Addiction To Strawberry

He sat down and crossed his feet on a chair and the woman who was sitting next to him immediately left because he was THAT gloomy-looking. Thankfully, the rain did not last long, but there were some technical issues which caused further delay. Mr Wilson kept muttering to himself in anger. He looked deep in thought. Mr Wilson, you cannot be angry at the weather. He looked like he was thinking of inventing a software that could control weather too; I mean with Mr Wilson anything is possible.

"Um, Mr Wilson, there seems to be a delay and-" before I could say anything else, Mr Wilson interrupted me. "Really, Ms Brown? I did not know," he sneered. I really wanted to smack him right now. Does he not know manners?

"Ahem. Mr Wilson. Calm down! I talked to the authorities, and they said that they would clear the runway soon." I managed to finish my sentence without hitting him. You know, people were easy to deal with when you could hit them. That's how I dealt with Luke my entire life. *shrug* Sorry, not sorry. He still seemed angry, though. I'm telling you, Mr Wilson is not a 28-year-old mature man, he is a brat! It would take an hour for the runway to clear and I cannot put up with Mr Wilson. Some of you might think I'm exaggerating, but I'm not. For the first twenty minutes Mr Wilson made me run around the airport with different tasks, he wanted a very, very specific coffee order which I had a hard time memorising so I ended up recording it. He asked me to buy a list of items, the items were mostly gifts and on top of that, he gave me a freaking time limit to complete the tasks! Like damn! I came back all sweaty, I barely managed to get the coffee without spilling it and the bags were HEAVY. I gave him the coffee and just glared at him. How does he sleep so peacefully at night when he is torturing a wonderful angel like me? Humph!

I cannot take this anymore! I quit!

My bank balance: Like hell you are!

My dignity: There's none of me left.

The goddam contract: Sue you! Ha ha.

Me: Can you not?

I cried invisible tears. No one knows about it.

I needed help desperately. Of course, when dealing with Mr Wilson, I need an experts' opinion. So I'm going to ask the guru herself- Lily.

I immediately called her, "Hello, Lily?"

A loud voice penetrated my ears, "OH HELLO DARLING! HOW ARE YOU?"

Ow! My ears hurt. "Uh, I'm-"


"Umm Pari-"

"I'm in Hawaii!!!"

"And I'm in hell! Help me!"

"You called the right person. Tell me what happened? Did Mr Wilson drink? Did he try to fish again? Wait a minute…. Did he come out of the closet?! You got to tell me! What happened?!"

"Lily, by chance. Did you eat any sweets today?" And also, what is she doing in Hawaii? Her trip was to Europe.

"Hey! HOW DID YOU KNOW? YOU A PSYCHIC? I just had like 3 pies, no 6, no 11. Wait, what was I talking about again?"

"Lily....aren't you supposed to be in Europe?" I asked with my eyebrow raised.

"Huh? Maybe I took the wrong flight LOL." Lily replied. Okay, so she's insane.

"Um okay? Anyway, back to the topic, our flight got delayed and Mr Wilson-"

"is being sarcastic in a bad way." Lily took the word right out of my mouth. Seems like she had experience.

She then continued to say, "Just treat him like how you would treat a drunk idiot."

"…" If only Mr Wilson heard what she said. He would at least hear the truth for once.

"Uh huh, thanks." I said halfheartedly. Lily was not much of a help.


I cut the call immediately, no, I am not a psychic. Lily is either drunk or having a sugar rush. And I did not want to answer her question.

One worker approached me. He, with a stern face, said that the flight would take off soon, but he could not tell the exact time. Ugh, I cannot even with Mr Wilson. A baby literally cried because of his random glares to the surrounding people. I nodded at the worker and then he left. I had to face Mr Wilson now. He was getting really impatient. Like a drunk idiot, I reminded myself.

"Mr Wilson?" I responded with doubt. He turned his neck so fast that I thought his neck would break. He glared at me. If I was my usual self, I would have glared back at him and given him a punch to knock some sense into him. Life is like that sometimes. I escaped the golden cage my dad designed only to fall into the iron cage of Mr Wilson. Like at least my dad's cage was golden! But, as long as I do not need to marry Jason, I'm okay. It's not like I hate the guy, he is just not my type. If I said this publicly, hundreds of fangirls might have killed me by now. Jason is a goofy guy, I'm not really into goofy guys. It's all about balance, I'm a goofy, unorganised, 'new to the world' girl, I need someone who would look after me, be mature and give me some place to grow into the business woman I want to be. Jason is not my perfect half, in fact, he is much more like me. I cannot even comprehend how Jason and Chris are siblings, they are the polar opposites!

Anyway, back to the present. I shivered at his glare, I wanted to say, 'Chris Wilson! It is NOT my fault the plane got delayed! Get over it, you baby!' Ahem, I cannot say that, honestly, nowadays I'm low-key afraid of the guy.

"Ahem, our flight has been rescheduled to half an hour later but it could be early too. So, just put up with the inconvenience for a little longer. I will buy some strawberry milkshake for you now." I coaxed him.

Mr Wilson put up this insanely cute and docile face as soon as I mention the word 'strawberry'. He blinked at me blankly to give a humble and good vibe but I know Mr Wilson well, he is a brat, there is no use of that acting. Sometimes I think he is addicted to strawberry. Is there a rehab for such kind of things?

Oh dear god, I know I rarely pray, but I really, I mean really need your help this time. Please fix the plane! It's just that, I have dealt with many annoying people in my life, Mr Wilson literally tops the list. I'm a slave, not a secretary to the guy. The only thing saving his ass is that I have no clue about labour rights. If I did, I would sue him! And frankly, dealing with Chris is so much energy consuming that I don't even have the energy left to learn about my rights.

God answered my prayers, and the flight was ready to take off, I cried tears of joy. I drank a lot of coffee to cope up with Mr Wilson's million tasks, so my plan of 'just sleeping' went down the drain. I was one expresso shot away from getting high on coffee, I'm not joking.

Mr Wilson put on eye pads and took a nap as if he had nothing to do with the world while I was just fidgeting and getting restless. I played a few games on my phone, tried to 'read' a book, ate an enormous meal because I was hungry (Mr Wilson exhausted me with tasks). After having a meal, I felt sleepy, the air conditioning was cool, the sun at noon provided cosiness, causing me to be drowsy. I thought I could sleep but no, Mr Wilson, the party pooper, ruined it. Unfortunately, he woke up exactly when I fell asleep.

I swear, the guy has no common sense. Who am I kidding? He has no sense at all.

How does an average human being wake another person? He might nudge the person and call out the person's name. Mr Wilson leaned over and whispered into my ear, 'Wake up, Ms Brown.'

As I have mentioned earlier, I do not sleep in new places easily, so though I was asleep, I was still on alert. Mr Wilson and his sociopathic methods of waking me up startled me, I woke up with a scream and punched him.

Mr Wilson immediately backed off and stared at me for five seconds before uttering, "Ow," in a very neutral tone.

"Ugh, what is it Mr Wilson?" I said in groggily.

"...Ahem, we're about to land." He said curtly and left for his seat immediately. I did not know how to react to this. We were going to land so soon? That means I slept a lot.

He meant well, though his methods were weird. I got up to wash my face; I was not going to show my half-sleepy face out in the open. To be honest, I was glad that Mr Wilson woke me up. I had another nightmare; I was falling into an endless abyss, and though I was shouting for help, no one helped me. I could see the look of disappointment from my father as he stared at me emotionlessly as I fell. Why? What should I do to make him proud? Any person with a sense of self-respect would stop seeking attention from a person who takes you for granted, but why do I keep looking for his approval. Why can't I tell him that I want to be the CEO? Oh, that's right, when has he ever listened to me, anyway.

I splashed a handful of water on my face, but I could not seem to cool down. I looked at myself in the mirror and all I could see was disappointment. "Look at yourself, so pathetic. Do you know where you are? Do you remember where you wanted to be? You wanted to be the CEO of Oasis and make your family proud, you wanted to be the person whom people looked up to, you wanted to set an example. And now look at you, what are you even doing here?"

I sighed, I've been so strong my whole life, why is it that I cower whenever it comes to this one problem? No, nope, not happening, I WILL NOT CRY OVER A NIGHTMARE! My eyes turned red, but I held back, careful enough to not let out even one sniffle. I dabbed my eyes and put on some concealer, no way will I let Mr Wilson know that I cried, he'd probably make fun of me for crying (actually Mr Wilson is not that mean) or worse! He might ask me why I cried.