Get A Load Of Justice

"With all due respect, no matter how much you disagree, this acquisition will take place. I suggest you get your mind to accept it because this acquisition is inevitable. Mr Wilson is the largest shareholder and the CEO, his decision is final. This meeting is a mere formality." I warned them.

The second largest shareholder looked offended, but it was expected, men and their ego, that's why I don't think they can beat women in terms of business. One should have a clear mind when dealing with such situations, men always have ego coming in the way and they fall so easily for flatters. The ones who were on Mr Wilson's side were impressed by my ways.

The man looked offended, but said nothing, I could guess that he was in his mid-30s. After the meeting, when everyone left, he walked up to me and said, "You show a presence of a leader, but are you fit for it? Don't act too cocky now just because Chris Wilson is supporting you. When Revolution gets its rightful leader, you won't be this confident."

"For that to happen, you should have the abilities. It's been eight years since Revolution was established, you could not achieve anything then, what makes you think you can now? Anyway, I don't have time to waste on you, I have more important things to attend to. Buh-bye!" I patted his shoulder and left. People nowadays, *sigh* their ambitions are too much for their abilities. Does he really think that Mr Wilson knows nothing about his secret meetings with other shareholders to get them to sell their shares? Dumb people, I tell you.

I respect very few men in the business world after my grandpa, dad and uncle. Mr Wilson is another one. They do not let their ego come in the way of decisions, and flattery won't work on them either. They have a strong character.

Mr Wilson for example, he refused to work in his family's main company and worked in Revolution which was not a big company then. He worked hard and intelligently to bring Revolution into a brand which it is today. He became the CEO and became the largest shareholder too. I would admire him if not for how he treats me.

Once Adam and I covered all the possible variables that could harm Revolution. The hero finally shows up (sarcastically).

Mr Wilson came inside with Elena. He was walking as fast as he could. He received the biggest shock of his life.

'I was out for a few hours! Come on!' Mr Wilson wanted to shout out, though he did not. He remained dignified as ever.

"Ms Brown, you should have called me immediately. What were you doing?! I suggest you take your job seriously."

Wait, what? I should take MY job seriously? I'm not the one flirting and going on dates during office hours.

"Instead of telling me to take my job seriously, I suggest you take your own advice. I called you to inform you, but you did not pick up. And guess what, your wonderful date picked up the call and told me to not disturb you."

After saying what I needed to say, I looked at Elena; she feigned ignorance. Seeing this, Mr Wilson looked back at me. Excuse me, what the hell? You've known me since a month, but Elena? You've known her for one day. How could she hold a higher position? Great, I thought. This man is perfectly fit for this woman. Where was the person I admired before? Strong character? He's more of a 'logic who?' type of person.

"See my call log, since Elena dared to cut the call and not relay the important message, I assume she dared to delete your call history too." I smiled at him, but my smile was cold. I was very disappointed in him. See, this is why I hate men sometimes. They're too easily swayed. I showed him my call logs, and he checked his too. As I predicted, it was deleted.

Elena started explaining herself, "Well, she called, but there was no information related to the company crisis. She called and assumed she was talking to you and she started confessing, saying that she had a crush on you and that she loved you." I applaud her. She was so sick and twisted. Her 'explaining' seemed 'plausible', NOT, and Mr Wilson looked at me again. Dude, use your brain! Why would I do that? Do I want to get fired? He knows very well about my money situation, cough cough, it's sad, so why would I try to drown the company I work in?

Don't get too ahead of yourself, Mr Wilson. You are far from my type.

"Adam was right there with me. And I'm not the type to bother about such feelings when the company is in a crisis. I don't think 'love' can feed and sustain me. Money can. When I'm about to lose my job, I'm not so stupid to 'confess' my feelings. Ms Elena, when you lie, make it believable or else you are the one who will get in trouble." If he does not believe his number one employee, I'm afraid you suck Mr Wilson.

Adam clearly stated that I called to inform him and repeatedly insisted that I'm not in love with Mr Wilson. Dear Adam, I can see right through your jealousy, but it's not possible between us I have told you several times.

Mr Wilson looked conflicted, but he leaned more towards our side. A woman's charm can only have so much influence. But Elena's a snake and she has no charm, she's a- okay, okay. I'm not going to curse.

Mr Wilson then spoke, "Regardless of whatever happened, Luna Brown, you and Adam have performed excellently. Though whatever you did was not a part of your work, you handled it well. You've done your job, now I will do mine."

He did not want to waste time on this small thing. The blame game did not look like it was going to end. But I was wrongfully accused, and I won't let it slip. I still have a trump card with me. As soon as Mr Wilson finishes talking to the board members, I will prove my innocence and make Elena stay away from Mr Wilson. That snake won't do him any good. She caused a disaster within a day who knows what she'll do on the long run.

"Don't think you have won. I have him wrapped around my finger." Elena spoke haughtily. Girl, keep dreaming, at this point its hilarious as to how delusional she is.

"That's where you've made a mistake. Mr Wilson is not a dummy to be wrapped around your finger. He is far from the regular men you have ever seen. Anyway, I suggest you accept your mistake soon, or else the consequences are no joke." I said. I am not going to allow anyone to insult my boss, no matter how much of a jerk he is or how much he deserves all the beatings he could get.

"Hmm, what mistake?" She smiled at me. SHAMELESS, I tell you!

"You should know that since you committed it. I'm telling you for your own reputation. The company had a major crisis the same day you went out with Mr Wilson. Seems like you're nothing but bad luck. A college drop-out who thought she could do something big, but with her knowledge and qualifications, she ended up nowhere and finally used her father's power and became the 'Operations' department head. I still do not get from where your confidence comes from. If I were you, I would not dare to think that Mr Wilson is wrapped around my finger.

"How dare you?!" She almost shouted. Adam stood by me and cheered me on like, 'Go girl! Destroy her!'

"I dared to. So what? What are you going to do about it?" This little spoilt brat grew up without a hint of negativity around her. That's why she was so arrogant.

My parents did a better job while parenting me and Luke, no matter how much rich we were, we were used to being stingy, sorry but being stingy is nothing to be ashamed of. It's how you save money and reduce extra expenses. How do you think the rich stay rich? They don't spend it on useless things. No matter how much money you have, if you don't spend it wisely, you're going to end up with nothing. Luke and I stopped receiving allowance since we were ten years old. We had to earn it; we started our part-time jobs at thirteen. And I am proud of how I turned out. Of course, not everyone has to be raised this way. Mr Wilson turned out okay. Though he was pampered to the extent that he cannot recognise vegetables, luckily he is not allergic to anything, or else he would have been dead by now. He is great at business strategies and coding, the only thing is that his attitude and behaviour are not so good- personal experience.

On Mr Wilson's side, so many things were happening, and it surprised me. Many sung praises of me being a great secretary and how I was able to handle the crisis. I had Adam's help though, but the plan was mine. Practice makes a woman perfect. Hehehe ya, I'm awesome.

As for dealing with Elena, I had my way out. My trump card was that I have a recording of the conversation. Mr Wilson spouts a ton of things daily and I need to remember it, so I started recording our calls and started using voice recorders- they are the best! I could have revealed this earlier on, it would have saved time, but I did not expect Elena to insist on her fake innocence for this long.

Mr Wilson looked happy as he came out of the meeting. He actually, I mean like, really looked pleased. Getting a proper smile out of that guy is so hard. He came up to me and said, "Ms Brown, I don't know what you did, but the people inside congratulated me on having such a competent secretary."

I wanted to sneer and say, 'obviously,'. I am a business expert if I say so myself. I majored in that subject. So did Luke but, he was not interested. He was more into art. Like seriously Luke, why the hell you snatch my dream though you have zero interest in it?

I was still angry at Mr Wilson, though. So I replied sarcastically, "Wow, I'm so flattered."

"Ms Brown-"

"Let's address the current issue. I must serve justice. I have the voice recording to prove that I did my job."

Elena, who was looking relaxed till now, looked concerned. She looked at me and narrowed her eyes. Sensing her gaze, I looked at her provokingly. I almost clicked the play button, but before I could, Mr Wilson took my phone, stopping me.

I looked at him with anger. The hell? Is he planning to destroy the evidence? I ought to hit him so that he comes back to his senses.

"Ms Brown, you need not prove anything. I believe you." His words took me by surprise. Hah! My father never said those words to me. How I used to yearn to hear those words. Mr Wilson telling me this hit a soft spot. The hand I used to reach for my phone stopped instantly. I stared at him blankly as my lips unknowingly turned upwards. He reached for my hand and gave me my phone back.

He turned towards Elena, "As for you. Please leave and never come back."

Elena's mouth was wide open, as if she did not expect to be rejected. I swear, that girl is faker than Kim Kardashian's booty.