
Thirteen walked around the castle and found Nami sitting in a bed talking with Chopper, he walked in and ripped off the bandages as he sat down and said "How are you?" Nami turned to Thirteen and saw he was only wearing shorts and had a needle through his ear, she said "Fine now. Where did you get that needle from?" Thirteen said "Carla." Nami smiled and said "You like her?" Thirteen nodded and said "She was nice to me. I don't really understand how she feels about me, but she sent it to me. I'll show you her letter after." Nami nodded and said "You met Chopper?"

Thirteen nodded and said "The reindeer that ate a devil fruit." Nami nodded and said "I heard one of the villagers shot at you. What happened?" Thirteen said "He shot at me for the usual reasons. I'll go kill him after, I remembered what he looked like." Nami rubbed her forehead and said "You can't just go around killing everybody!" Thirteen said "He shot at me because I didn't look like him. If he isn't trash what is he?" he shook his head and said "He died the moment he pulled the trigger. I was carrying you at the time, if I didn't react fast enough I would be standing in front of a 6ft deep hole right now." Nami choked and snapped "Don't be so blunt about my death!"

Chopper gasped and said "That's how you got shot?!" Thirteen said "It happens all the time." Chopper looked down and said "They shoot at me too. They called me a monster." Thirteen said "I've seen real monsters, don't worry about it. Did you kill them?" Chopper shook his head frantically and said "Of course not! I'm a doctor!" Thirteen said "Strange."

Nami said "Not everyone is like you Thirteen." Thirteen said "I guess not." as he walked to the window and stared at the village, Nami said "I didn't mean it like that." Thirteen said "Am I really that different? Should I not want revenge for pain?" as he looked at his hands while frowning slightly. Nami sighed and said "I meant Chopper wouldn't kill people." Chopper nodded and said "Sometimes I do, but it wouldn't make me any different from them."

Thirteen frowned and clenched his fists, he turned around and walked towards the door and said "I don't understand." before he walked out of the room. Nami watched him go and sighed, Chopper said "Did I say something wrong?" Nami smiled and said "No Chopper, he's just like that. He hasn't had the happiest life.." Chopper said "Me neither.."

Thirteen closed the door and saw the old woman leaning on the wall next to the door, he nodded and walked towards the door of the castle. The old woman watched him and said "Going to kill the man who shot you?" Thirteen stopped and said "Yes." the old woman said "Is that going to make you feel better? Chopper was right, doing that will prove that the guy who shot you was right." Thirteen said "Chopper isn't me. He doesn't want to be like them.." he kept walking and continued "But I always was." as he walked out of the castle, the old woman watched him and sighed before going into Nami's room.

Thirteen saw a cable rope and started walking along it towards the village. He reached the bottom and walked through the village streets before finding Zoro, he walked up to him and said "Where's the man who shot me?" Zoro was silent before saying "You're going to kill him?" Thirteen said "An inch lower and I would've died. I don't leave enemies alive." Zoro pointed his sword at a house, Thirteen nodded and walked towards the house.

Dalton was sitting in front of the man's house when Thirteen showed up, he stood up and said "I want to apologize for his actions." Thirteen said "He can apologize with his death." Dalton sighed and said "Then I'm going to have to stop you." Thirteen stared at him and said "You would go so far for trash?" Dalton was silent and Thirteen continued "You can't stop me. Move." Dalton stood still, while Zoro was watching from the sides.

Thirteen said "Very well. I'll move you myself." he flashed to Daltons side and star kicked him in the ribs, sending him flying into a house. The villagers came out of their houses and saw Thirteen rip the door to the house off before walking inside. Zoro got up and walked over to the house.

Thirteen was standing in front of the man, who had bandages on his chest. The man looked up and said "Come to finish me off? Filthy half-breed freak." Thirteen said "Instead of begging for mercy, you choose to insult me?" the man sneered and said "I'll never beg from a disgusting monster like you." he looked at Thirteen's chest and started laughing "You're a slave too?! That's even better! Hahahaha" Thirteen silently stared at the man and said "Are you finished?" the man chuckled and spat in Thirteen's face as he said "You half-breed slave... You're better off dead. I wish I didn't miss your vital points." Thirteen nodded and grabbed the man's arm.

Thirteen ripped his arm off before twinkling it and stabbing him in the heart. Thirteen turned around and left the house, leaving the man with his own arm sticking out of his chest to sit there. Thirteen walked outside and saw Zoro, he nodded and walked past him heading out of the village when a kid came up and hit him in the leg with a stick before saying "Nobody wants you here freak! Go away!" Zoro snapped his head around and said "Thirteen!" Thirteen stopped and turned to the kid, the kid stared him right in the eye and said "You're disgusting! Mommy said so!"

Thirteen said "Do you like your mommy?" the kid nodded and Thirteen said "Has your mommy ever left this island?" the kid shook his head and Thirteen said "How do you know that everyone else in the world looks like you? What if they all look like me?" the kid didn't know how to answer that, and Thirteen said "Why don't you think for yourself kid. Listening to idiots leads to a short life." as he turned around and walked away, Zoro let out a sigh of relief and smiled as he followed after him. The kid frowned and looked at his stick before dropping it on the ground and leaving while mumbling "Maybe mommy is an idiot?"

Zoro caught up to Thirteen and said "You alright?" Thirteen nodded and Zoro said "Good. I heard what that guy said. I should've killed him before." Thirteen said "You slashed him?" Zoro nodded and said "Of course. He shot you and almost killed Nami. We'd be down two crew mates." as he grinned, Thirteen made a small smile and kept walking.

Thirteen said "I saw a reindeer that talked up in the castle." Zoro rubbed his chin and said "Oh yeah? Was he a doctor? Did he have a blue nose?" Thirteen nodded and said "Yeah. Maybe he'll come with us. Speaking of which where's Vivi and Usopp?" Zoro said "We could use a doctor.. And I don't know probably running around somewhere." Thirteen looked up and saw and explosion at the castle and said "Let's go. I saw a rope way to the castle earlier." Zoro nodded and the duo left.

The duo reached the castle and saw Luffy send the man who ate the ship flying across the horizon, Thirteen looked around and saw everyone was fine and let out a breath of relief before frowning, what was this emotion? Relief? Luffy saw the duo and said "Hey guys! You missed it! That Walpol guy came back! Also Chopper's joining our crew!" Chopper snapped "I never said I was!" Luffy chuckled and ignored him.

Thirteen said "Good. We need a doctor." the old woman looked at Thirteen and said "You finished your business?" Thirteen nodded and said "He's dead." Zoro sneered and said "If he didn't kill him I would've. That guy was a real piece of work." Luffy said "What happened?" Zoro explained what happened even what the man said before Thirteen killed him. Thirteen walked away towards Chopper while Zoro was talking, he picked up Chopper and put him on his head before saying "You're not a rabbit, but I guess it'll have to do." as he walked towards the castle, Chopper was confused and said "Rabbit?" Thirteen ignored him and walked into the castle.

A while later

The crew was standing near a sleigh waiting for Chopper, Thirteen was staring off the cliff as he thought about his life so far, he was a slave, he escaped and now he was sailing with friends. He wondered if they were really okay with him being the way he was, he looked at his hands silently and mumbled "Are they lying to me?" Vivi joined him and said "Hey! Whatcha doin'?" Thirteen said "Do you think that the others are okay with me being who I am?" Vivi frowned and said "What do you mean?"

Thirteen said "I kill people brutally, I have no morals or emotions. Why would they want to be my friend? I always wondered why they wanted to be my friend. Every where we go people turn away in disgust or throw insults at me." he scratched his head and said "I just don't understand. What's the reasoning?" Vivi was silent before saying "Maybe they just think you're a good person." Thirteen frowned and said "But i'm not. I might not have emotions but i'm not an idiot. I know i'm not a good person. What do you see when you look here?" as he pointed to the village.

Vivi turned and said "A village with people and beautiful scenery covered in snow." Thirteen said "I see a wasteland covered in garbage waiting to be purged." Vivi frowned and Thirteen added "And some rabbits." Vivi giggled and said "And rabbits?" Thirteen nodded and said seriously "I like rabbits. They're cute." Vivi laughed and said "Do you want one?" Thirteen nodded and said "I do. I had one become but it's parents came and took him away. Maybe I can find one alone..." Vivi made a wry smile and said "If you want but it's hot in Alabasta.."

Thirteen rubbed his chin and said "But I want a rabbit. This is quite the problem..." Vivi giggled and said "Do you want me to help you?" Thirteen nodded and crouched in front of Vivi and said "Get on." Vivi wrapped her arms around his neck and Thirteen held her legs before jumping off the cliff as Vivi shrieked. Thirteen was falling through the air before twinkling his hand and grabbing into the cliff side, causing him to slow down before landing. He let go and landed on the ground, he looked around and carried Vivi towards the forest, Vivi said "That was a rush! Maybe next time you can give me a heads up?" Thirteen said "I thought you knew." Vivi snapped "How was I supposed to know you were going to jump off the cliff?!"

A while later

Thirteen and Vivi got back to the ship, joining the rest of the crew. The rest looked over and saw the duo, Luffy said "Where did you guys go? And whats that?" Thirteen said "We went to get a rabbit. It's a rabbit." There was a rabbit sleeping on Vivi's shoulder. Luffy nodded and said "Okay. Let's party!" the crew cheered and sailed away towards Alabasta.

A few days later

Thirteen was playing with the rabbit he got from drum island, it was about the side of his palm. He looked at it and said "Do you want a name?" the rabbit scratched his head and nodded, Thirteen said "What about White?" the rabbit squeaked and clapped. Thirteen nodded and put him on his head before going to workout.

A while later

The crew finally arrived at Alabasta after having a run-in with Mr.2 an Okama, he was a nice guy, he thought Thirteen was cool. Thirteen sat on the ship and Luffy bolted towards town to search for a restaurant, Sanji followed after him to buy clothes and supplies, while Vivi went to go find information on the rebel army. The rest just sat on the ship and waited for them, Thirteen was sitting around with White on his head, it seemed that White didn't actually mind the heat and was actually enjoying it as he slept on his back.

Thirteen was silently sitting down when Chopper walked over and sat down next to him, Thirteen turned to him and said "Need something?" Chopper said "Do people call you a monster too?" Thirteen said "Sometimes. Most of the time it's freak, half-breed, or slave. Why?" Chopper turned to him and said "What do you do?" Thirteen said "I just ignore them, unless they hurt me. They don't know anything. They're only dangerous when they have weapons." Chopper said "And you kill them if they hurt you?" Thirteen nodded and said "Only if it's significant damage, like a gunshot or something like that. My pain tolerance is quite high, most of the things that would hurt don't so I just ignore it." Chopper said "Do you think I could kill someone?"

Thirteen was silent before saying "Do you want to?" Chopper hesitated before shaking his head, Thirteen patted his hat and said "You don't have to kill people to be strong. I kill people because that's the way that I am. Whether I was born like that or was turned into this, I don't know but I do know that we are not the same. Sometimes you have to be a stronger person to not kill someone. What are you worried about?"

Chopper touched his hooves together nervously as he said "I don't want to be a burden to the crew. I want to be strong like you. You're all my only friends and I don't want to be left behind." Thirteen said "Just focus on yourself, you don't need to be the strongest. Everyone likes you and thinks you're their friend. If you really want to get stronger join me and Zoro when we work out in the morning." Chopper smiled and nodded "Okay!" as he perked up and skipped away in high spirits, Thirteen watched him go and smiled slightly before thinking of his own advice.

He clenched his fist and closed his eyes as he thought of invisible armor surrounding his hands, he silently chanted to himself in his mind 'Be stronger than the monster, you're better than this' a voice said back 'You're not. You are the monster. Give in!' Thirteen grit his teeth and focused on his hand, he had been trying achieve Haki since Loguetown, Crocus pointed him in the right way but the voice always shook him off track and beat him back.

Thirteen let out a breath and gave up, he didn't like the voice, it gave him a bad feeling. He frowned and wondered what it could be, it felt like fear, like HE was scared of the voice. He shook his head and said to himself "I'm not scared. It's me. We are the same." the voice said 'We're not the same, you're a weak slave. Give in.' Thirteen growled to himself before someone patted his shoulder and said "Thirteen?"

Thirteen snapped back to reality and opened his eyes to see Luffy with a guy in an orange hat. Thirteen said "Hello. Did you need something?" Luffy smiled and said "This is my brother Ace!" Ace stared at Thirteen and said "Nice to meet you! You're a Mink right?" Thirteen stood up and said "Yes. Nice to meet you as well." Ace grinned and said "Cool! I've heard of them before but I've never seen one! Pops used to have some on his crew a long time ago." Thirteen said "Do you know what they looked like?" Ace rubbed his chin and said "I think he said a big dog and a big cat." Thirteen nodded and said "I think i've seen them in a picture before.. Who's pops?" Ace turned around and said "Whitebeard! I'm his second division commander!"

Thirteen said "I don't know who that is, but congratulations." Ace deflated and said "Thanks..." before perking up and saying "Were you trying to get Haki just then?" Thirteen nodded and said "I was. Strangely though, there's a voice in my head that stops me each time. Did you have that too?" Ace raised a brow and shook his head before saying "I didn't. That is strange though. I know you'll get it eventually!" as he patted Thirteen's shoulder with a smile. Thirteen stared in Ace's eyes and saw crystal clear orbs staring at him with warning, he nodded and stayed silent.

Luffy then introduced Ace to the rest of the crew and Sanji offered to make food, after Ace obliterated several Baroque Works ships. The crew ate happily and Ace gave Luffy a vivre card and explained how it worked, Luffy nodded and put it in his hat as the ship made it's way to another side of the island so that they could travel to Yuba faster.

The ship landed on the coast and Ace said "Well I gotta go Luffy! I'll see you around!" he threw Thirteen a glance and walked away, Thirteen walked the opposite direction and circled back to see Ace staring at him alone, Thirteen said "What." Ace said "I know what happened to you, and everything you went through. Luffy told me. I can't relate and I don't know what's going on with your Haki, but.." Ace grabbed his collar and said "It anything happens to my little brother. I will come after you. I don't care whether you were a slave or a half-Mink, I only care about his safety. You are the strongest on the crew besides him by far, I want you to protect him and the rest and if it happens because of you, I will find you. Do you understand?"

Thirteen threw his hand off him and said "Why don't you stay if you're so concerned about me endangering the rest. Instead of chasing someone else, protect what you have, while you still have it." Thirteen turned around and walked away saying "They're everything to me. If i'm the problem I will leave on my own. Worry about yourself." he disappeared to somewhere else on the ship, Ace watched him go before leaving.

Thirteen was sitting on the railing of the ship staring at the sea, Luffy said "Come on Thirteen!" Thirteen got up and followed the group silently as they traveled through the desert. Zoro silently watched Thirteen, he heard what Ace said and although he didn't approve of putting all the burden on Thirteen's shoulders he wasn't exactly wrong either, keeping Thirteen had pluses and minuses. He was a strong fighter and extremely loyal, he was definitely someone who you could count on, but the flip side was his involvement with the World Government, his instability, and his brutality.

Zoro frowned, he liked Thirteen, although he might not talk much he always got to the point quickly and was extremely blunt, he was a good friend to have. He didn't like the fact that it could put them all in danger at any point in time depending on whether a single person wanted him back, he also knew Thirteen was constantly fighting against himself, it was as if there was a wild animal he had to keep down at all times. He noticed it would come out when he fought sometimes, he remembered seeing extreme excitement in his eyes when he was killing marines in Loguetown and he was positive Thirteen didn't know about it himself.

Zoro didn't really mind seeing blood but he also didn't revel in it either, he's killed people before sure but not like Thirteen. He thought it was strange, it seemed almost as though he purposely gets blood on himself. Zoro didn't know if that was a conscious action, or Thirteen was unaware but he would shift slightly closer to where the blood would splatter whenever he killed, even more strange was that he looked like he would get a little more brutal each time he got blood on himself.

Zoro silently sighed to himself and made the decision to watch Thirteen a bit closer from now on, he didn't want to but he felt he would be making a severe mistake if he didn't, he didn't know where the feeling came from but he knew that he felt it. The crew walked through the desert and slowly got closer to Yuba as time passed.

A few days later

The crew arrived at Yuba finally and Vivi started talking to an old man about the rebels, Thirteen looked around and found a big rock formation, he separated from the group and walked over to the rock. He twinkled his fist and punched at the rock, creating cracks, he frowned, he barely used any strength. He had been trying to make moves and use his star fruit in different ways for the past couple of days, he couldn't come up with anything, as of right now he only had 'Shooting Star' but that wasn't enough.

He had an idea but it was a bit crazy, he sat down and created his stardust then he sprinkled it on the ground evenly, creating a coating. He stood up and twinkled his feet and stepped on the stardust, he dug his toes into it and shot forward, Thirteen did not expect to go so fast and he flew into at rock at a speed barely visible to the human eye. He fell to the ground and rubbed his head, it worked but he had no practice with it, he also didn't know if he could produce stardust from his feet. He stood up and twinkled his feet while also creating a coating of stardust on his feet before shooting off at an incredible speed and leaving stardust foot prints, he tried to change directions and slipped before shooting off into a rock causing a massive BOOM.

He scratched the back of his head and thought he needed more practice, just going straight wasn't really great either. He got up and dusted himself off, he wanted to know why it worked and how exactly it made him faster, maybe he could find a way to lower the speed until he got used to it and increase it until he could perfectly control himself at maximum speed. He suddenly had an idea and looked to the sky, maybe he could fly? He covered his feet and jumped into the air, he solidified the dust and stepped on it but his foot went right through and he slammed into the ground kicking up a sand cloud.

He stood up again and shook his head maybe one day he could really fly, that would be cool. He got serious and decreased the amount of stardust on his foot before taking off at a slower but still extremely fast speed, he turned and ran around Yuba a few times, changing directions a few times, he stopped dead in his tracks and frowned. He wanted extreme speed, he produced a little more stardust this time around 25% of the max before shooting off.

A while later

Thirteen failed at turning and changing directions at 75% stardust, he decided that was his max at the moment and kept practicing through the night till morning, he eventually moved away from Yuba and ran around in the desert honing his unnamed skill. He did foot work drills, side to side, front to back and then mixed in a bunch of different directions he was slowly getting the hang of it but he still slipped and crashed into rocks sometimes. He kept practicing until he got it perfect.

The next morning the crew woke up and looked around for Thirteen, Zoro said "He didn't sleep here last night." Vivi said "Do you know where he went?" Zoro shook his head and Luffy screamed "Thirteen!" a second later Thirteen appeared right in front of them and said "We're leaving?" The group was shocked and Luffy said "How did you do that?" Thirteen said "I made a new skill. It's not finished so it doesn't have a name yet." he moved and three Thirteens appeared before two faded away.

Luffy was shocked and said "You can clone yourself?!?" Thirteen shook his head and said "I'm moving so fast that you saw three of me." he pointed to the ground and the crew saw stardust foot prints twinkling with rainbow colors. Thirteen pointed to a rock in the distance, a second or two after the rock exploded and Thirteen appeared next to the Thirteen that was slowly fading away. Luffy had stars in his eyes as he said "COOOL!!!!"

Thirteen said "It's not finished yet." he frowned and continued "It's only 80% as fast as it can possibly go." Zoro almost choked and snapped "80%?!" Thirteen nodded and said "A real shame too. I wanted to finish it in one night." he sighed, Zoro really wanted to strangle him, he was extremely fast already and he said ONLY 80% as fast as it should be. Nami giggled at Zoro's frustration and said "What happens if you reach 100%?" Thirteen said "I can probably run to the ship and back in maybe a few hours."

Nami almost fainted and said "So you can carry me?! Perfect! Thanks!" as she jumped into his arms and latched onto him like a koala, he scratched his head and said "I haven't tried it with someone else." he pried her off him and grabbed Luffy and said "Hold on tight." Luffy wrapped his arms and legs around Thirteen and Nami snapped "Why not me?!" Thirteen said "Luffy's made out of rubber, if we crash he won't die." as he disappeared along with Luffy, leaving behind an afterimage.

He came back a minute later and Luffy fell off his back saying "So fast..." his hair was spiked backwards and he stood back up saying "That was really really really fast." Thirteen nodded and said "That was 100% I still can't control it yet." Nami latched on to him and said "Just go slower." Thirteen nodded and disappeared before returning, Nami's hair was stuck in a flowing position and she mumbled "That was fun.."

Vivi said "As much as I'd love to have a turn, we have to get going." Nami and Luffy pouted and Vivi said "You can have another turn later." the duo grumbled "Stupid rebels..." Vivi was annoyed and amused as the group left Yuba.

On the way back Luffy stopped and sat down next to a tree and said "I quit!" Vivi said "What do you mean you quit?" Luffy said "I just want to kick Crocodile's ass!" Vivi said "But we have to stop the rebels or there will be a war! People will die!" Luffy said "People die. It happens." Vivi snapped and slapped him as she said "What did those people do to deserve that huh?! They don't deserve to die because of Crocodile!" Luffy punched her and said "So you're going to stop them yourself?! You want to put your own life on the line?!" Vivi said "What else do I have to put on the line?! I'm alone!" Luffy tackled her to the ground and said "You have us! You can put our lives too! We're your friends!" Vivi was silent as she cried and said "Okay. Then let's go to Rainbase."

Luffy grinned and said "We're going to kick Crocodile's ass!" the group changed course and made their way to Rainbase.

(Author's Note)

Hey guys! I think I ahve a good idea where the story is going to go now, I don't know if you guys felt it but the last few chaps kinda felt really grueling to write, I honestly think It's because I want to be MUCH further ahead than where we are now, but these chaps are still necessary.

A new move! LMK what you think, it's based off something else if you can guess right you get a prize! What prize? Uhh a really smooth handshake.


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