
A few days passed

Thirteen was doing his morning routine, he borrowed weights from Zoro and upped his reps to 1500 of each, he also started training his tail with weights to make it stronger as well. Zoro was impressed by the sheer dedication and the amount of reps, he decided to join him in addition to his own work out. Thirteen finished and was completely drenched as he took off the weights and cleaned them before going to shower and change into his open shirt and shorts, that had a '13' on them.

He walked back onto the deck and saw Nami looking at two bounty posters, he walked over and saw his own, he picked it up and said "Wow. That's a lot." Luffy pouted and said "It's more than mine." Thirteen looked at the poster and added "And a lot more vicious."

'God of Slaughter' Thirteen 100 million

The picture was of him covered in blood, standing in a group of marine corpses with a straight face and his tail poking out of his back. The chains of his cuffs burning blue and hanging down, his hands were covered in blood. Thirteen said "I like this picture. The name is fitting too." Nami snapped "You know how many people are going to chase us now?" Thirteen said "I'll just kill them too." Zoro grinned and said "Maybe i'll get a good fight too." Usopp paled and mumbled "We're finished.." Luffy laughed and Nami rubbed her forehead.

A few more days later

The crew landed in Loguetown and Thirteen got dragged along with Nami to get new clothes after she gave everyone else money at a 300% interest rate. Thirteen was walking alongside Nami as they went into a clothing store, she threw a bunch of shirts at him and a ton of shorts and ordered him to try them on. Thirteen must've tried on thousands of outfits as Nami clapped, he sighed and Nami said "Alright were finished!" Thirteen almost cheered but nodded his head and changed back into his old clothes as Nami went to the cash with two piles of clothes and said "This pile is to put back, i'll take this one." The old lady nodded and Nami paid for the clothes, the old lady bagged the clothes and said "You're very unique, young man." Thirteen said "Thanks." the old lady nodded and the duo left the store.

Nami said "Come with me, were going to change your clothes and i'll bring them to the ship." Thirteen nodded and followed after her, he changed and said "Can you keep these? They're not mine." Nami smirked and said "Carla?" Thirteen nodded, and Nami said "She gave you clothes after she gave you a tattoo?" Thirteen said "I also slept with her." Nami choked and said "You did?!" Thirteen nodded and said "Was I not supposed to? Sanji had the same reaction." Nami snapped "It's a big deal!" Thirteen was confused and said "It is? She didn't seem to think so." Nami rubbed her forehead in frustration at his lack of emotions and sense as she said "We'll talk about it later. I'll bring these to the ship. Don't get into trouble!" before stomping away muttering "Idiot wood blockhead..."

Thirteen was still confused as he walked into the streets looking around, he bumped into a tall man with a jutte on his back. The man just so happened to have a little girl bump into his leg at the same time, dropping her ice cream, Thirteen watched as the man squatted down and gave the girl money saying "Sorry my pants ate your ice cream. Here buy 5 scoops instead." the little girl took the money and said "Thank you mister!" as she smiled sweetly and scampered off. Thirteen watched her go and the man got up and turned around, he looked at Thirteen and said "What do you want?"

Thirteen said "I accidentally bumped into you. Sorry about that." and walked away saying "Also I didn't know marines did other things than capturing slaves." the man watched him go and another marine ran up to him and said "Captain Smoker!" he turned and the marine held up Thirteen's wanted poster. Smoker squinted and said "Rapist? I highly doubt that. Rapists don't apologize for bumping into someone." before chasing after Thirteen.

Thirteen stopped and turned into an alley and walked into a bar. He sat down and the old man said "We're closed." Thirteen said "I'm waiting for someone." as if on cue Smoker walked into the bar and sat down next to Thirteen, the old man said "You're back?" Smoker said "I'm your best customer." as he used his smoke power and grabbed a bottle of rum off the shelf, Thirteen said "Can I have two glasses?" the old man grumbled and brought them two glasses.

Smoker filled his glass and Thirteen grabbed the bottle and poured his own. Smoker said "What's the 'God of Slaughter' doing in Loguetown?" Thirteen finished his glass in one go and said "Passing through." Smoker said "Not if I have anything to say about it." Thirteen poured another glass and said "I know. Who wouldn't want 100 million? You capture me and get rewarded with a new title and I get sent back to hell." Thirteen put down 1000 beri and said "For the bottle." Smoker frowned and said "If you didn't want to go back, why did you rape that girl before you left?"

Thirteen said "I didn't. I don't think you understand what a slave is. I didn't have a choice." he drank more and got angrier as the alcohol got to him and he said "God forbid they lose a slave. I'm surprised they haven't sent an admiral for me. That whore forced me to fuck her for hours. At least she was stupid enough to unchain me so I could escape." the old man sighed and said "Why didn't you hide on a random island?"

Thirteen said "I did. I wanted to just live alone for the rest of my life, but I had no money, no clothes, I can't get a job because of my slave status so I had to steal. The villagers hunted me down for my bounty. They set traps with food, as if I was a wild animal. So I killed them all, and got captured again." he pointed to Luffy's bounty poster and said "He saved me. The first person who didn't treat me like an object, or an animal. He even called me a friend." The old man smiled and said "That's good." Thirteen said "For now. What happens when they start sending people after me?" he turned to Smoker and said "You're a logia right?"

Smoker nodded and Thirteen said "There you go, if they can't handle whoever they send and have to choose between them dying or sending me back, they'll send me back and the cycle continues." he drank the rest of the bottle and his cheeks reddened as he grit his teeth and said "I would rather die than go back there." Smoker rubbed his temples and said "What are you talking about?"

Thirteen said "How high a marine are you?" Smoker said "Captain." Thirteen said "If you ever get to Vice-admiral you may have the chance to go to Mariejois. Where people claim to be the gods of this world and have slaves, it's a wonderful place. I was sold by my mother's family at 6 years old, I've seen everything you can imagine and more." he opened his shirt and showed them his brand as he said "I was branded at 7. If you see this mark on any one else, it means that they too were in hell."

Smoker was silent and the old man said "At 7 years old?!" Thirteen was a little drunk and said "Yes. These scars on my face were made because I didn't look enough like a cat and needed whiskers. I got them just before I got branded." Smoker said "That probably hurt." Thirteen said "Actually it was less pain, more humiliation. Pain goes away, but this will say there forever." Smoker said "Why don't you get a tattoo over it?" Thirteen said "I will re-brand myself when I have something to protect. For now it's a reminder of the pain and humiliation, that I will one day personally get back after I slaughter every single one of them. I swear on my life, I will kill every single one of them, every man, woman, and child in that hell."

Smoker frowned and said "What would that achieve?" Thirteen said "Nobody else will have to suffer the same as I did. You would understand if you've seen it." the old man said "Pretty big ambition you have there kid." Thirteen said "Whoever gets in my way will be an enemy. No matter who it is." the old man stared at him for a good couple of seconds and said "Don't let it consume you kid. I might just be an old man now but I've been around, it never ends well." Thirteen was silent and looked at Luffy's bounty poster before saying "Maybe I'll find something else one day. Thanks old man." as he got up and left.

The old man sighed and said "Real shame a child was put through that.." Smoker watched him go and said "World's not all sunshine and rainbows." as he put down another 1000 and followed after him, the old man said "You're going to capture him too?" Smoker paused for a second before saying "I'm sending him to prison." as he left.

Thirteen made his way to the square and saw Luffy about to be executed, he watched as Luffy smiled and said "Zoro, Nami, Usopp, Sanji, Thirteen! Sorry! I died." he had a big smile on his face as a clown slashed down, the crowd was stunned and lightning struck the platform. Luffy fell down and caught his hat, he put it back on as he said "Looks like i'm still alive!" Thirteen was stunned as marines surrounded him, Luffy , Zoro, and Sanji. Thirteen looked into the sky and said "Does god really exist?" Zoro said "Oi! Kitty-cat mind helping?" Thirteen looked around and unraveled his chains before covering his arms and chains in twinkling blue flames and charging into a ground of marines.

Thirteen wrapped his chains around the marines' necks and ripped heads off as he punched through others chests. He hopped from marine to marine, slaughtering them, he pulled a pistol from one of them and shot at marines as he ran through groups, crushing skulls, and piercing chests. He grabbed a corpse and threw it at another marine before twinkling his leg and kicking him, crushing all his bones and sending him head first into a building. He fell back, dodging a slash from a marine and stood on his hands as he grabbed the marine's neck and snapped it with his feet, before throwing him into a marine who was slashing at him, causing the man to cut into the dead marine's body.

Thirteen pushed off with his hands and landed on a marine, he grabbed his hair and punched right through his chest with his other hand before jumping off him and twisting his chains and catching a marine's neck. He pulled the chains over his head and ripped the marine's head along with his spine out and throwing it towards another one before ripping his heart out. He crouched on the marine's corpse and looked around, he saw the marines backing away from him in sheer terror and the citizens pale in fear. Zoro whistled and said "That was something. It's always interesting to watch you fight." Thirteen said "If they're still alive they can fight back. I used to fight death matches. A quick kill is mercy." Zoro chuckled and said "I can see that."

Luffy said "Let's go!" The trio nodded and ran after him. A woman was standing in front of them as she said "You never told me you were a pirate!" Thirteen was about to move, when Zoro clashed swords with her and said "I'll meet you at the ship." the rest nodded and passed the two only to come across Smoker. Thirteen said "We meet again." Smoker said "I think I know how you got your name now. That was quite the show." Thirteen said "It's all I know." Smoker said "Doesn't matter. You're going to prison this time." Thirteen nodded and Sanji kicked through Smoker and landed behind him. Thirteen grabbed Luffy and threw him over Smoker saying "Go to the ship." as he charged at Smoker and punched at him.

Sanji and Luffy kicked and punched at Smoker, only for their attacks to go through him. Thirteen said "Go. You can't hit him. He will have to do with just capturing me." as he kicked towards Smoker's head, going right through it and catching a punch aimed at his gut. Luffy said "I said you're not going back!" as he punched at Smoker, who caught him and pinned him to the ground and stabbed his Jutte into him making Luffy unable to use his devil fruit powers.

Thirteen said "Just take me instead. He's nothing, a mere 30 million." Smoker looked at him and said "You will abandon your freedom for him?" Thirteen said "He saved me. It was a matter of time before this happened, it's better to happen now than when I have attachments." Smoker was silent before throwing Luffy away and grabbing Thirteen. Luffy snapped "Let him go! I promised him he would be free!" as he punched at Smoker, only to go right through him again.

Smoker said "How about we test your theory from the bar?" Thirteen was silent and closed his eyes, Smoker turned to Luffy and said "I'll make you a deal. I'll kill you and the rest of your crew, and let him go free. Or you can give him to me and i'll let you leave without chasing any of you." Luffy said without hesitation "The first one." Thirteen's eyes shot open in shock and said "What?!" Smoker was also shocked and Luffy said "I promised he would be free, even if I die he will never go back." Thirteen started crying as he said "Why.." Luffy smiled and said "Because I'm your friend." Sanji said "Me too." Thirteen smiled naturally for the first time in his life as he cried and said "I'm glad to have friends like you guys." Luffy and Sanji grinned and Thirteen wiped his eyes and said "But I want you to continue with your dreams. I'm happy I met you, I wish I got to sail with you. Smoker, let's go."

Smoker sighed and said "I can't believe that." he felt a hand on his shoulder and turned around and said "It's you! What are you doing here?" The man said "I don't think his journey has to end here." Thirteen looked at the man's hand and saw it was shiny black, he looked at the man's face and said "How did you do that?" as he pointed to the man's hand, the man laughed and said "Think of it as invisible armor." Thirteen frowned and Smoker released him. He fell to the ground and said "Thanks." before running away with Luffy and Sanji, the man watched them go and said "I guess I owe you a little less now..."

The trio ran to the ship and saw the rest of the crew already on, waiting for them. They jumped on and set sail, a wind smoothly pushed them away from Loguetown and towards reverse mountain. Thirteen grabbed the railing tightly as he stared at the sea in a daze, thinking about what Luffy said, maybe he wasn't alone anymore, maybe he was wrong about them. If Luffy would go that far for his freedom maybe he finally found a home. He silently cried and wiped his eyes, Nami came over and said "You okay?" he turned to her and nodded before wiping his eyes again and walking under the deck to be alone.

Nami frowned and said "Did I say something wrong?" Sanji said "Just leave him alone, he's a bit emotional right now." Nami was confused and said "Why?" Sanji explained what happened with Smoker and the deal, Nami was shocked and said "Really? He said that?!" Sanji grinned and nodded "And the tiger bastard cried his eyes out while smiling. First smile I've ever seen from him." Nami smiled herself and said "Maybe he'll open up more." Sanji said "I wouldn't bet on it, but who needs him? I'm all you'll ever need Nami-swan!" as he swooned, causing Nami to roll her eyes and walk away as Sanji followed her with heart eyes.

(Author's Note)

Hey guys! Shorter chapter as it's pretty late.


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