Old Wan on the verge of kneeling

After Wu Hao left, Wei Lai put the vehicle file away.

It was so intoxicating to have this kind of surprise every morning.

The new boss was really great.

There were always unexpected things that kept happening.

Leaving the high-premium garage, Wei Lai returned to his office.

Just as he sat down, a saleswoman wearing a short skirt with a hip wrap quickly walked in and came up to him and whispered, "Brother Wei, two people just came for car shopping and said they wanted a car of about one million."

"Oh? Young people?"

Wei Lai's eyes lit up.

"Yes. It looks like they are about twenty-five to twenty-six years old. That girl is quite beautiful, She looks a little familiar, I feel like i have seen her on a live streaming platform before, although i cannot remember which one I've seen her on"

"A streamer?"

Wei Lai turned on his computer.

"It should be. The man with the girl is ugly and has a big face. I guess he's here to spend on her or to impress her. "

"What car did they choose?"

"They were mainly viewing sedans, but they have also considered SUVs ."

Wei lai nodded and did a quick double check on the computer. Then he turned the screen around and said, "I'd like to recommend these cars. If you manage to close this deal, then you will have a half year commission."

"Okay, Brother Wei."

The saleswoman smiled enchantingly and she turned around and went out with a big smile on her face.


Outside in the showroom.

There was a small couple.

The girl clung to the boy's arm, half of her body brushing against his arm.

"Wan, look. There's a Maserati here"

"That's a must. This is the 4S store after all , It is one of the four major car companies in Yanjing. They have the most complete range of cars here."

"What about the Maserati then?"

"Don't, Jiao Jiao, that car is estimated to cost three to four million."

"Ch, you are so stingy."

"Hey, Jiao Jiao, look for something else. Don't be angry, don't be angry."

These two people were none other than Wan Ming and Zhao Jiao.

Soon, the female salesman from before came over and smiled lightly at the two, "Hello, my name is Lin Lei. It's like this, that Maserati Ghibli is the new 2019 model, the total price is only one and a half million, it's not expensive."

"Look, You see, it's only 1.5 million."

Zhao Jiao immediately shook Wan Ming's arm excitedly.

"1.5 million..."

The new Maserati Ghibli was a new type of car.

It's shape was very elegant.

The interior was ruby red with black leather seats.

It had a 3.0T twin-turbo V6 gasoline engine, matched with an 8-speed automatic transmission, and offered rear-wheel drive and four-wheel drive options.

It was the perfect upscale car.

But Wan Ming was torn.

He had wanted to buy a car for a long time.

But did not want to buy anything too expensive, just because he was with Zhao Jiao, and Zhao Jiao's BMW 5 Series was more than 600,000.

That's why he wanted to buy a car worth a million or so.

The best one he was willing to buy was within the one million range.

He did all this so that he could appear a little bit dignified in front of Zhao Jiao.

Seeing that Wan Ming hesitated, Lin Lei, the saleswoman at the side, suddenly smiled and said, "Miss Zhao, you are the streamer of Tiger Live, right?"

"Yes i am."

"Oh, I'm a fan of yours. Usually, I like to watch you wandering around Yanjing city, you feel really down to earth."

Lin Lei complimented with an excited face.


Zhao Jiao's eyes twinkled and she suddenly went over and pulled Lin Lei to a distance, and she said in a low voice, "Miss Lin, can you give me a cheaper price?"

"Huh? This hindrance..." Lin Lei pretended to be a little bit difficult.

"Do me a favour, Miss Lin. If you can, I'll help you promote your car in the live broadcast later, it's called mutual help."

Lin Lei smiled faintly.

But in her heart, she could not help but despise her.

Why would the champion car company need a small streamer to promote it?

What a joke?

Your traffic was worse than the gold sign of the champion car company.

Lin Lei blinked, then laughed: "How about this, I'll go find the boss and give you a two points reduction?"

"Two points huh? That's only 30,000."

"Miss Zhao, honestly, this is your boyfriend buying a car and not you. A man can only test his heart for you when he buys a car or a house, you should not be married yet, right?"


Zhao Jiao did not speak.

"You see, I told you. You're worried about his money before he has married you? If you carry on like this then you won't be able to tell if you're worth spending money on."

"Good ... it."

Zhao Jiao was said to be moved.

She was after all a small Internet celebrity, so she was no match for these professional sales staff.

A few words had made her falter.

Zhao Jiao returned to Wan Ming's side, held his arm and whispered, "Wan, have you decided yet? I just finished negotiating and they can give us two points off."

"Jiao Jiao, it's still too expensive. I'm not sure how the BMW 7 Series is going to be, but it's only 1.06 million for a 740Li. It's not bad at all."

"What?!, We already have a BMW and you still want to buy a BMW?"

Zhao Jiao stomped her foot in anger.

Her anger was seething out from her being.

"Okay, how about this, how about we buy a Range Rover? I mean a Range Rover is not bad and it's only worth 1.04 million, plus you already have a car, right?"

"I don't like it."

Zhao Jiao let out a scream.

Everyone in the whole 4S store looked over.

Wan Ming hurriedly tugged her and said in a low voice, "Jiao Jiao, don't be like that. That Maserati ..."

"You can afford it. I know, you have three million in your card."

"That three million..."

"OK, are you going to buy it or not. I can see that what you told me in bed last night was bullshit, so that means you were lying. "

Zhao Jiao eyes turned red, as she was on the verge of crying.

Seeing her wronged expression, Wan Ming felt bad. He slowly turned back to the Maserati, while still struggling in his heart.

At that moment in time, an engine roar sounded behind him.

A sports car slowly drove into the garage from outside.

Soon, a familiar voice sounded from behind him: "Old Wei, this car is too much for me to drive, It doesn't feel good, So let's put it up for display."

At the sound of this voice, Wan Ming was shaken and he turned around quickly.
