
Thirteen woke up with a blanket over his body, he looked down and frowned, he wasn't cold. He stood up and folded the blanket before putting it on the ground and starting his morning workout routine with Zoro. He took his shirt off and started, Vivi walked by and watched him, she saw all the whip scars on his back and frowned, she walked over to him and said "Did you sleep well?" Thirteen kept doing his push-ups with weights and said "I guess." Vivi smiled and said "Can I touch your tail?" he said "Sure." as he moved his tail towards her. She grabbed his tail and rubbed it saying "Wow, it's so soft!" Nami came by and was amused before she touched his tail too and said "Oh wow, it is soft!" the two girls giggled and Thirteen ignored them.

A few days later

The crew landed on Little garden, Thirteen sniffed the air and said "Smells good." Vivi said "What smells good?" Thirteen pointed forward and a giant tiger appeared from the bushes, the tiger saw Thirteen and bowed it's head. Thirteen nodded and waved his hand, the tiger bowed again and ran back into the forest as the crew were shocked. Luffy said "You can talk to tigers?!! COOL!" Thirteen said "It's more like a feeling of submission from them." he hopped off the boat and said "I'm going hunting." Sanji said "Get a big one, we need more food supply!" Thirteen waved and Zoro said "I'll get a bigger one than both of you ever will." as he walked away. Thirteen waved his tail slightly and ran into the jungle.

Thirteen climbed up a tree and scouted for a big animal, he jumped from tree to tree by branches before finding a giant T-rex. He shot off the tree and punched the t-rex right through the eye, his arm twinkling and leaving a trail of blue flames as he punched, he was amazed and wished he had someone strong to fight with so he could find his limits. The t-rex died in a single hit and Thirteen decided to try the meat, he bared his fangs and bit into the t-rex's neck before ripping a chunk off and chewing. He licked his lips and mumbled "Not terrible.." he got off the t-rex and grabbed it by the tail as he dragged it towards the ship.

Thirteen smiled slightly as he waved his tail, he liked this feeling, he was excited to compete with the other two, he wanted to win. This was completely new to him, he noticed he was changing slightly as he sailed with his friends, he had felt all sorts of different ways with them, some of them he didn't even know how to describe but he knew it was nice. Maybe he could change completely one day, maybe even have someone to protect who wouldn't think he was disgusting for his title, he liked that idea.

He made his way to the ship and noticed he was the only one here, he dragged what he could in front of the ship and sat on his kill, waiting for the other two. Only half the dinosaur was visible, the rest was still in the jungle.

A while later

Zoro and Sanji brought their kills and saw Thirteen sitting on a giant t-rex, the duo looked at their own dinosaur and cursed "Stupid tiger bastard.." Thirteen watched them and said "I don't know how much is edible but it tasted okay raw." Zoro chuckled and Sanji snapped "You can't eat it raw!" Thirteen blinked and said "Why not?" Sanji grumbled "Stupid tiger.." as he inspected the t-rex, he found the huge bite mark and said "You ate a lot." Thirteen said "I was hungry after waiting so long." completely serious, Zoro and Sanji grit their teeth at the accidental provocation and they said "We're doing it again! Rematch!" Thirteen waved his tail behind him and said "You don't need this?" Sanji said "We need more.. We're really low on food." and the duo left quickly.

Thirteen tilted his head and said "But there's so much here.." before he ran into the forest again. He found another giant dinosaur that had an extremely long neck and a smaller saber toothed tiger. He looked at the saber tooth tiger and it backed away while bowing, Thirteen walked towards it and rubbed it's head causing the tiger to purr excitedly while waving it's tail in the air. Thirteen pointed to the tall dinosaur and the tiger nodded, he looked up and decided to try something new. He opened his hand and focused in the middle of his palm, a small blue flame appeared, he frowned that's not what he wanted he focused harder and the flame turned to burning stardust, it was sparkling and had multiple colors all over it.

He formed the stardust into a ball and solidified it, it formed into a flaming rock around the size of his head. He dug his fingers into the rock and threw it as the dinosaur's head as hard as he could, the flaming rock flew through the air and went right through the dinosaur's skull and exploding into dust before disappearing. The dinosaur toppled over and smashed into the ground, the tiger was beyond shocked and Thirteen was a bit surprised too maybe he should name the move, he decided to call it 'Shooting Star' and moved on. He looked at the tiger and pointed to the dinosaur's tail as he walked over to it, the tiger followed him.

Thirteen punched the base of the long tail and blew it right off, he dragged the tail to the tiger and put it in front of him before patting it's head and walking towards the head of the dinosaur. He grabbed the teeth and dragged the dinosaur away. The tiger watched him go and growled, Thirteen growled back and left, dragging his kill with him. He didn't know he could talk with tigers too, he thought Luffy would be excited if he told him as he made his way back to the ship.

He got back and dragged out the rest of the dinosaur before waiting for the other two again, maybe they would congratulate him on his kill, maybe he would win twice. He got excited at the thought and his tail started waving behind him, he hugged his knees and rested his chin on them before closing his eyes and waiting for the duo to show up.

A while later

Thirteen frowned and looked up at the sky, it was getting dark, maybe they got lost? Maybe something happened to them? His eyes shot open and he bolted through the jungle as he sniffed the air trying to smell Luffy, he found a direction and ran through the jungle and came across a clearing with a giant candle and a bunch of people. He looked around and saw that there was a little girl and a man with a '3' on his head, he saw everyone and said "What happened?" everybody turned their attention to him and Vivi said "Thirteen! We're trapped! The little girl and the man with the '3' on his head are the enemies." Thirteen nodded and disappeared, he reappeared with the little girl in his hand, he was gripping her throat causing her to drop her paints and choke.

He walked towards the man with the '3' on his head and said "I assume you're Mr.3?" Mr.3 nodded, Thirteen lifted the girl in front of him and said "Undo the candle or I will kill the girl, then kill you." Mr.3 started to sweat as he said "I can't!" Thirteen nodded and said "Very well. Then die." as he punched Mr.3 in the chest, but he was stopped by a wax wall. Thirteen was intrigued and said "Can you form that into any shape?" Mr.3 sneered and said "Of course! And it's hard as steel!" Thirteen nodded and said "Perfect. You may live just yet." he twinkled his fist and punched through the wax, hitting Mr.3 in his stomach.

Thirteen loomed over him and said "Would you like to live?" Mr.3 nodded, Thirteen put the girl down and said "If you move a single inch I will kill you. Do you understand?" the little girl nodded and stayed still. Thirteen held out his wrists and said "Unlock these and the ones on my feet and I will let you live." Mr.3 unlocked his feet cuffs first, they fell to the ground with a thud. The crew was alarmed, how heavy were those? Mr.3 unlocked his wrist cuffs and they smashed into the ground with a BOOM, causing the ground to shake slightly, everyone gasped.

Thirteen rubbed his wrists and said "You can live." he turned to the girl and said "Follow me." before he knocked Mr.3 out and walked towards the giant candle, he clenched his fist and threw a star flame fist towards the base, shattering the candle to pieces, freeing Zoro, Nami, and Vivi. Usopp lit a fire and freed the giants and melted the wax on the crew's clothes.

Thirteen turned around and said "How old are you?" the girl said "14." Thirteen said "Why aren't you with your family?" the girl said "I don't have one." Thirteen nodded and said "Do you have anywhere to go?" the girl shook her head, he pulled a big paper from his pocket and ripped off a piece before handing it to the girl and saying "This is a vivre card. It will point you in the direction of whoever it's made from. Do you know how to sail?" The girl took the paper and nodded, Thirteen said "Follow that and you'll find an old man named Crocus. Tell him I sent you. Leave."

The little girl looked at the paper then up at Thirteen and said "Why?" Thirteen said "Because you're still a kid, you don't deserve to live on the run like I did. Stay with Crocus or ask him to send you somewhere else, I don't care." as he turned around and walked away, suddenly he felt arms around his waist, he turned his head and the little girl had tears in her eyes as she said "Thank you.." he sighed and said "Take care of yourself kid." as he removed her arms and patted her head before walking away. The little girl said "What's your name?" he said "Thirteen." the girl said "My name is Marianne! Thank you Thirteen.. I- I'll never forget what you did for me!" he waved his hand and joined the group as the little girl packed up her things and took one last look at Thirteen before smiling and running away to find a boat.

The crew smiled and Vivi said "That was nice of you." Thirteen said "I guess. Where is Sanji?" Zoro shrugged and Sanji came through the jungle saying "Who's Mr.3?" Thirteen pointed to the knocked out Mr.3 and Sanji said "Oh. Anyways I got this." he took out an eternal pose to Alabasta. Vivi hugged him and said "Thanks Sanji!" he bled from his nose and said "Yeah, I'm pretty great.." Thirteen watched them and walked over to his cuffs, he stared at them for a moment before picking them up by the chains and dragging them along with him, maybe there would be a day when he would need them. Vivi said "You wore those this whole time?" Thirteen nodded and Vivi said "Aren't they really heavy?" Thirteen handed the chains to her and she tried to drag them to no avail.

Zoro said "How heavy could they possibly be?" he grabbed the chains from her and tried to drag them but only moved them very slowly, Sanji said "Feeling weak today mosshead?" as he grabbed the chains and dragged them even slower than Zoro did, he was shocked and said "You wore these?!" Thirteen nodded and grabbed the chain before walking away like it was nothing. Sanji and Zoro grit their teeth and swore that they would train harder than him so that they wouldn't get unintentionally provoked anymore as the crew and giants went to their ship.

Zoro and Sanji saw the gigantic new dinosaur Thirteen brought back and grinded their teeth again muttering "Damn tiger bastard.." as Zoro chopped up all the meat and Sanji moved it all to the ship before they sailed away, the giants blew a hole through a giant gold fish and the ship sailed through the hole towards Alabasta.

3 days later

Nami collapsed with a fever while Thirteen was training, he watched her collapse and walked over. He picked her up and brought her to the kitchen where Sanji was, he put her down on the table and said "She's sick." before walking out and going back to his training. Sanji turned around and felt Nami's forehead before gasping and saying "Oi! We need a doctor!" as he grabbed her and rushed to her bedroom, the rest of the crew, minus Thirteen, followed him. Thirteen watched them go, as he kept going with his training, she was just sick, he had been a lot worse before and he never died, he shook his head and thought that they were over reacting.

A while later

The crew came out of her room and Thirteen had just finished his training, he looked up in the air and saw it was started to snow. It was nice, he loved the snow it was cold and beautiful, he thought it was because he was a white tiger that he liked it, it did match his hair, tail, and ear color. Sanji said "We need a doctor! She is definitely not supposed to be that high!" Thirteen frowned and passed by them going to Nami's room after he showered.

He walked into Nami's room and saw her lying on the bed, he walked over and touched her forehead, she felt really hot. He thought it was normal, he never got a doctor when he was there, it always passed after a few days. Nami reached out her hands and teared up, her eyes were still closed as she said "Don't leave me!" Thirteen frowned, he didn't really like where this was going, Nami cried as she pleaded "Stay with me! Don't go!" and grabbed his shirt trying to pull him closer.

Thirteen sighed, he never really thought of her like that and he didn't want to do anything with her because it seemed the cook had taken a liking to her, but it was looking like he had no choice. He opened the covers and slid inside, she wrapped her arms around him and smiled as she felt a warm embrace. Thirteen didn't really know what to do, should he hold her? go to sleep? It might cause misunderstandings, maybe they would think he took advantage of her, he didn't like that.

Nami grabbed his arms and wrapped them around her before putting her small hand on his chest and leaning her head on him as well. Thirteen sighed as he stared at the ceiling and wondered what the rest would say if they walked in, maybe they would kick him off the ship, he frowned and didn't think that would happen. They would probably think he liked her, but he didn't, although she was very cute and beautiful, he just didn't think of her that way, or rather he wouldn't think of her that way.

He frowned and wondered why, was it because she saved him? He shook his head, that wasn't it, so why? He suddenly felt sad, he knew why, it was the voice at the back of his head saying 'You don't deserve to be happy. Why would she like a slave like you, nobody would. You deserve to be alone' he sighed again and shook his head, he didn't like that voice but he had to admit it was probably right. He wasn't a good person, a slave, a killer, a half-Mink... a Monster, even if he did like her maybe she wouldn't be his friend anymore, he didn't want that. He wanted friends, maybe one day he would find someone who liked him, though he doubted it, why would anyone like him over a normal person.

He suddenly thought of Carla, she was nice to him, maybe she would like him, he suddenly frowned and heard the voice say 'She only wanted to be with you a single night, if not, why didn't she stop you from leaving?' he thought maybe it was true, she just wanted to have him for a single night and have him leave. He didn't like thinking like that, he frowned and checked his pockets, something was bothering him for a while now, he reached into the back pocket and pulled out a folded piece of paper. He frowned and didn't remember putting anything in there, he opened it up and a needle fell out, he caught it and looked at it before reading the note.

'Hey Thirteen! I don't know when you'll read this, but I wanted to say thank you again. I don't know what happened to you when you were small but I wanted you to know that I enjoyed being with you last night. If you ever feel like you don't have anywhere to go.. come back. You can stay with me! Sorry that was a bit mushy but it's true, you really did me a big favor and I think you're really cool! By the way I kept your needle that I tattooed you with, the one you're holding right now is one of mine, specifically the one for a heart-shaped lock on my back. Just something to remember me by... maybe one day I can draw the key on you (ugh so cheesy) Anyway be safe, I'll be watching you! And keeping tabs on your bounty! -Carla ♡'

Thirteen froze completely as he read the note, Sanji walked into the room and saw him and froze as well. Thirteen said "Sanji. Trade places with me." Sanji nodded and Thirteen slipped out gripping the needle and note as hard as he could as he left the room. He went to find Zoro, when he found him he held out the needle and said "Put this in my ear." Zoro picked up the needle and said "What is this?" Thirteen held the note in front of his face, Zoro read it and rubbed his chin as he said "Wow, what a girl eh?" Thirteen nodded and pointed to his ear, Zoro said "We should probably sterilize it first." Thirteen took the needle and blue flames surrounded it before he handed it back. Zoro blinked and said "Well that takes care of that. Come with me." as he got up and walked away, Thirteen followed him.

Zoro pierced Thirteen's ear with the needle, Thirteen looked in the mirror and nodded as he said "Thanks. Looks good." Zoro nodded and passed him saying "No problem." Thirteen looked in the mirror and saw his tiger ear had a noticeable bar in it now, he surrounded his ear in flames and expanded the metal slightly so it would never fall out, no matter what happened. He nodded and went to his own room, he stuck the note on his wall and left it there, he would make sure the needle is visible in his next bounty picture. He smiled and walked out of his room, leaving the note stuck on the wall right next to the cuffs that were hanging by the chains on a knife.

A while later

Thirteen was sitting on the deck as people started boarding them, he watched them and charged at them when they drew their weapons. He threw star fists at them as a man bit the Merry's railing and ate it, Luffy punched him and sent him flying off the ship, the rest of the people either fled or were corpses. The ones who fled chased after the man, who Luffy sent flying, Thirteen watched them go and threw the corpses into the sea as the ship sailed on. Eventually they came across and island with mountains that were shaped like drums, the ship docked and Thirteen carried Nami out on the deck, he saw a bunch of people aiming guns at them and handed Nami to Sanji before flashing forward and grabbing a person by the throat.

The villagers were shocked and so was the crew, Thirteen was extremely fast without the cuffs on, he was almost invisible. Luffy said "Thirteen!" Thirteen turned around and Luffy shook his head, Thirteen nodded and dropped the villager with the gun before walking back, picking up Nami again and walking through the crowd towards the village, he didn't care what they said or what they wanted. Vivi sighed and said "Our apologies we need a doctor." One of the villagers shot at Thirteen and Luffy's eyes widened.

Thirteen threw Nami into the air and took the shot himself before catching her again and walking off, bleeding from the gunshot wound. Luffy snapped "What did you do that for?!" the villager said "He's not human, why does it matter?" Luffy seethed and punched him in the face, sending him flying the rest of the villagers were shocked. A tall man frowned and said "Put down your weapons." the villagers put their weapons down and the man said "I'm sorry. My name is Dalton. The doctor is on the top of the mountain in the castle" Thirteen heard him and sped off towards the castle, Luffy ran after him with Sanji and said "Wait for us Thirteen!"

Vivi frowned as she looked at the villager who got punched in the face and said "Why did you shoot him?" the villager said "Why do you care so much? Does he look like me or you? He has a tail and animal ears. He's a half-breed freak!" Vivi snapped and said "That half-breed freak is my friend! In my opinion, the only freak here is you!" Zoro walked over and said "You realize if our captain nodded his head you would all be dead right?" the villager was silent and Zoro grinned "Do you have a family?" the villager shook his head and Zoro slashed him saying "Think about who you shoot next time, trash." before walking away, Vivi frowned as she watched him go and said "Violence doesn't solve problems!" Zoro said "I don't need a solution. I'm taking revenge for a friend." Vivi was stunned silent, Dalton sighed and said "Bring him to a bed and bandage him up." before turning to the crew and saying "Please come to my home, it's the least I can do for all the trouble." Vivi nodded and Usopp followed her, Zoro said "I'm fine thanks." as he walked back onto the boat.

Thirteen as walking up the mountain with Luffy and Sanji, and dodging the rabbits that were attacking him, he thought they were cute and they were white furred just like him. Suddenly there was an avalanche, the trio climbed a tree and were spared from the snow, Thirteen landed back on the snow and saw a little rabbit stuck in the snow, he picked it up and put it on his head as he kept walking. Luffy and Sanji chuckled at the tiger with a rabbit on his head, and Thirteen made a small smile, the little rabbit let out a breath and slumped on it's stomach on top of Thirteen's head as the group with a rabbit made their way up the mountain.

Suddenly two much bigger rabbits showed up, Thirteen sighed and poked the little rabbits nose, waking him up. The little rabbit woke up and cried out happily before jumping off Thirteen's head and onto his parent's head, he turned his head and waved, Thirteen waved back and the rabbits left. Thirteen watched them go and said "I like rabbits." Luffy said "I wanted to keep him." Thirteen sighed and said "Me too." as they came to a giant cliff, he looked up and said "Looks like were climbing. Grab my legs." he wrapped his tail around Nami and the two grabbed his legs.

Thirteen twinkled his hands and stuck them in the rock as he climbed carrying all three of them without using his legs, Luffy was shocked and said "You don't need to use your legs?!" Sanji said "I think the mosshead would be jealous." Thirteen said "I can probably only use one hand, want to try?" Sanji said "Actually you know what I'm okay." Thirteen said "It was a joke." Sanji deadpanned and said "Usually jokes are funny." Thirteen said "Hm, would it be funny if I dropped you right now?" Sanji burst out laughing "WoW! Climbing with one hand that's hilarious!" Luffy chuckled and Thirteen made a noise, nobody really knew what it was but they decided to never speak of it again.

They reached the top and saw a big castle, Thirteen said "Were here." before falling flat on his face, his hands were blue at the tips and his gunshot wound gushed blood. Luffy and Sanji grabbed him and Nami before heading inside.

Thirteen woke up in a bed with bandages around his body, he frowned and sat up, an old lady walked in to the room and said "Oh you're awake." He nodded, the old lady sat down on a chair and said "Pretty serious gunshot there and lower and you might've died." Thirteen said "Yeah, one of the villagers shot at me because I was different." his tail poked out and he wiggled his ears, the old woman said "You're not upset?" Thirteen said "Nothing i'm not used to. I can slaughter the whole village, but the same thing will happen on the next island and the island after that. I assume you saw the mark on my chest?" the old woman nodded and said "Must've been hard for you." Thirteen said "The only thing I lost from going there was my emotions and my morals." as he mumbled "Maybe I should go slaughter the village.." the old lady threw a shoe, that came seemingly out of the void, at him and said "That's gonna put me out of business brat!"

Thirteen dodged the shoe and said "I see. Maybe not then." the old woman cackled and said "Though, it is rare to see Minks around here. Also why aren't you wearing any shoes?" Thirteen said "I don't need them. Never worn them, never will." The old woman threw another shoe at him and snapped "You're feet were nearly black! Almost had to amputate them!" Thirteen dodged the shoe and said "I see. Maybe wear shoes in the snow then." the old woman threw a pair of shoes at him this time as she said "Definitely wear shoes in the snow!" Thirteen dodged them again and said "Do you have any?" the old woman threw a whole closet full of shoes at him and said "I just threw a pair at you!" Thirteen was buried in shoes and said "I see." he poked his head out of the pile of shoes and grabbed the pair she threw at him before and slipped them on.

He frowned, he didn't like these, he looked up and the old woman was gone and there was a reindeer hiding in the wrong direction at the door. Thirteen looked and all the shoes magically disappeared except the ones he was wearing, he was shocked and wondered where they all went. The reindeer said "Who are you!" Thirteen said "Who are you?" the reindeer said "Chopper." Thirteen said "Thirteen."

Chopper just stared at him expecting something else, but Thirteen just stood there, Chopper snapped "Say something!" Thirteen was confused and said "You talked to me first. You should be the one talking." Chopper blinked and said "I see. Why do you have a tail?" Thirteen said "I'm a Mink. I have a tail and ears. Why do you look like a reindeer?" Chopper said "I ate a devil fruit. I'm a human reindeer." Thirteen said "That's something." the door flew open and Luffy and Sanji saw Chopper, Luffy said "MEAT!" Sanji said "Cooked venison would be good for Nami-swan." Chopper yelped and ran away with the duo chasing after him, Thirteen watched them go before taking off his shoes and walking out the door.

(Author's Note)

Hey guys! So this chapter was something wasn't it? All of you who are worrying about the waifu in this story have no fear! There will be one! Carla is going to be an ending character, meaning there will be two girls, but only one will be revelent in the story later on! Carla's a cutie though isn't she? I like her a lot.

Any of you artists what to draw Thirteen, Carla, Viper, or Reiju Please feel free! Also join the discord!

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