Chapter 6- Mason

"Ugh. That was the worst thing I have ever sleepedt on." Ashley stated, making a disgusted face.

Gail bursted into a fit of laughter, "You mean slept, right?" the others quietly laughed.

"All of you, shut it. We should try and find camp, right?" Mason asked, looking at the others, who gave him a look. "No shit." Alexa said, looking around. Gail pulled out a map.

"You had that the whole time, and didn't think it would be smart to bring it out?!" Mason snapped, glaring at Gail. She gave him a look, "Well, if you think about, during the ni-" Zoey put a hand on her shoulder, "Just figure out how we get back to camp." Gail smiled slightly, and pointed to what she thought was north. Zoey turned around facing everyone, "What are you slow pokes waiting on, lets go!" She took off,

"Uh, I don't think that's a good idea, think about it, dit-" Gail was cut off by a scream.

"Oh shit." This made most of the group run ahead, peering down the hole where Zoey laid at the bottom.

"Holy shit! You okay Z- Zo.." Zoey held her thumbs up, "It's Zoey, Mason." She stood up slowly, peering around where she had fallen, "This is cool. I'm kinda glad I- no I'm not, my back hurts, but this "hole" is a cave, it looks like theirs light!" Before anyone had a chance to say anything, Alexa jumped down, wincing at the height of the impact of the fall. "Are we gonna?" Before he had a chance to finish, Gail threw her backpack down, and landed on top of it.

Ashley snorted, "Hells no, I'm not jumping down the-" Mason gave her a simple push, letting her fall down, her high pitch scream echoed through the cave, then silence.

"Holy Shit, is she dead?" Zoey asked, looking over Alexa's shoulder, "I really don't know, she's really dramatic" Alexa answered, looking at Ashleys sprawled out body, Jay jumped down, poking her with a stick. She suddenly lifted her head and let out a gasp, "You asshole! You broke three of my nails, and chipped two!" She snapped, gathering herself up, and glaring at Mason, snatching the stick out of Jay's hands, throwing it and missing Mason.

"Well maybe if you weren't bitchy, I wouldn't have to push you." Mason said, jumping down, landing on Gails backpack. He stared down the cave, looking at the light, "Should we?" They didn't answered just followed the light. He shook his head catching up to them, "Hey, why did you guys-"

His jaw dropped, he stared at the door in awe. Why would a door be in a cave, what if it collapses, his mind would wander, "Uh, according to MY calculations, this cave has no other exits, besides this door. So either stay in this cave, or follow us." Zoey said, standing next to Jay, Alexa, and Gai.

"Count me in," Mason said, standing next to Zoey, earning a glare from Alexa, "Uh.. Well there's probably a bear that lives here, so I'm not with you guys, but I'll follow you." Ashley said, pushing them to the side, and opening the door, The door creaked in the cave, letting it echo around them. They looked past her, and gasped, looking at what looked like to be a house. "Well, Ladies first." Mason said, smiling.

Jay hit him in the shoulder, and continued to walk through the door. The girls glared at him, but entered, allowing him to be last in. Just as he entered, the door shut. "Are you kidding me, Mason, why didn't you leave the fucking door open." Alexa snapped, shoving past him, "But I didn't touch that door-" Alexa slowly turned around, hitting him in the shoulder.

"Ouch, what was that for dude." Mason glared, raising his hands, surrendering.

"Well you got us locked in a fucking unknown house" Alexa said, rolling her eyes, walking back to her friends. "You gotta be joking, I'm stuck with you guys." Ashley says with a groan, she turned to look at them, "Well look at you, the one who wondered off, because of stupid makeup, like, who thinks makeup is a good idea where you will sweat." Jay snaps, shaking his head.

"Well where do we start first?" Mason asked. The group looked around until they heard glass shatter, "Lets go that way!" Gail said, they looked at her in shock, "You want to go to where the glass shattered?" Zoey asked, generally confused. Gail shook her head, "It could've been a window. We should.. Check it out." They thought about it, till nodding, "Ladies-" The girls glared at them, including Jay. "Fine, Fine." He walked over to the direction of the glass shattering, hearing a click and a whoosh.

"Holy shit, DUCK!" Mason shouted, falling to the ground they did as they were told, as Zoey and Ashley stood there, "Huh?" Zoey asked, as Alexa yanked her down, as a blade swung hitting Ashley square in the head. Zoey let out a scream as her body fell to the ground, she looked up at the blade seeing her head, she let out a sob, turning into Alexa's shoulder. It was silent, besides Zoey's sobs, which were quieting down.

"She was horrible but I don't think she.. I don't think.." Jay started, "She didn't." Alexa finished. Everyone turned, surprised. "What? That was brutal." Alexa said standing, lifting Zoey with her. "She didn't. She was a horrible person, but she didn't deserve that… Well, maybe a little."

. Silence laid over the group, as their stomachs growled. "I still have some granola bars, I'll break them up, then we can each get a small handful of the oats, so that we can ration, because according to my calculations-" Gail began, about to go on a rant about rations.

"Gail, can we just eat?" Jay asked, a small smile on his face. She opened her mouth, but shut it, breaking up the granola bar. Handing some of the crumbs out. They looked at the small rations, and frowned, they lifted it to their mouths, and devoured it. "Oh my god… this is so good." Zoey said, grunts of agreement rang through them.

"Guys," Mason began, "Should we continue?" They looked around at each other, each of them nodding, "How else are we going to escape? We can't wait till we get found. One, they will probably think we left, two we will starve to death before they find us." Alexa stated, Gail cleared her throat, "Well technically, we will become dehydrated first, then slowly die." Gail corrected her. They shook their head at her, as Mason let out a throaty laugh, "Okay Glasses, Okay." Mason turned facing the direction, and gulped. "This will take a while."

And how right he was.