Chapter 8

Rebecca rushed over to Louis to tend to his arm, but he insisted that they leave. Of course, the group didn't leave immediately, since they were all worried about Louis. He kept telling them that they had to go, but Rebecca sat him down as Halley's eyes began to glow a deep rose pink as she healed him. Brandon held a computer chip in his hand and explained how all the information they need is on it.

Suddenly a bullet went flying towards Brandon, and as fast as it appeared, it split in half as Britney's eyes turned a warm, pearl tone. William and Kylian grabbed an injured Louis as Rebecca set up another barrier around everyone as they ran the only way they could, farther up the mountain. As they were running for their lives, again, Louis asked Kiara to take them to another place. She explained that she couldn't teleport to places she hasn't been to before, which pissed off William, but made him take the initiative.

William's eyes turned green a lime green as he placed his free hand on Louis's head. He then closed his eyes, and as they were closed he was about to run into a tree, so Britney slashed it out of his way. When William opened his still lime green eyes, he called out to Brandon, who was leading the group along with Kiara. Brandon dropped back and took William's place helping Louis.

William sped up and caught up with Kiara, and grabbed her hand. As he did, His lime green eyes began to glow again. The glow from his eyes slowly faded away and he looked her in her eyes, almost as if to see if she got the message, to which Kiara responds with a nod to signal that the message was received.

Kiara then drew nine circles with stars in them, only this time they attached them to the ends of arrows. She conjured up two bows with the flick of her wrist and threw one to Halley and one to Britney. Both girls jumped up into the trees and shot the arrows at the boys first as they travelled through the surrounding wood. They shot Kylian and William dropped back to take his place and held Louis up right before they shot Brandon, then Louis and finally William.

When they were shot, a void appeared below the person who had gotten hit and they just fell through, then the hardest part began. How to get Rebecca, who's holding up the protective barrier, Kiara, the person who cast the spell and whose presence is needed to keep the spell up, Britney and Halley, who are casting the spells, all to the safe haven the boys had been sent to without anyone else getting hurt?

Well, firstly Halley and Britney both dropped back to the ground right between Kiara and Rebecca. Next, Halley got one of Britney's arrows and held her own and held them together in one hand. The arrows were slowly coated by an aura that was the same shade of white as Halley's eyes, and she handed one back to Britney. Halley asked the girls if they trust her, to which they unquestionably answered with an unanimous yes.

At this point, the girls were at the top of the mountain running through a cemetery while getting bullets shot at them. Halley yelled for them to stop and they all obediently did. Britney and Halley ran behind Rebecca and Kiara. The people who had been chasing them ceased fire and surrounded them. They told the girls to drop the barrier and to not resist the arrest, but Rebecca refused.

Suddenly the group parted and gave way for someone to to come through. It was the hooded figure. The one who had killed Python, was what Britney was thinking as she pointed her arrow at the figure. Halley tried to get Britney to remember that staying alive was the priority at the moment and that killing the hooded figure wouldn't help accomplish that.

The hooded figure reiterated what Halley said in a familiar voice. One that all four girls had heard before. The hooded figure took off his hood and all the girls gasped in a strange mixture of horror, confusion, and shock. He took a step forward and Halley yelled "now!"

Britney and Halley released their arrows each of them aimed at Kiara or Rebecca. The arrows hit both girls and bounced off them and hit them as well.

As they fell through their voids, Rebecca's barrier began to disintegrate and the group rushed over to catch them, but they just weren't fast enough and the girls got away in one piece. They dropped onto an unknown bed and the guys looked at them with concerned looks on their face. Rebecca looked at them and as she was getting up said, "Yeah, we were just as shocked."


Kylian was running through the woods while helping Louis through the dense wood away from their attackers. Suddenly he felt the floor beneath him disappear and he just dropped. He fell through darkness for a second before landing in an old bed.

As he was gathering his boundaries, he saw the air above him open up another void and screaming accompanying this void. It was Brandon. Kylian rolled the side and onto the floor before he could land on him. Brandon looked at Kylian and said hi with a little wave right before the air opened up once more, and the void dropped an injured Louis through.

Brandon wasn't as fast as Kylian and Louis dropped right on him. Kylian carefully pulled Louis off of Brandon, and as soon as he did, William dropped on Brandon too. Brandon rushed William to get off him, so he wouldn't get crushed by anyone else. Once the boys had gotten up, William, Louis, and Kylian looked at the bed expecting the girls to fall through as Brandon set up his little portable computer.

They questioned why Brandon wasn't worried about the girls and he responded with how he knows that they'll be fine. He's known all of them since they were in elementary school, with the exception of Halley, 'cause he's known her since they were feti. If there was one thing they couldn't do, that's fail. He also took out the computer chip from before and plugged it into his computer while explaining how they need to figure out who that hooded figure is.

The guys agreed that was also the most important thing they could do at the moment, except none of them knew how computer stuff works. Kylian took a seat against the wall and William took one next to him. He signed to William to ask where they were, but William didn't know either. It was apparently some secluded place that Louis had been to some time in his past.

They looked at Louis arguing with Brandon on the other side of the room, as William explained that the house must have been someplace precious to Louis considering how he spent most of his time in the spotlight and public eye. Brandon then began telling him and Kylian how they isolated and broke down the voices in the video to the voice of the minion beside the hooded figure who was barking orders at them.

The voice itself was obviously altered so that they wouldn't immediately recognize them, suggesting that it was someone that they knew. Brandon pushed a button at the top of his computer and the screen split into two. On one screen, Brandon had a bunch of voice samples that he had recorded throughout his life, and the other had the isolated voice on it.

As Brandon typed in a bunch of algorithms, the voice became higher and higher until it matched to one person: Ms. Green. Ms. Green was the school secretary and Mr. Moore's personal assistant, but Moore treats her as if she doesn't exist. She looks harmless, but she's the fourth most powerful magician in AMA, so she's cute but deadly.

Brandon pulled up another tab and opened it. Since she's the cute but deadly type, Brandon thought it would be more beneficial to keep tabs on her. Turns out that she had an affair with a married man, and the whole thing was recorded as blackmail. A month after Brandon found out about the affair, the man and his wife both disappeared off the face of Wisteria, but their bodies turned up in a wood near AMA several months later, and it was labeled as a double suicide.

Brandon later found out through a drunk, talkative detective that it wasn't a suicide, but murder. To make matters worse, if the culprits are caught, it'd be first-degree-murder. All signs were pointing towards Green, but the police dropped the case as a suicide anyway.

Brandon tried to trace the tape and ended up finding a credit card number that matched the purchases of one man: Aaron Moore.

As the boys were trying to comprehend why their principal would kill his own colleague and students, the girls dropped through a void onto the bed and looked at the boys surprised faces. Rebecca looked at them and as she was getting up said, "Yeah, we were just as shocked."