
Day Four

My body aches from head to toe. Mike worked my ass hard and late lastnight. All I wanna do is turn my phone off and sleep all day long. Unfortunately I have three classes and more work since it's only Thursday.

I roll out of bed and throw myself into the shower. It's cold at first but I don't wait for it to warm up. The cold jolts me awake immediately and just before it gets too painful the warm water begins to win over. As usual she  pops into my head, always when I'm alone and at my most vulnerable.

God I want to hate her so badly but her golden blonde hair and those fucking eyes stop my heart everytime.

Shit. Stop it moron.

Abruptly shutting the water off I get out barely throwing my towel on my body, causing water droplets to go everywhere as I shuffle through the house to my bedroom. Looking at the clock I see I have enough time to get coffee at the student Cafe and possibly run into a certain someone.

I throw on some jeans and an old blue construction shirt that was my dads and head out for school. Jamming out to some RED by Chevelle for any Rock fans out there. I get to school in decent time thanks to the lack of traffic today. Happily I head off to the Cafe.

She is easy to spot the moment I get inside. Partly because of Matt's fucking hair and huge helmet sitting on the table and also because she is wearing the shortest cut off jean skirt I have ever seen with a white tshirt and white converse. Damn that ass.

Casually walking over to the Cafe, I do my best to avoid eye contact in their direction. I order my macchiato and head towards the exit that just so happens to be by their table.

"Dillion!" Matt yells from behind me just as I am about to open the exit door.

What a pal I smile to myself as I walk over to them.

"Morning guys." Taking a seat casually next to Matt.

"What's your first class of the day?" Samantha asks sipping her drink.

"Calculus." I shrug.

"OH you poor poor man!" Samantha cries which causes Matt and I to laugh at her phantom pain.

"I have a creative writing class, great way to get those juices flowing." Samantha continues.

"Mmmm, I know another way to get them juices flowing in the morning. " Matt jokes wiggling his eyebrows in the process.

"Your an idiot dude." I laugh but Samantha responds by smacking his upper arm lousy if I may say so myself.

"My bad, well gotta get to class. See you guys in a few." Matt apologies before grabbing his things and going his own way.

"Walk you to class?" I ask. Not too shy but not cocky either.

"Sure. I'm in building two." She says as she heads in the direction of her class.

"Cool, I'm in the third building." I smile as I hold the door open for her.

We walk across the courtyard silently and I feel like an idiot. It's been so long since I have had to talk to a girl, I don't even know where to start. Now that I am closer to her I can see that her white tank top has a logo on the front. Looking closer I see it's a band tee for Blink 182.

"Favorite band?" I ask nodding at her shirt.

Looking down she smiles that gorgeous smile I am growing to love.

"Yeah, one of them. I haven't seen them live yet, one day I hope."

We get to her class and she heads in, waving goodbye as the door closes. Swallowing deep, I turn and head for my firat class. Happily a minute late.