Gulfstream G500 Small Private Jet

The private hangar opened up.

Liu Dan was dumbfounded.

Even Wu Hao himself was a bit dumbfounded.

Inside the hangar, there was a small private plane parked.

It was exquisite.

The overall length of the aircraft was 27 meters.

It looked almost as small as the 737-300 , the smallest model in the Boeing's 737 family.

The shape was very beautiful.

It's maximum speed is Mach 0.925 or the speed of sound.

The speed of sound in the air is about 1224 km/h, so the G500 private jet is close to the speed of sound.

The maximum climbing altitude is about 15,000 meters or so.

The interior of the aircraft has a tailor-made cabin structure that can accommodate about 19 people.

A Southern Airlines staff in the parking hangar handed over the aircraft's various documents to Wu Hao.

Wu Hao roughly swept a glance.


The G500 has a new custom seat, and is equipped with a high-speed Internet system.

In the aircraft there was free unrestricted internet access.

At the same time, the ventilation system in the plane could replace the air in the cabin with fresh air within two minutes.

Wu Hao looked at it for a while and couldn't hold it down, he directly signalled the staff to open the hatch and put down the cabin ladder.

"Liu Dan, come in with me for a tour."

Wu Hao smiled and said.

"Okay, Mr. Wu."

Liu Dan hurriedly followed.

The two of them passed the flight ladder and got into the plane.

Once they entered the cabin, the feeling of luxurious atmosphere came over them.

Inside this is the cabin?

It was simply a luxurious parlour.

Everywhere you looked you would see the wooden structure.

Marble desktop, high-grade carpet.

Each seat was a customised high-grade sofa and chair.

There was also a small parlour inside with a state-of-the-art projection equipment and a folding sofa bed that can be used to sleep.


Wu Hao was completely speechless.

If he could pull out the system, He would have to kiss it hard.

He now had a private plane.

How many rich bigwigs were not qualified to use it.

If you had money you could buy it, but if you wanted to fly it, You required permission of the state.

Otherwise, If you just buy a plane and fly it without permission, You might get shot down from the sky as a spy plane.

Of course, It was a bit exaggerated.

But Wu Hao was now qualified to take his own private plane to the sky.

After looking around, Wu Hao turned around to the small meeting room in the middle of the plane, sat on the sofa and stretched his back.

Liu Dan came closer and stood by the side respectfully.

The shock in her eyes had not subsided yet.

It was not that she hadn't seen a plane.

But she had never seen this type of private plane.

She knew of the Gulfstream logo.

She also saw the price of the plane was $44 million.

The conversion was more than 200 million yuan.

"Liu Dan, have a seat, there is no need to be formal."

Suddenly, Wu Hao waved his hand at her.

"Okay, Mr. Wu."

Liu Dan sat politely across the table, her body slightly tilted, her legs together, and her hands folded onto her lap.

She looked very exemplary.

"Liu Dan, don't be too nervous. Although I am a major shareholder, I am also a young man, and my thinking is not that corrupt. Besides, this is not a formal workplace, so you relax a little."

"Mr. Wu, thank you."

Liu Dan smiled gently and finally relaxed a little.

She looked so pretty when she smiled.

The two dimples always attracted people's eyes.

Wu Hao blinked and suddenly asked, "Is it convenient for you to tell me how old you are?"


Liu Dan was stunned.

"It's okay, I just asked casually, just curious." Wu Hao laughed.

"I 26"

"Oh, one year older than me."

Wu Hao subconsciously said a sentence.

As a result, He saw Liu Dan's face turn red and she lowered her head. He I didn't know what she was thinking about.

"Liu Dan, how long have you been working in the airport office?"

"More than two years."

"You have such a good image, why didn't you go to work as a flight attendant?"


Liu Dan blinked and didn't say anything.

Looking at her, it seemed that there were some difficult words she wanted to say.

"It's okay, if you have something to say, just say it. Let's consider it a chat for now, because after a break, I may have to go."

Once she heard this, Liu Dan's eyes lit up.

She bit her lips and struggled a bit in her heart.

It might be because she felt Wu Hao's closeness and easy-goingness, so that idea buried in the bottom of her heart couldn't be restrained from sprouting again.

"What, you don't want to talk about it? Then I'll have to leave."

Wu Hao finished speaking and made a move to leave.

As a result, Liu Dan hurriedly said, "Mr. Wu, wait a minute."

"Oh, go ahead, I'll listen."

"Mr. Wu, then I'll tell you. I joined Southern Airlines as a flight attendant at the age of 19. I became a trainee flight attendant at the age of 21, and became a flight attendant at the age of 24."

"Yo, not bad," Wu Hao laughed.

"However, two years ago when I was ready to work hard to become the chief flight attendant, I was pestered and transferred to the ground as the head of the office by some people using their connections. Mr. Wu, this is a barefaced and explicit demotion."

Liu Dan's eyes were a little red.

Her face had a tangled expression of anger, but it could be seen that she was trying so hard for it not to show.

"Transferred from flight attendant to ground staff? Is this kind of thing common in airlines? Sorry, I just became the majority shareholder of Southern Airlines, and I'm not too familiar with many things."

"Mr. Wu, this kind of thing almost doesn't exist. Everyone knows that flight attendants are youthful. I joined the company from the age of 19, and I could only be a flight attendant up to the age of 32 even if I worked harder. But I never thought that I would be transferred to the ground crew at the most prime age of my life."

Finally, Liu Dan's tears slipped down from the corner of her eyes.

Wu Hao was silent for a moment.

Strictly speaking, it was quite cruel.

A flight attendant with a bright future, actually transferred to ground duty to sit on the bench.

After thinking about it, he casually asked: "Who is the other party? That has so much power to transfer you, a flight attendant to the ground crew?."

"He ..." Liu Dan hesitated for a moment.

"It's okay, you can say it straight."

"His name is Zheng Xiaogang, an airline major of Southern Airlines. The person who transferred me is a relative of his and a former shareholder of Southern Airlines."

Wu Hao nodded after listening, "Yes, I see."

Then he looked at the time, it was almost eleven o'clock.

"Liu Dan, let's have a meal together at noon, just a casual bite in the airport. You should go and call to ask Zheng Xiaogang to come out, so we can meet and talk."

"Huh? Today at noon ..."

"What, Is it an inconvenience?"

"No, no, It's very convenient. Mr. Wu, thank you very much for your trust in me ..."

"Wait a minute, There's no trust. It's just that I want to find out the truth after meeting with both of you. Let's go and we will talk about it after we meet Zheng Xiaogang."

After saying that, he turned around and got off the plane.

Liu Dan looked at Wu Hao's back in a daze.

An inexplicable sense of solidity was born.

Let me just go.

I do not believe that justice is never served!