
This story begins in a fairly simple and generic scene. A boy is sitting in the passenger seat of a small car on a highway. Why is this important? To be completely honest, the small details like the boy's height and weight aren't very important. Though, they're are a few important things, for example: the boy's name (Michael), the woman driving him (Aunt Clara), and the conversation they had right before they arrived at their destination.

Aunt Clara glanced at her nephew, who looked pretty nervous about going to such a prestigious high school. When I say nervous, I mean you just got home and your parents are holding your report card nervous. To be fair, he had every reason to be edgy. He wasn't going to any rich people school, he was going to the rich people school, the Academy of Magical Arts. Did I mention magic is used here? I didn't? Well, then let me give you a quick run down.

In this day and age, magic is more-or-less a farce that many children believe in until they realize that Santa doesn't exist (if you didn't know, now you do). Most gods of the ancient world are labeled as folk tales or fairy tales, but that isn't the case in Wisteria. The universe, in which Wisteria resides, was created by two beings: the Light Creator and the Dark Creator. They made Magis and gave them magic, but with a catch. To use this magic, the Magis must make a contract with a human's soul and bind their own in the contract as well, and they could only use their magic through the human. When the human bonds with a Magi, the human becomes a magician. That's all you need to know for now. Anyway, back to the story.

In an attempt to soothe Michael's growing tension, Aunt Clara reminded Michael who his parents were, and who his Magi is. In short, he was a lot stronger than he could even fathom. She knew her plan was a success when he began to giggle a bit. After all the giggles were all out, Aunt Clara turned to serious mode and told Michael to be very careful at his new school. She told him to avoid the principal at ALL costs. Now, Michael isn't a complete idiot, I wouldn't have made him my main character if he was.

Michael shifted in his seat as he tried to figure out what Aunt Clara's warning meant. He knew he didn't have much time left until they reached the school grounds, so he finally turned to her and asked why he should avoid him. Aunt Clara stayed quiet for a while, and when she finally parked, she told him, "He was involved with your parents, and that's all you need to know." He was going to ask her to explain herself, but (speak of the devil) the man he was meant to avoid was right outside his window.

Michael gave his aunt one last hug and stepped out of the car with his backpack, and a lingering feeling of uneasiness. He felt something was about to happen, but he couldn't put his finger on it. He seemed kind when he greeted Michael, but things took a turn for the worst when he mentioned Michael's mother, Doria. He talked about how much he looked like her and how beautiful she was. There was no real malice hidden behind these words, but Michael felt something deep inside him growing.

He turned to see if Aunt Clara was still there, but she had already gone to the dorms. He tried to see if there was anyone else he could talk to instead of him, but there was no one around. Michael realized what was happening: he was losing control of his Magi. Something was stirring him up. The comments? No, he's heard everything there is to hear about his parents. Then what was it? He started to feel dizzy and felt the electricity begin to flow through him. He was going berserk.

Right when Michael thought all hope was lost, he felt someone grab his arm. He turned to see a girl. Michael had seen her before, he just couldn't remember where. The anger and rage of his Magi calmed down as well. Almost like an angel just touched him. The girl turned to the principal and said (and I quote), "Mr. don't you think that's a bit much. I mean, that's illegal. I mean hitting on a minor, that is." Is this chick dumb? Michael looked like he was about to blow up the school, but to her it looked like he was asking him out?

After saying this, the girl pulled Michael towards the school building and began walking. She looked cheerful. Like overly cheerful. Like I don't think she knows how to not smile. She told Michael how important it was that he keeps his Magi under check at ALL times, especially in front of teachers. During their trek to their homeroom, the girl introduced herself. Her name's Kiara and she's older than him. I don't blame Michael for thinking she was younger, she looks like a munchkin.

At long last, they reached their destination: Homeroom Class SSS1. In the Academy of Magical Arts (AMA for short), homerooms are based off of a student's Measured Power Output (MPO). In a utopian society, all Magis would be in the same rank, but c'mon! This is Wisteria we're talking about. Some Magis are stronger than others, and that's why Classes (or ranks) are a thing. There are 16 ranks: Class A, AA, AAA, B, BB, BBB, C, CC, CCC, D, DD, DDD, S, SS, SSS, X (yes, they're in order; weakest to strongest).

(And we're back) Michael felt a bit intimidated to walk into a room of Class SSS Magicians. He felt a bit out of place, but quickly found his place in Kiara's friend group. There was Rebecca: loud, fun, quick-tempered, Halley: chill, smart-ass, independent, Britney: pretty, kind, "smells like flowers", Brandon: flirty, shameless, care-free, and Kiara: happy, possibly on drugs, sweet.


Now if I said that Kylian Louvre is one of the greatest characters I have ever thought of, that would make me biased towards other characters, but can you blame me? He is a GIANT puppy!! Maybe it's because he's the oldest of the friend group or the fact that he's mute, or the fact that he has what many people hope for. (Money?) No, well, yes, but not what I was thinking of.

Patience. I'll explain in a little while, but for now, let's get back to the story, shall we? Turns out, (as fate would have it) almost every member of the group had a roommate in the squad. Brandon, Halley's other half, and Michael were the unlucky ones. Michael's roommate was coincidentally one of his new classmates. None other than my child, Kylian Louvre.

As Kylian and Michael got closer, Ky got curious about one of Michael's habits and asked him about it. It wasn't exactly a strange habit, Kylian was just intrigued, so he asked him why he always had a small, worn, leather journal with him everywhere he went. It really was a simple question with no malice attached, and Michael understood that, but Kylian didn't realise he opened Pandora's Box with that innocent little question.

Michael sat him down and told him about his father. Michael's father was one of the most powerful and skilful magicians of his time, and since he was so strong, he decided to give back to his community by helping the royal families. He met Michael's mother while working with their Majesties, and they soon married and had a child, Michael. Everything was going great for them, but because they were associated with the Royals, that meant they had exceedingly big media platforms. Most people agreed with their ideas, but some did not.

One night, when Michael was four, he was abruptly awoken from his sleep by the sound of his Aunt Clara trying to wake him up. All Michael could remember from that day was him running away in his aunt's arms from his home, which had been set ablaze. The most traumatic part of that night that Michael could remember was his mother running towards him only to fall to the ground. A figure then appeared where his mother once stood and began to cast a spell. Michael's father trapped the figure and himself with the burning house in a spell. Aunt Clara had to muffle the sound of his crying, while trying to hold back the tears of watching her own brother die in front of her. The media later said that a fire is what killed the famous Sullivans, but they didn't know or reveal that Michael survived. Michael finished his explanation with a sullen look.

Kylian got up and patted Michael on the back reassuringly, and you know faucets, yea Michael does too. Kylian realized that the leather worn leather book held more importance than he could ever imagine and cast a spell on it. "Tuo praesidio liber fit descensus usque ad pluviam!!" Michael got up and yelled at him, but Kylian signed that he was protecting the book from any and all harm.

Hold up. I know what you're thinking, "Didn't you say he was mute?" He is, in a way. Let me explain. Kylian was born mute, but when he made his contract with his Magi, Poseidon, he obtained the ability to cast spells aloud. To simplify EVEN MORE, he can only speak when he is casting spells, which is also pretty rare considering how quiet he is. This is just an example of what physical and mental changes Magis can make to their magicians through the bond, and it gets wilder as the story continues.