Fade and do it yourself

"Old Wan?"

Wu Hao froze.

He didn't expect to drive out for a while and come back to actually run into him.

"Mouse, why are you ... here?"

Wan Ming walked over with a surprised face.

"I came to return the car."

Wu Hao casually pointed to the Porsche 911 Targa.

"Return ... return the car?"

"Yes, I drove out to test drive the car. Why did you come here? Do you want to buy a car?"

"Oh yes, I do want to buy a car. One more thing, come here for a minute, I want to tell you something."

Wan Ming sneakily looked back, then pulled Wu Hao's arm and walked outside, while laughing awkwardly, "Well, Zhao Jiao and i are dating now."

"What the hell?"

"Zhao Jiao and I are officially together."

Wu Hao blinked, "After that incident yesterday, you're officially together with her?"

"Yes. We also had ... sex last night."


Wu Hao was speechless.

With a flustered face, he looked at Wan Ming, then shook his head and turned around.

"Mouse, mouse, listen to me. I know, I seem helpless. But on the day of my blind date with her, I was moved at the first sight of her. Love has no way "


Wu Hao still did not speak, he just silently looked away.

"Mouse, Jiao Jiao is not bad by nature , She is ... is ..."

Wu Hao turned around and looked at Wan Ming indifferently.

"Mouse, don't look at me like that, you're making me feel worse."

Wan Ming was nervous and full of sweat.

"Old Wan, I have no right to interfere with your private life. So whether you had sex with her or not, There was no need for you to tell me. You must remember one thing, In my eyes and heart Zhao Jiao is not good, but I will not look at her differently because of the relationship she has with you."

"Mouse ..."

"I don't want to say anything more"

Wu Hao patted Wan Ming's shoulder: "You should take care of yourself. As for buying a car, you should pick whatever you want, this car dealership is mine."

"Sh... what? The champion car dealership is yours?"

Wan Ming was shocked and stunned.

"Yes, it's mine."

"No wonder you have so many luxury cars? Mouse, you really ..."

"Do not say anything further, We are friends after all. So, which car did you have your eyes on? I can give you a discount."

Wan Ming gasped twice and said with difficulty, "Mouse, why do I feel more and more distant from you?"

"The inevitable thing of course, is that my personality is too different from yours."


"Come on, don't sigh. As long as you don't do anything out of the ordinary, I'll still consider you a friend. But it can only be friends."

Saying that, Wu Hao turned around and walked towards the 4S store.

Behind him.

Wan Ming had a miserable look on his face.

He reluctantly said aloud, "You used to treat me as your brother."

"My brother wouldn't find the kind of woman who uses other people's reputation to her advantage in order to get ahead in life."

"Mouse, Jiao Jiao, was just confused for a moment."

"Oh, Old Wan, let's wait and see."

Wu Hao walked into the 4S store.

At the door, Wei Lai blinked and followed Wu Hao.

"Mr. Wu, that's your friend."


"Then I'll go talk to Lin Lei, about the price ..."

"Old Wei, how much is that Maserati?"

Wei Lai turned his head and swept a glance, then lowered his voice and said, "It's actually, 960,000. It was only a pretext to ask for 1.5 million, That is how salesmen operate."

"Then let's give him the car at the normal price."

"No need for a discount?"

"No, my employees need to survive too."


The two of them were walking towards the office when two people suddenly came into view, it was Lin Lei and Zhao Jiao.

Lin Lei was an elite businesswoman.

So she was trying to find a way to completely breakdown Zhao Jiao.

As soon as they saw Wu Hao, Lin Lei immediately bowed her head respectfully: "Mr. Wu."

And Zhao Jiao was surprised and shouted, "Oh, it's you. Wan, Wan come quickly, it's your friend ..."

"I've already talked to Old Wan."

Wu Hao gave her a faint look.

Then, Wan Ming also ran over.

Wu Hao didn't bother to pay attention to the two of them, he then waved his hand at Wei Lai behind him, "Old Wei, entertain them. Wan Ming is my friend, just give him the car at the price you said. I still have to hurry up and go to the International Convention and Exhibition Centre."

After saying that, he turned to the garage.

A few moments later, the McLaren roared and out of the 4S store.

Looking at the distant shadow of the car, Wan Ming's eyes drifted a bit.

He could feel that because of his relationship with Zhao Jiao, Wu Hao had really become distant from him.

But he still could not blame Wu Hao.

Because he was the one that was allowing himself to behave like that for a woman.

He was the one that had become obsessed as soon as he saw Zhao Jiao.

It was also him who had slept with her once and was completely addicted to her tender slit.

At last!

"Mr. Wan, Miss Zhao."

Wei Lai smiled faintly, pulling the two people's attention back to him and he said with a smile, "You two, Mr. Wu explained that the Maserati Ghibli can be offered to you at a low price."

"How much is it?"

Zhao Jiao was instantly delighted.

"Nine hundred and sixty thousand."

"Ah? Really? Wan, that's great. Your friend is so powerful, is he the owner of this car dealership?

He's too awesome."

Zhao Jiao couldn't help but jump straight to her feet.

"Yes he is the owner of this car dealership."

Wan Ming murmured.

"Wow, Wan, you're awesome for being friends with this kind of person."

Zhao Jiao didn't even notice the loss on Wan Ming's face, she just looked at Wei Lai excitedly, "Boss, then it's settled, we will be getting the Maserati Ghibli."


Wei Lai also smiled.

"Well, it's settled. Wan, it's settled right?."

Zhao Jiao shook Wan Ming's arm hard.

Wan Ming nodded his head.

What else could he say.

From 1.5 million to 960,000, at this point he feared that if he said anything else he might lose Zhao Jiao.

Wan Ming took a deep breath.

He had a look of determination in his eyes.

He then decided that he had to make Wu Hao change his opinion of Zhao Jiao.

So, he would have to first start by changing Zhao Jiao.

Wan Ming perked up, then looked back at Zhao Jiao, he then smiled and said, "it's Maserati. Come on, let's go and try the car. "


Zhao Jiao cheered.