.

"That's right, this car is clearly a Shelby Cobra sports car, but it's worth ten million dollars. And you lied to me that it was only half a million or so."

"I didn't lie to you about it, I really thought it was only half a million."


Zhao Jiao was stunned.

Wan Ming took a deep breath and pointed to Wu Hao on the side and said, "This car is my buddy's, not mine. I just wanted to borrow it to put on a show."


Zhao Jiao's face turned red for a while.

Immediately after that, it started to turn white again.

Her eyes looked at Wu Hao, then fiercely turned around and darted back to her car, put on her ignition, her foot on the gas peddle and quickly left.


Wan Ming shook his head.

"Old Wan, why did you give up?" Wu Hao wondered.

"There was no point."

"Are you over her?"

"Well, forget it, I'll take my leave, I won't keep you guys so bye."

Wan Ming waved his hand at Wu Hao and Sun Mengmeng, then turned around and wandered away.

"Manager Wan is quite pathetic."

"What's so pathetic about a failed blind date."

"Obviously he looks at people."

"What's the use of him looking. Marriage is a matter of two people, without the two sides in love, being forced to be together while there is no mutual feeling then it's pointless."

Wu Hao sat in the car again and patted the seat beside him, "Come on, Meng Meng. The meal and melons are finished. Let's go back to Financial Street."

"Brother Hao, I suddenly want to take the half-day off."

Sun Mengmeng scratched her head.

"Why, something wrong?"

"Uh, a little."

"Do you want to go on a blind date too?" Wu Hao laughed.

"I'm not going on a blind date, I have my own goal in mind. Is it okay, Brother Hao, is it okay to take half a day off?"

"Sure, today is the weekend. Where are you going, do you want me to drive you?"

"No, no." Sun Mengmeng shook her head quickly.

"Okay then, I'll go first."

After saying that, Wu Hao directly drove away.

Looking at the antique classic car's distant back, Sun Mengmeng muttered, "His birthday is coming up, what gift should I prepare? It's so sad."