
"Um, Lizzie, I'm not being rude or anything, but how did you know Mr Wilson since he was a child?" I have no idea about this backstory, so before I tell her some details, I should know how much she knows about him.

"Oh, we go way back. When I was in my late twenties, I worked as a professor and Chris' mother was my student. She was my favorite student, too. I know teachers should not have a favorite student but I could not help it, she was very lovable."

I see that Chris did not inherit any features from his mother. He was not very likable, one had to spend some time with him and only then would one call him an 'acquaintance', Mr Wilson really needs to improve his communication skills if he wants friends. But then again, Mr Wilson is the type who doesn't care if he doesn't have friends.

"Anyway, she was the one who helped me when I eloped so I was always grateful to her. Without her help, there would be a 'Mrs Carlson'. I used to take care of Chris most of the time when he was young because his mother had a premature delivery and she was very weak. He was quite the troublemaker when he was young. He would run around naked and refuse to wear pants, he would not eat until I personally fed him, he a very lively boy, but then-"

"Lizzie! Are you mad at me? You never ignored me before." Mr Wilson interrupted our conversation. Such a pity, things were getting more interesting too. But I still found out a new thing about Mr Wilson, he ran naked when he was little LOL.

Lizzie ignored him completely and talked to me about how nice tea is. I have no idea why such a topic came up. Mr Wilson pouted, he was clearly annoyed. This spoiled brat gets apologies, but he never really apologised to someone. He keeps throwing tantrums, but he does not know how to coax someone. What a dumbhead. Sigh, as his one and only friend I have got to help him. I don't know why she was angry but I know that she really cares about him.

"Lizzie, nature's call." I said awkwardly. Sadly, I could not think of any other excuses at that moment. Tsk tsk. Lizzie understood and told me the directions. I hid in a corner and started texting Mr Wilson.

"You want to make up to Lizzie?"

"Yes." yep, always to the point.

"Okay but first tell me what's the problem."

Mr Wilson sat in a chair next to mine and was slyly texting me because he did not want Lizzie to think that she was less important that his texts.


"..." Sigh, this guy though. -_-

"Okay listen, kill your pride, forget that you're Mr Wilson, think yourself to be a normal human being and get down on your knees. Say that you're sorry and state whatever reason you have."

By the time I got back from my 'bathroom break' I saw Mr Wilson kneeling and confessing as if he was proposing to her. * facepalm myself * I asked him to kneel using two legs so it would look like he's asking for forgiveness, not on one knee where he looks like he's proposing.

"Ahem! What's going on?" I asked sweetly. I should act like I am unaware of what's going on.

"Chris here was apologising to me for the thing he did." Lizzie explained.

"Which is?" I asked, finally some gossip hehe.

"He always visits me on my birthday, this time he forgot." Lizzie pouted. Fair enough, she had a good reason. If my future nephew or niece forgot his lovely aunt's birthday I would give him a good spanking. JK. I'm a very nice person. (Luke: Ya no, I don't believe it Me: Shut up)

"What? Really? Oh my god. I'd be very angry if I were you too. Don't forgive him that easily." Yes, rubbing salt on the wound. You know, this way of getting back to him may actually work. Lizzie will henceforth be my protection shield.

"Luna Brown....." He looked at me and forced a smile.

"Did I say anything wrong, darling? I always support the right person and this time you are in the wrong, so I support Lizzie. Oh, don't worry, even though you do such cruel stuff, I still love you." Yes! Get angry, Mr Wilson!

"I'm very sorry Lizzie. It's not that I forgot. I had some very important work. I sent a gift to you though, did you not recieve it?" Chris asked genuinely. He was still kneeling, but lazily, maybe his knees started hurting.

"Oh Chris, when will you men realise that gifts are not want we want, we want your company." I meant his presence but hey, if he gives me Revolution I don't mind being the CEO of it.

Lizzie finally broke, she saw that Chris was genuine enough. Honestly, she should get an eye checkup, how did she think that Chris was the type to apologise, or for that matter know how to apologise. She still sees him as the little boy, but not the stinkin mess he is right now. Love is blind, they say, very true. Even if I tattled on him, she might support him.

After she accepted his apology, he got up and left to help Charlie with the barbeque.

"Luna, did you tell him to this?" Woah, she's really smart. I got caught, now I'm really scared, if she asks a hard question and if I gave the wrong answer, we'd be caught. Sorry Mr Wilson, but this is a dangerous game we're playing.

"Well yes, I could not just leave him in the open like that. I mean, you know Chris much better than me. He does not know how to apologise. A spoilt brat." I chuckled. Well though he's a spoiled brat, it's a part of his charm. Mr Wilson can't be Mr Wilson if he was not the spoiled rich brat he is.

"You know Luna, though Chris is very intelligent, has a high IQ and a great CEO, in terms of emotions, he does not show it very easily, especially love. Im not saying he will take advantage of those who love him, he does not know how to express it so he rubs off in a wrong way to some people. I hope that you will help him feel again. I was cut off earlier, what I wanted to say was that his childhood made him the way he is right now. If you saw the young Chris, the true Chris, you would not believe that the man standing before you is him."

I listened to her while I tried not to tear up. You guys must be wondering why is she crying over such a thing, it's not even sad. But for me it is. Because I went through the same thing.

The sarcastic person I am, the way I attack immediately after someone says something negative, the way I convince myself that I'm not the one in the wrong is something I developed in my childhood. In terms of comfort, I did not lack anything but emotions, yes.

I cannot handle criticism like a mature adult because of all the years of criticism I received from my father. Sure, I'll never be as good as Luke, so why bother trying. And even if I try and succeed, even if I topped my university, I'll still be in his shadows. I convince myself that I'm not in the wrong was because of therapy, many years blaming myself for things which are not my fault made my personality like that of a doormat, therapy made me better but it still did not completely cure me. But it's better to be convinced that it's the other person's fault than blaming yourself for everything and experiencing many sleepless nights.

Sigh, the mood became heavy again. Guys chill, I'm okay now. I'm more than okay. I'm leading a peaceful life. I'm working, learning so much about business. Having fun with Adam, petty fights with Mr Wilson, getting back at Mr Wilson, pranking Mr Wilson, etc. Meh, my life is revolving around the guy cause he won't leave me alone for one damn minute! He needs my help for everything! From food to clothes. I mean, I don't mind picking out clothes because his dressing sense sucks.

I mean about things like when he considers me as his servant rather than his secretary. You know what I might get him drunk again because he is much easier to handle then. Just give him a strawberry ice-cream and he'll stay a good boy for the rest of the day. Well, that's what I thought at least. The reality turned out to be completely different. You'll see it yourself very soon.

"Dont worry Lizzie, I'll take good care of Chris. I promise." Well obviously, I'm his caretaker, err secretary after all.

"Luna! Come here for a minute, please." Chris called me from a distance. He then started walking away expecting me to catch up, sigh.

By the time I caught up, Mr Wilson was no way to be seen. "Oh, Mr Wilson~ Mr Wilson? Chris~ Chrissy?" I'll call him names way worse if he does not show himself.

"Mr Wil- Ah!!!" Someone pulled me by the hand to a place between two walls. It was dark and hidden- a perfect murder spot. Did Mr Wilson plan to kill me after I embarrassed him? He isn't that petty, right? Oh, who am I kidding, he's absolutely petty.

The first time in my single af life, I was a part of a kabedon, everything was perfect except two things, the one who held me against a wall was Mr Wilson and the second thing was he was not looking handsome or charming, he was looking murderous. RIP me.