Me? A Kidnapper?

Since Lisa fell asleep, Jason carried her to her apartment and put her to bed. He felt happy that she trusted him enough to let her guard down and fall asleep. He fell asleep on her sofa.

After Lisa woke up, she was really confused as to how she ended up on the bed. She started remembering what happened, and then she got a fair idea. She came out of her bedroom to see Jason sleeping soundly on the sofa. This is what you call a 'Sleeping Beauty'. Lisa could not help but stare at him for a minute. She felt very satisfied after remembering this was her boyfriend. She made a scrumptious breakfast and then woke him up. Like a cat, he rubbed his eyes in a cute way. She got reminded of those actors in K-dramas.

"Come on, get up!" Lisa pushed Jason in an effort to make him brush his teeth. He, however, wanted to sleep more.

After Lisa yelled at him to get up, he finally got up and got freshened. He was delighted to see a home-cooked meal; He did not remember how long it had been since he went home. This moment felt home to him. If Lisa looked back to the days when she was still interning and if someone told her Jason would be her boyfriend, she would probably laugh at their silly guess. But he's the real deal, sweet, honest and caring. Waking up every day to see him with her felt as if she was blessed, and Jason's feelings were more than obvious. He felt that she was a great catch and that he was lucky enough to find this opportunity.

At that point, neither of them could expect that something so heart breaking would happen, causing them to break up.


"Wifey, don't leave me alone. I'm scared." Mr Wilson said while he was sleeping on the bed.

"Shut up and sleep!" I shouted.

-_- — My expression.

Let me rewind back, 2 hours prior to this incident.

I specifically remembered Lily telling me not to let Mr Wilson drink alcohol. I thought, how bad can it be? It turns out very bad. I expected that he had a low tolerance, but no one told me that he behaves like a child.

"Ms Brown, did the client arrive?" He asked in a stoic voice. I wondered if he ever smiles.

"Actually, Mr Wilson, they wanted to change the meeting address. They want to meet up at Dark Horse."

"The bar?" he asked in a surprised tone, but his face remained unchanged.

"Uh, ya."

He took a deep breath and looked at me as if he would murder me. I raised my eyebrow at his expression. Like, what the hell did I do? "Very well, let's go."

"Let's go? I'm not coming to that place." I refused. That place was nothing but rubbish. It was for people who cannot control themselves. And I for one am very much okay with the client refusing us.

"You'll come to wherever I say," he ordered. I frowned at his words, but he was right. I had to follow him there.

"Sir, I don't mean to be disrespectful, but why do we have to go over there?" Chris Wilson was not someone to be trifled with. Why would he go there personally?

"Come on, Ms Brown. Less questions, more work."

"Ah, Mr Wilson, take a drink. Oh? Who's this lady over here?" the client asked. Another man who was supposedly his secretary accompanied him, but I felt something was off about him.

"This is my secretary. And no, I do not drink."

"How about letting her drink?" the guy eyed me. This really made me wonder if all the members Revolution associates with are such creeps. First, it was that executive and now, this guy.

"Sorry, I'm allergic to alcohol." god knows what was in that glass, I would not even smell it.

The client narrowed his eyes; He pulled out a contract and threw it on the table with disrespect. "Read it and sign it."

I was surprised to see Mr Wilson hold down his pride and pick up the file. "Wait, drink this first, it's our way of showing respect, you won't refuse it will you?"

He poured the drink into a fresh cup and gave it to Mr Wilson; I thought of stopping him, but he signalled me to stop. I caught the expression on the client's secretary's face and it was suspicious. Mr Wilson drank the whole glass and even asked for a refill which surprised me. After downing the second cup, he felt dizzy. He proceeded to sign the contract; I planned to stop him and go through the contract again myself, I cannot let Mr Wilson sign any piece of paper.

Just when I was about to reach out, someone interrupted.

"Put your hands in the air! FREEZE!" I turned in surprise. It was the police!

I finally understood what was going on. This so-called client was a criminal, a fraud. Mr Wilson was the bait used by the police to catch him. No wonder he was going with whatever that weird guy said. Now I wondered what was the need for me., I soon understood.

He fell asleep on the sofa. It was my job to wake him up. Who gets drunk with only two glasses?

"Mr Wilson!" I yelled, I did not want to touch that guy.

"Mr Wilson?"

"Chris Wilson!"



"Chris Hemsworth!"

"Chris Gayle!"

"Christopher Columbus?"

He furrowed his eyebrows at my shouting, I sighed to myself out of relief, he finally woke up.

"Hey lady, who are you?" he asked me. The hell?!

"What do you mean 'who are you?', I'm your secretary!" I shouted.

He looked at me with a blank expression, "Secret what?"

"Haha, Mr Wilson. I know I told you that you have no sense if humour, but this is not an improvement." I commented. He? Got drunk with just two glasses? I hardly believe that's true. He goes to so many business parties, how does he expect me to believe this little act. When Lily asked me not to let him near alcohol, I thought he had an addiction, but that was not the case.

"Hey! I'm funny, okay! *hic* What did the chicken say to the duck?"


"Cluck, cluck." and he burst into laughter, he looked like he was wheezing. With tears in his eyes, he looked at me with a very unhappy expression. "Why aren't you laughing?" he looked like a child throwing a tantrum.

I feigned a laugh which he seemed to buy. "Okay, get up, Mr Wilson. We have to leave. You don't want to stay in this bad place, do you?" I asked coaxingly. His expression changed. It looked like he was debating about something.

"Okay, I'll listen to you but don't call me Mr Wilson, it makes me sound old and I'm only six." he pouted at me. If he was a six-year-old, this would have been so cute, but he is a thirty-year-old, so it was downright weird. But, I had to go with the flow, no matter how unreasonable he was I could not just leave him here, or could I? He can find his way back right? He is a grown-up, after all. "Ya, I'm going to leave, so…" I turned to leave, and he started to panic. He stumbled and caught up with me, holding my hand tightly. "Don't leave me pretty lady."

I did not know how to feel flattered or annoyed. I gently patted his head. "I will not leave you. Come with me. I will take you home. You want that right?"

"Um, I don't want to see my mommy and daddy, they're too busy with my brother." he turned green with envy. I had the urge to pinch his cheeks, but I did not because he was not a child, he was my boss. Obviously, I would not take him to his parents. As if I would willingly go there to get my cover blown. "Okay, then let's go to my house."

He looked at me with dissatisfaction yet again. Whether he is sober or drunk, I always get that expression. -_-

"My mommy told me that I should not associate myself with strangers, but I feel that I can trust you. You won't cheat me, right pretty lady?"

"Uh... Ya? And stop calling me pretty lady. Call me Lia." I then realized what I said. "I mean Luna!" I blurted out. I got extremely flustered. I had a tongue slip and asked him to call me Lia. He won't notice when he's sober, hopefully.

"Lia or Luna?" he asked innocently. Since he is drunk, it probably won't matter. At most, I'll say that he heard it wrong. "Lia."

"Okay, Lia!" he smiled brightly.

"Chris, when we go out, you should not leave my hand, stay close to me. And when someone acts like they know you just ignore them." I could deal with those guys later. I would just say he was in a bad mood, so he ignored them.

"Um, Lia, you sound like a kidnapper," he said.

"Do you want me to take you to your parents?" I asked with anger.

"No! I want to come with you." his attitude made me wonder if he was kidnapped when he was younger. He literally agreed to go with a stranger. I escorted him out and made him sit in the front seat though he started protesting saying that sitting in the front seat is harmful to kids. I made him sit anyway because he was not a kid, but he sure was annoying.

I drove him to my place while I called the office, telling them I'm taking the rest of the day off. As for Mr Wilson, I did not need to apply a leave for him. No one would question him. "Hey, Lia. You're not kidnapping me, are you?"

I stepped on the brake, making him fall forward, but since he was like six feet tall, the impact was not much.

"Woo~ woo~" he rubbed his forehead while he started crying, literally. He turned red, and there were tears in his eyes which made me feel guilty. I sighed to myself. The arrogant, cold Mr Wilson seemed easier to deal with than this drunk, childish Mr Wilson. There was a small bump forming on his head, making me panic. "There there, don't cry. I will get you some ice-cream. Which flavour do you want?" The moment I told him about ice-cream he instantly stopped crying and looked at me with hope. There were tears in his eyes, but he stopped sobbing. He sat like a well-discipled boy and said, "I, I like strawberry."

His response made me chuckle. I remember when it was Lily's farewell party, and he denied liking that flavour. "Sure, I'll get you some strawberry ice-cream." I took him to my house, my small single bedroom house. If he was sober, he would have complained about how small this house was, a spoiled brat I tell you. After giving him an ice-cream, I planned on giving him something to sober up. After Chris entered the house he looked so excited, he kept on saying 'wow'. I quickly gave him an ice-cream and made him sit while I started cooking some soup to sober him up. By the time I finished cooking the soup, he fell asleep.

"Hey get up!" I started furiously shaking him.

"What? I'm trying to sleep." He said with his eyes closed. This made me want to kick him. "Come on, now. Get up." Since I was cooking earlier, I still had an apron on. He rubbed his eyes while he sat up. "Wife?" he mumbled.

"Wifey!" he said with a tone filled with excitement. His were so bright while he smiled at me.

"I'm not your wife, I'm your secreta- Oh just forget it." I gave up.

"No! You are! Mommy looks just like that at home. She cooks especially for daddy, like you."

I said nothing because I lost because my train of thought; I wondered if dumping the soup on him had the same effect as making him drink the soup.