
Thursday Afternoon

I finally have a good flow of things as far as my schedule goes. My classes have been going good and only taking three helps to not overload me with studies and homework. I need enough energy for work, hello rent?

Calculus wasn't bad today, formulas and whatnot. All basic book equations to copy and memorize. Math was never a difficult subject for me, I just don't like homework so I didn't do it. My Interior Design class was fun as always. It is definitely not a hard class unless you are computer and program illiterate. Bonus, my teacher is a fucking hottie. Everyday with those little skirts for the end of summer.

I get to my History class early as usual but this time Samantha and Martha are both there early too. Do these two have all the same freaking classes? They are already heavily immersed in a conversation when I enter so I don't interrupt as I take my regular seat.

As soon as they notice me they both smile and say good morning before returning to their whispers. Simply waving back, I decide to bury my head in my book to try and finish up my incomplete homework from the night before.

A few minutes pass and Mrs. Heller begins the class by assigning us into pairs again to complete research and an outline. Who do I have to thank other than the gods themselves when Mrs. Heller pairs Samantha and I up together. I do everything in my power to remain normal, not wanting to display my excitement for the entire class to see. After paring everyone off Samantha immediately makes her way towards my table and takes the now empty seat next to mine. I stiffen up at the sight of her sexy long legs falling out of her skirt. Shit.

We jump into the assignment both refusing to make small talk. She means all busy and it kind of turns me on how hard she works for an A. Looking at her from afar you wouldn't think that she cares about school but fuck was I wrong. We are all work and no play for a good twenty minutes before she breaks the ice.

"Do you drink?" She asks not looking up from her notes.

"Yes?" I don't know why I answered her question with a question but she threw me off.

"Do you smoke?" She continues still not looking up.

"Cigarettes are disgusting." I answer honestly.

"Not cigarettes babe, grass?" She whispers.


Her head snaps up at my response.

"Cool. Do you want to come to a party tomorrow night with me?" She asks, her big brown eyes looking directly into mine.

I think for a moment before responding. A party might not be such a great idea but how can I say no to that face?

"What time? I have to work."

"Whenever you get off."

Our heads are ducked low to our books and our voices are still at a low whisper, her eyes refusing to leave mine like she is searching for something as she questions me.

"I'm off at ten, maybe eleven if I get busy."

"Well then pick me up when your off." She says tearing a piece of notebook paper off and handing it to me. She writes her number on it with her name and a little smilely face.

"Whatever you say." I smile and tuck the little piece of paper into my pocket. We resume our assignment only talking when needed but both of us constantly catching eachother glancing at the one another. I catch her eye and she catches mine, only smiling before returning our glances to our papers. Such a childish elementary thing to do but it's the high light of my day.

Class ends and Samantha is immediately out the door with Martha. My heart falls just a little at the sight of her walking away. Being partnered up with her was more than I could ask for as far as dumb luck is concerned. Tomorrow night can not come soon enough I think to myself just as she turns away from my view.