Chapter 1

Now that the prologue is out of the way and the background information has been laid, its time for the most interesting part of the story, the conflict.

Rebecca got up in the morning and got ready for school like any other day. She showered, and tried then tirelessly to wake up her roommate, Britney, who could sleep through just about everything. When she finally woke her up, they made their way to the other dorms, met up with Halley and Kiara, and somehow got to class on time. At around 4th period, they were all making their way to the cafeteria, when they ran into Louis. To most in their class, Louis was a spoilt brat, who was always trying to get on the girls' good side, and for that the boys (with the exception of Kylian and William) didn't particularly like him.

I think we all know the story, the bullied bully others who seem weak to hide the fact that they're being bullied in the first place. Meaning, Louis looks like he's about to beat up the next person that looks at him, who was, at the time, Michael. Louis got mad at Michael's ability to see and questioned why he was looking at him. Michael told him how he was admiring his shoes, which were designer, to which Louis replied, "What? Are you dumb or something? Come to think of it, my really "nice" shoes went missing a couple of weeks back. Got anything to do with that?"

First of all, Michael has been in the school for a WEEK, there is no possible way this could've been the case, is what Louis is told by Rebecca, but he doesn't listen. Why? Because he believes "women can't really think and that society is just blowing up their egos." Needless to say, Rebecca got mad and swung at Louis. He dropped to the floor, shocked and enraged. Michael extended his hand to help him up, while everyone else was holding Rebecca back. For some reason that I (THE AUTHOR) do not know, Louis spat on Michael's hand and said, "There's your lunch."

Rebecca then proceeded to say, "Ligatis pedibus tuum crura." which literally means "bind the legs." Louis then tripped and couldn't move. The hallway then began to rise in temperature and Louis was saying something under his breath. However, as suddenly as the heat started, a cooling flurry blew in and began to spin in a cyclone manner in one particular spot. When the snow cleared, a person stood there, and she looked strangely pleased.

She slowly walked up to Louis and said "Emissus tuum crura." and his legs unbinded and he sat upward. William and Kylian walked into the hallway with snacks, unbothered. Kiara's face lit up and she ran over to William and hugged him, but he simply pushed her away and asked, "What did we miss?" Kylian noticed that William's gesture hurt Kiara a bit, so he hugged her as the lady began talking.

The lady (who is the vice-principal) curtsied to William and Kiara, turned back to the students and asked them to follow her. Being the obedient to adults children that their guardians raised, they followed without hesitation.

As they made their way down the main hallway of the school, a man in a black hoodie ran down the opposite end of the hall and dropped a black backpack by Michael when he did. Michael picked up the bag, and turned to return it, but Britney kicked his hand and made him drop it. Rebecca then ran over to it, said "Obice." and a barrier-like hemisphere formed over the backpack.

"What's going on?" Michael asked. Britney apologized for kicking him, and told him there was an explosive inside. As soon as she said this, the explosive went off, but the one thing everyone was worried about was the sound of an even bigger one heard on the other side of the building.


The group immediately rushed through the halls only to find the cafeteria gone. They looked around and only saw bodies on the ground. William noted how the explosion was most probably premeditated, since every victim was a Class A. Anyone Class C and above could have easily protected themselves from the explosion, but everyone lower would have a hard time. He also noticed something that sent chills down everyone's spines, the teacher in charge was dead.

The first thing wrong with this is the simple fact that every faculty member of this school is ranked DDD and above, with the weakest being Class DDD. To put it in simpler terms, none of them were weak. The second thing that really terrified them was that he was blindfolded. He could've been fooling around with the kids, but he should've been able to protect them, unless he wanted it to happen.

Louis asked William why he would let such a thing happen, but William didn't know either. William then turned to Brandon and asked him to do what he was thinking. Everyone (except Louis, Kylian, and Kiara) was surprised at William's telepathic abilities. Nonetheless, Brandon put his hand to the floor and said "Ostende mihi faciem praeterita." And his spell began. William was filled with a tingling sensation all over his body, since he had assumed that Halley was the stronger twin. The amount of power he had over time and how he manipulated it, left him speechless, but the events that occurred after left poor William dumbfounded.

A cloud of smoke started forming around everyone and for a short while, no one could see anything. Suddenly the smoke cleared and the cafeteria was back to its normal environment. "You fixed it! And brought everyone back!" Michael exclaimed. Brandon denied this and simply said it was the floor's memory of the events that had been recently played out. It was a typical high school cafeteria. Everyone was either sitting with their friends laughing, eating, playing or getting something to eat. Some students walked up to the teacher on duty and asked him to play a game: blindfolded hide-and-seek.

The teacher accepted the game's terms and put on the blindfold. The students all went to hide, while others took the opportunity to leave the room. The teacher started to wander around in search of the students and as he did, everyone held their hands to their noses and exclaimed at a terrible smell. After a short while of searching for his students, the teacher stood upright and gave up, taking off his blindfold. He looked up to see most of them floating and began laughing.

A man then entered the room and he immediately rushed to him to stop him. He tried an incantation, but it didn't work, so the man walked over to the teacher snapped his neck and placed the blindfold back on him. When the students tried to attack him, the bomb went off. The fog then cleared and the group stood there, confused. "What was that?" William asked Brandon.

Brandon wasn't sure, no one was. Michael began walking around and then Halley, out of nowhere, exclaimed. "I get it!" Everyone looked at her, puzzled. When she was about to start explaining, everyone dropped to their knees, paralyzed. The Principal then walked into the room and said, "Great, now you can explain it to me while you're being detained."