Chapter 7

Louis stood as helplessly as everyone else and didn't even notice Rebecca creating barriers around everyone, so that they could breathe. While she was putting up Michael's barrier, Louis noticed an unstable wooden beam about to fall on her, so he jumped and moved her out of the way, and accidentally landed on her.

Why haven't they left the burning building yet? They were looking for the person who was in the most danger, Python. After about a few minutes of searching her office, William remarked how she probably got out of there before the fire got this bad, and said that they should leave. Britney was reluctant to leave the room, but Michael convinced her to go with them. When they went to the teleportation pads, they found them on fire. They were stuck. Or so it seemed.

Louis moved to the middle of the room and asked Rebecca to drop his barrier and expose him to the flames. She immediately declined and was against the idea, because she knew he would get burned. Louis asked her to believe in him and drop the barrier, which she did. Louis's eyes then turned from crimson red to a bright fire red as the flames in the room moved to his will. All the flames moved to one central flame and dispersed it.

Rebecca dropped everyone's barriers and ran over to Louis and hugged him. He hugged her back and when she finally realised what she was doing, she pushed him away and blushed, while he smirked. Brandon cleared his throat rather loudly to signal that there were more important things going on at the moment. That made everyone follow Halley and Britney down the stairs to find the whole place trashed.

I mean fire can destroy stuff, but it can't flip a table over or throw books onto the floor. Someone went through the place before setting it on fire, and that someone probably took Python captive. Based on everything she saw, that's what Britney thought what happened. Suddenly police sirens filled the room. Everyone ignores them until they saw the lights in front of the burned shop.

Britney ran to the door and opened and saw the aftermath of Python fighting for her men. The entire neighbourhood was in tatters for almost every building had a giant whole in it. Whoever fought her took a pretty bad beating. She then looked up and saw Python. She was constricted and had a knife to her throat. And who was holding the knife? A hooded figure. Brandon pulled out his phone discreetly and recorded the voice of one of his minions as she told the children to give up and go with them.

He threatened to kill Python if they didn't obey, but Python told them to run. Britney ran towards her, but Michael grabbed her and pulled her back. As she fought Michael, three men walked in front of the pawn shop with three giant guns and aimed them at the magicians. Halley yelled "Magic Cannon!" and everyone braced for impact.


Michael opened his eyes and saw only clouds, mountains, and no pawn shop. He turned around and saw Britney crying. He went over to console her, but she pushed him away and blamed him for holding her back. He tells her how even if they blocked the attack, they would've killed Python.

She wanted them to run and escape them. This is what she wanted. Britney couldn't do anything else except cry, because she knew what Michael was saying was the truth.

Michael walked Britney to the others, who were setting up camp. Kylian asked Kiara if he knew where they were, and she said yes.

William remarked how he thought that the the mountain they were on was an excuse Kiara used to avoid him and Kylian when they were kids. Quick note: Kylian, Kiara, and William are childhood friends, but they began to drift apart after elementary school. Okay back to the story! Them talking about their current location confused everyone else, so they asked for a clarification.

Kiara told them how her grandfather trained her on the same mountain that they were camping on. They questioned why she had to practice magic on the top of the mountain and she remarked how she was the Dark Creator's magician, which shook everyone. To clarify, Kiara being the Dark Creator's magician meant that she was the most powerful person on the planet. That is why they're so shook.

After a little press conference between Kiara and the others, Rebecca stepped up and said that the group needed to focus on the situation at hand: Python's dead and the police are working with the Saviours. Brandon then said that getting something to eat was the biggest problem, but she just reminded him how they have the strongest thing on the planet: Kiara. Everyone looked to her and asked her to conjure up all sorts of foods, so she snapped her fingers twice and a buffet popped up.

The group stood in awe, well, except Kylian and William 'cause they knew about this since they're childhood friends, but William seemed more unimpressed than he should've been. He commented on how she should've used her power to kill Python's captors and free her. I mean, he's not wrong, but like, he's not right either. You feel me?

Well, this didn't sit well with Louis, who told William to stop being such an asshole, and William jabbed back at how he wants to be a suck up now that he knows that Kiara is the Dark Creator's magician. They went back forth until Louis grabbed William by the collar and Kylian and Rebecca were holding them back.

Their fight ended with Brandon expressing how his phone was dead and they were cut off from the outside world. Michael thought to himself how he could charge the phone with a small lighting bolt, and William told him to do it aloud, but he admitted that he couldn't control his power. Rebecca went over and hugged and comforted him, which led to Louis remark how useless a person of his power set is if they can't control their power.

Halley got up and offered everyone food, but Britney rejected it. While everyone was eating, Michael went to Kiara and then slipped away with her. After they knew that they were far from the group, Michael asked Kiara for help. He told her how she had a lot of power and couldn't control all of it, so he was hoping she could teach him how to control his power.

She told him that to control small amounts of power he had to concentrate, but he couldn't control large incantations in his current state. To produce something powerful, he needed to be able to separate his soul from his Magi in order to ensure that he doesn't go berserk. He also added about how to comfort Britney.

She told him that Britney only opens up when she's extremely comfortable and trusting with the person she's talking to. He needed to prove to her that he was trustworthy and he needed to provide comfort. This was one of the moments when Michael realized that Kiara was older and indeed wiser than he was.

On the way back, Michael asked Kiara why William disliked her. She said that she didn't know, but she did mention how this attitude began after their parents announced their betrothal. Before that, they were best friends. After elementary school, they didn't see much of each other until AMA. Their walk back ended with a conversation about the leader of the Saviours. Who they were and why they were doing what they were doing.

Back at camp, Britney looked as miserable as ever and Brandon was doing his best to find service with Halley, Rebecca and Kylian's help. William and Louis were still sulking about their little fight. Ugh. Boys. Kiara whispered that this was MIchael's opportunity to contribute to the group before going to get something light for Britney to eat.

He walked up to Brandon and asked him if he could try electrocuting the phone. Brandon handed him the phone and Louis snatched it last minute. Kylian held out his hand towards Louis and Halley remarked how they didn't have much time. Louis looked at Kylian and then around at everyone else. Rebecca asked him to trust Michael, so he handed the phone to him and went on a walk into the wilderness, sulking.

Michael set the phone down on a rock, and closed his eyes. He pictured the small bolt of lightning and touched the phone ever so slightly. He opened his eyes and pressed the power button. Brandon, Halley, Rebecca, Kylian, and William hovered over the device until it finally turned on.

The small victory was followed by cheers and celebrations all around. Kylian actually kissed Halley again, and this time Brandon got mad and lectured the both of them. Kiara gave Michael Britney's plate of food, and headed over to calm Brandon down a bit.

Michael sat down with Britney and asked her about her relationship with Python. She vaguely explained how she was like a mother to her when she needed her. The conversation made Britney cry and Michael managed to get her to eat while continuing to console her.

Louis, however, ruined this romantic, heartwarming moment with an urgent message. Louis ran back to camp while holding a bloody arm, yelling "They found us! We need to get out of here!"