Stranger Danger Doesn't Apply If The Stranger Is Cute

"The idea is not bad…" He smirked. "Continue to be like this until the meeting ends tonight." He said.

"Huh? You want me to pretend to be your fiance until after tonight?" I asked. Is that why he brought me on the trip?

He did not reply. I realised that he was still holding my hand. "Cough cough, Mr Wilson, my hand…"

Mr Wilson immediately let go, his ears turned red. Aye, it was cute. "Ahem, I need to meet someone right now, so you wait right here. Don't go anywhere, don't just run here and there. Sit in one place and don't talk to strangers, especially men. Men are not good people. Stay AWAY from MEN." He nagged. I'm not a little girl, Mr Wilson. But his nagging was cute. He cared about me. We're finally at the friends stage, yay! Wait, so I can call him Chris now? Maybe? I will try it though.

Since Mr Wilson left to meet someone else I thought I could explore what the 'smash' room was, but he INSISTED that I stay here so….. I stayed here LOL. What were you expecting?

I took off my sandals and put my feet in the pool, I was on the shallow end of the pool so I won't disturb the 'divers', not really. I was on the shallow end because I did not want to get wet with all the splashes that occur when diving. Suddenly there was this huge commotion to the side. My curiosity got the best of me and so I hurriedly got up and 'walked' towards the crowd. I did not even take a whole step before I slipped and fell into the pool. Luckily, there were fewer people around, but that did not help with the amount of embarrassment I felt. I wanted to dig a hole and get inside.

I had to change my clothes. What if Mr Wilson brought the person he was talking to over here to introduce me? I can't meet that person in wet clothes. I walked all the way to the room, water dripping everywhere and leaving a trail as I walked. Ugh! I reached for the keys and OH SHIT! The keys were missing! Damn it! What am I going to do now?

I ran back to the pool to see if the keys fell on the ground while praying that it didn't fall into the pool. With my previous experience with luck, I already knew the outcome in my mind. As expected, I did not find my keys. I just smiled to myself like a psycho. What would be my situation if Mr Wilson saw me like this *shivers*? He'd probably facepalm himself.

Dun Dun Dunnnnnn~ God is like "Ha ha I hate you"

"Ms Brown?" Mr Wilson was now in shorts, it seems that he went for a swim. I frowned, he told me to wait here, and he went for a swim!

"You went swimming?!" I glared at him. If I did not wait here and just went to the smash room, none of this would have happened, Mr Wilson is the one at fault. Yep, he's the one at fault- I convinced myself.

"Yes, the client insisted. But why are you wet?" He said. Hah! The client insisted? I bet it's a lusty woman and she just 'insisted', ya right.

"You went for a swim, why can't I, huh?" I argued.

"In these clothes?" He raised his eyebrows and took a good look at how drenched I am and sighing to himself like it was a mistake to bring me here. And I couldn't agree more.

"Why? You got any problem?" I was huffing, honestly I did not know why I was angry. Maybe I was lashing out at him because I knew he was gonna lash out at me. A very weird self-defence mechanism.

He shook his head like, 'ya, I ain't gonna deal with this craziness right now.'

"Okay then, Ms Brown. I don't know about you but I want to change my clothes, please hand over the keys."

How does one explain that he or she does not have the keys without getting a lecture? "The thing is, I don't have the keys with me, I lost it." Yes, straightforward and direct. A very good policy. No sugar coating involved, no beating around the bush.

"You what!? How hard is it to take care of keys, Ms Brown? Your dress had pockets, for God's sake!"

"Your shorts have pockets too, you know" I mumbled under my breath. He could carry his wallet but not keys. In situations like this, it's not very wise to argue.

"What did you say Ms Brown, as if its not enough that you lost the keys, you lost your voice too," He scolded. 0_0 dude chill

"Ugh, I'll just ask for the keys at the lobby, chill out Mr Wilson, yeesh."

I was in for another shock. "What!? You mean it's gonna take at least one hour for us to get a new set of keys? Why?"

"Well, it is part of our policy. To maintain privacy, we have a one of a kind system, only one key which opens. So to make a new key for you guys, it will take some time." The creepy receptionist smiled again. I am legit scared for my life. If anything happens to me, you guys know who the culprit is.

Yep, I can't argue with her. So I stuffed some cotton in my ears and told Mr Wilson that it would take an hour. Cotton is really effective, I could not hear a thing he said. I was saved from his rants. We desperately needed clothes, and the only place selling clothes was the gift shop. The owner of the store has pretty bad taste. Rainbow colour unisex shorts and weird T-shirts. The T-shirts had cringey phrases on them. I wore the shorts and a top which said 'I have a HAWT bod' and Mr Wilson had to wear the one which says 'Sorry I only date models'. We were looking so ugly in those clothes, I finally found clothes which are unflattering on Mr Wilson, but the price to pay was his dirty looks from time to time. These colours hurt my eyes, they're just so….. so.... bright?

After a solid thirty minutes I could not take it anymore, Mr Wilson kept going on and on, he kept nagging me and lecturing me. So I went to ask the receptionist how much more time it was going to take. For a guy who always has an unchanging, constipated look on his face, he sure knows how to express the feeling of anger.

"Oh? Your keys are ready. Do you want them?" She smiled.

"…" There was this unexplainable rage inside me and I did not know how to let it out.


"When was it ready?" I asked while gritting my teeth.

"About fifteen minutes ago." She smiled.

Deep breath, take a deep breath, you are calm, you are at peace. You are….. GOING DOWN!

"Then WHY didn't you give it sooner!" I almost shouted.

Her smile did not waver, not even a little bit. "You were spending some quality time together as a couple, I did not want to disturb that."

A couple? Quality time? Where the hell was the quality time?! All I heard is this huge lecture which ate away my brain, I could have gotten over with this fifteen minutes ago!

"LOVERS? We are far, very far from that! I needed to hear a whole damn lecture when you could have given this to me fifteen minutes ago! Not one, not two, fifteen!" Ya, I needed to calm down. Master Oogway, how can one achieve inner peace when there is someone who constantly finds faults in you. Please tell me.

"Oh, you're not a couple. Well then, as an apology for the inconvenience caused, we'll throw in a free therapy session." She said while grinning. She seems to enjoy it.

Honestly, she's right. I need therapy.

After entering the suite, Mr Wilson went straight to his room while I was in the living room, on the sad sofa. Actually, no, it was quite comfortable. After changing in the bathroom, I jumped on the sofa, covered myself in a blanket and turned on the TV. I put on some random channel which was playing a movie and started watching it. And out of nowhere Mr Wilson decided to join me. Since I was a good person, I thought that I should put something we both can see. So I put on a sports channel.

I'm not really into sports, but I don't mind watching it. Like for example, if the sports channel was running, and I was sitting comfortably on my sofa with the remote being out of reach, I'd rather watch the match than get up to get the remote.

I just assumed Mr Wilson likes sports because he is a man, well a majority of them do so....

Anyway, Mr Wilson was not in the least bit interested. He looked at me square in the eye and said, "Do enjoy watching men kick a ball around, Ms Brown?"

I mean, if you describe football that way, it doesn't sound as interesting as the actual game.

"Well, I think it's a waste of time." Mr Wilson added. If Luke were to hear this, he'd probably yell "Die! You imbecile!" Yes, it's dramatic, but Luke loves football.

"Then what do you want to watch?" I asked.

I did not know what was going inside his mind at that moment, but he was smirking really big.

What he was thinking: 'Hmm, it seems that Ms Brown has a crush on me, that is why she is trying to get me to stay'

A load of BS, I was just being a kind and lovely person like I always am.

He took the remote from me and put on a channel where some old man was explaining about the Neanderthals and evolution. Yeah, it may be interesting to some (Ross from Friends maybe?), but it was boring as heck to me. Mr Wilson watched the program with great interest.

You know, he kind of reminded me of this one boy I met when I was young.

I specifically remember that it was the day after Christmas. My mom told me that there would be a surprise guest, but honestly, I did not pay much attention because there were chocolate chip cookies right in front of me. I was around five years old at that time. My 'homework' from school was to draw a family picture. Luke was older than me, so he had some math homework.

Being the cute little girl I am, I drew a wonderful picture of my family featuring my mom and dad, my uncle and aunt, my grandma and grandpa and finally the annoying Luke. Of course I drew myself- I'm the star of the show. But Luke just had to mess it up. His teacher did not ask him to draw a family picture or something, but he just 'decided' to do it anyway. And obviously he was more artistic than me and older than me, so his drawing was better than mine. Ok fine, he knows how to draw and he's showing off, I can live with that. But why can't he show it to his mom instead of my mom, huh? Why does he want approval from my mom? She's MY mom.

So as you might have guessed, he totally upstaged me and my mom praised him a lot. Ya see, I was very possessive of my parents back then. I mean, which toddler isn't? We always want our parent's attention when we were young. Anyway, I got mad. So I did something I should not have done, sigh, like always. I, err, might have drawn a huge red 'x' on Luke in my drawing. * awkward*

Luke saw that and started crying and he went to tattle on me. And so a scared five-year-old girl ran to the garden because she was afraid that her mom would scold her. Hey! I apologised later on okay. No matter how many times Luke upstaged me just like this (Many, many times I tell you) we're still chill, or else he would not have lent me thirty thousand, just saying. And I helped him cheat in exams many times too okay. Not something to be proud of, but I helped him. I would experiment and try out new dishes and give them to Luke, I am a very good cook. * proud *

In the garden, I saw a boy around ten years old, sitting on a bench while reading a book. He was wearing a suit for boys; he looked prim and proper. After seeing him, what did I do? I disturbed him, that's what I did LOL. With my chubby little legs, I ran up to him and patted his leg to get his attention. I totally forgot about 'stranger danger' which I was taught in school. It seems my younger self did not mind as long as the stranger was cute.