Chapter 7- Zoey

"We should split up." Mason stated.

Zoey snapped her head to him, "Really, because if we split up, all of us could die, if we stick together, we might actually all make it out alive." She would say, looking down the hall full of doors. "I know," She began, "I know it will take ages, but c'mon. Ashley is dead, so let's stick together?" Mason looked down, "According to my calculations, yes, it would be faster to split up, but, Zoey here is right, We should stick together, anyone who doesn't agree with her, can go ahead and try the other doors, while we start on the right side." Gail said, crossing her arms. Mason shrugged, standing behind them, "Whatever you guys want, I guess you're right. Let's do this." He said, ushering them to the first door. They stood frozen outside of it, afraid of what could come next. One gone, five left. Chills ran down their spines, as a shrill scream could be heard behind the door.

"Well, if we die. At least.. Oh fuck. Kyle.. He.." Zoey shook her head at the thought, pushing through everyone, and twisting the knob, opening the door. Its loud creak echoed around them. Zoey let out a breath, that she didn't know she was holding.

"It's.. Normal?" Zoey questioned, walking in, taking each step carefully. The room had a strong smell of bleach, and gasoline. As everyone else stepped in, Zoey began looking around, looking in drawers, through bookshelves, closets, as she opened a closet, WHOOSH, an arrow flew out of the closet, hitting Zoey in the arm, "SHIT!" Zoey cursed, holding her hand by her bleeding wound.

Alexa and the others rushed over, "Shit, shit, SHIT! Bub, you okay?!" Alexa all but shouted, concern rising in her voice. Zoey mustered up a smile, her face drained of color, "Keep the arrow in," Gail said, making Jay snap to her, "Keep it in?! What if it gets infected, what if- ''

Alexa rested a hand on Jay's shoulder, "Its to make sure she doesn't bleed out. Try breaking the edges off, then maybe pull it out." Gail started to rummage through her backpack, as she pulled out a plastic ice pack, she stared at Zoey, "Open," Zoey's eyebrows raised, expressing her confusion,

"This will hurt, so I suggest biting onto this, so that we don't attract anything living.. Or roaming this place, whatever it is." Gail answered, placing the ice pack in between Zoey's teeth, Jay and alexa stood on the side with the piercing tip, as Gail and Mason stood on the other side, where a paper laid, tied to the stick, "Wait," Mason said, taking the paper, "This arrow is laced with slow acting poison, if you wish to save your little friend, continue on your adventure, and find the antidote~N" Mason read aloud, his eyes widening in the process. Gail looked at the others and nodded, both of them pulling the edges off, Zoey's strangled screams, stood in between them, as getting the edges off, shook the arrow.

"Never.. Will I ever… want to get shot." Zoey stated, earning a laugh from Jay, "Who would want to get shot?" Jay asked, snorting. Alexa turned around, punching his shoulder, "Shut up idiot, you okay Zoey?" Alexa asked, looking at Zoey who was bandaged, thank to Gail, but still knowing the posion was still in her system. Zoey nodded, standing up, "We need to get going if we are ever going to find the antidote." She dragged herself to the opened door, walking across the hall, the others following close behind, She went to open the door.

"No," MAson said, holding her hand to the side, "You need to save your strength, sit out here." Mason stated, Zoey opened her mouth to argue, "Zoey.." both Alexa and Jay said sternly. Zoey sighed, sliding down the wall, "Have fun?" The others entered, Zoey listening to their feet shuffling. Zoey leaned her head back, letting her body relax for the first time in a while.

It seemed like hours had gone by as they searched through rooms, making Zoey wait outside, they had only a few rooms left, as Zoey was waiting outside the third to the last one, she felt hands grab her ankles, she let out a scream, until it was muffled, her mouth was covered,her eyes losing their focus, drifting out of conscious. Being dragged away into nothing, leaving the group to find nothing when they came back.

Will they be able to save Zoey… or will they be too late.