A few words can make you unemployed

At 11:30 noon

Outside the Burger King restaurant on the east side of the second floor of the airport.

Wu Hao wolfed down his giant burger.

He hadn't eaten breakfast.

He was so hungry it felt like he had not eaten for a while.

Liu Dan across the street was dumbfounded.

'The major shareholder of Southern Airlines, how do i say it? he is supposed to be worth billions but he is actually eating burgers at the airport in high spirits?.'

'He was also having potato chips, fried chicken legs, roasted garlic rings ...'

'His appetite is really good.'

'I can't help but drool watching him eat.'

But the thought of confronting Zheng Xiaogang about what he had done later, Liu Dan felt disturbed again as such she had lost her appetite.

"Why aren't you eating?"

Suddenly, Wu Hao raised his head and asked.

"I'm not feeling hungry."

Liu Dan smiled blushingly.

"Why, keep in shape? You have a very good figure, it's okay to keep going back to being a flight attendant." Wu Hao laughed.

"I ... have gained a lot of weight. These two years sitting in the office i did not exercise much."

Liu Dan's face was slightly red.

It felt strange to talk about her figure with a strange man.

Especially, the man opposite her was also too handsome.

Perfect height, perfect proportions and perfect facial features.

Also when he smiled his teeth were really white.

The entire Southern Airlines had no young handsome men like him.

Liu Dan looked stunned.

Her pair of big charming eyes stared straight at Wu Hao.

And Wu Hao continued to eat sullenly, not knowing what the girl opposite him was thinking.

At a certain moment.

"Hello, Liu Dan."

Someone behind the two people greeted loudly.

Liu Dan's face instantly went cold.

Then, a tall, handsome man with a clean face walked over and sat on his butt opposite Liu Dan, which was next to Wu Hao.

The handsome man also ignored Wu Hao, but looked at Liu Dan with a fiery gaze: "Aiyoo, you have fattened up, huh? I haven't seen you for a while and you've put on weight."


Liu Dan didn't say anything.

She just looked at him coldly.

"Liu Dan, don't be like this. You used to be the most perfect girlfriend in my mind, and as a result, you had to pretend to be noble and too good for me. Now what?"

Saying that, he suddenly turned his head and looked at Wu Hao.

It was probably because he didn't want others to hear what he said.

He touched Wu Hao with his elbow and said with a big heave, "Dude, go eat at the table next to us, we're friends."

"We're friends too."

Wu Hao put down the fried chicken leg, wiped his mouth with a cloth, then picked up the fries and ketchup, and didn't look at the handsome guy next to him.

"You guys are friends?"

The handsome man was stunned and looked back at Liu Dan.

Then suddenly burst out laughing: "Liu Dan, Is this your type of guy? Is this is your new boyfriend? He can afford to support you?"

"Zheng Xiaogang, I didn't come here to chat with you."

Liu Dan said coldly.

"What do you mean? You found a little boy to come here, is it to get back at me? Let him beat me up? Fine, you let your little boyfriend try, come and try."

Zheng Xiaogang had an arrogant look on his face.

He kept banging his hand on the table..

Wu Hao frowned, put down the ketchup in his hand, turned his head to look at Zheng Xiaogang and said, "Why are your qualities so low?"

"Yo, you really think of yourself as the real deal?"

Zheng Xiaogang turned around and looked at Wu Hao with a disdainful smile: "What's the matter, my quality is so low. What can you do to me?"

"Can you talk properly?" Wu Hao asked indifferently.

"Do I have to talk to you? Who are you?"

"My name is Wu Hao."

"I don't know you so don't bother me."

Zheng Xiaogang waved his hand impatiently and looked at Liu Dan again, "You came to me to give me a hard time, right? I thought you had changed your mind?"

"Zheng Xiaogang, even if I never become a flight attendant again, I will not look at you." Liu Dan said coldly.

"F*ck you then."

Zheng Xiaogang fiercely stood up, disdainfully cursed: "Whether you look at me or not, you also have no chance to become a flight attendant. You dare offend me?, do you still want to work in Southern Airlines?"

"I am also from Southern Airlines, do you have the ability to make me unable to work here too?"

Wu Hao suddenly asked.

"You? Oh you must be the new flight attendant, right? Little boy, good, so as soon as you came you started hitting on her right away? It looks like you're here to pick a fight today. Okay, what's your name again, Wu Hao, right?"


Wu Hao nodded his head.

"Good, you're looking for a fight, I'll show you my power."

After saying that, Zheng Xiaogang directly took out his cell phone and dialled a number out, and even turned on the loudspeaker.

Liu Dan hurriedly looked at Wu Hao.

Wu Hao smiled gently at her.

The smile was so bright that it warmed her heart, and Liu Dan instantly felt like she had eaten a pill of certainty.

A moment later, the phone was connected.

"Hey, cousin brother-in-law, It's Xiaogang."

"Well, what can i do for you?"

"Cousin brother-in-law, is there a new flight attendant named Wu Hao from Southern Airlines? You help me find out, that kid today ..."

"Check and check a fart."

A sudden impatient scolding sound came from the phone.

Zheng Xiaogang was stunned.

"Cousin brother-in-law, what's wrong?"

"We are no longer shareholders of Southern Airlines, so don't look for me in the future for your business."

"What? Not a shareholder anymore? You guys ..."

Zheng Xiaogang's face changed dramatically.

At this time, the person on the phone suddenly said sharply, "Wait, what is the name of the person you just mentioned?"

"The name is Wu Hao."

"Yes, that's the name, that's the person. Now this Wu Hao is the biggest shareholder of Southern Airlines, and his shares have surpassed the Southern Group. What did you just say about him?"


Zheng Xiaogang didn't reply.

His face was already bloodless.

He slowly turned his head to look at Wu Hao and whispered into the phone, "Cousin brother-in-law, is that Wu Hao ... a young man of twenty-four or twenty-five years old?"

"Yes, twenty-four or twenty-five years old, and quite handsome. Have you seen him? Xiaogang, if you have a relationship with him, help brother-in-law ask our ..."

Before the words were finished, Zheng Xiaogang's phone had already hung up.

He looked at Wu Hao with a panicked face and said in a respectful whisper, "Are you ... you the new shareholder of Southern Airlines, Mr. Wu Hao?"

"You know me?"

Wu Hao smiled and stood up.

"Mr. Wu, listen to me, I just ..."

"No need to say it. Your quality is even worser than that of Lin Ye. You don't even deserve to be a groundskeeper. Go do what you need to do."

Saying that, Wu Hao waved at Liu Dan: "Let's go, Liu Dan. I will call back, you'd better go on with your job as a flight attendant."

"Thank you, Mr. Wu."

Liu Dan was immediately surprised and leaped.

Wu Hao also ignored Zheng Xiaogang again, he turned around and slowly walked away with Liu Dan.

"I ... am out of work?"

Zheng Xiaogang's brain was blank.

He could not figured out how just a few words had rendered him unemployed.