EAT MY FIST, MR WILSON. And like that, I threw a 'light' punch at him.

He stared at me because he did not expect that I would punch him. Seeing him staring at me like that somehow made me laugh. I started chuckling out loud and Mr Wilson joined me too.

This is nice....

Mr Wilson smiled brightly at me, aye, he was so good-looking *blush*.

"What are your three wishes, Ms Brown?" He asked me.

You know, since he was in a good mood (for someone who just lost) I could ask him to pay me extra like he expected me to. Or.... something better.

"I don't know, I haven't decided yet.....Chris." I'm going to call him by his name from now on.

He glanced at me for a moment before he nodded. Yay, that means he's okay with me calling him informally. If that ain't progress, I don't know what is.

Soon, the days passed by and it was the fourteenth of February, good old Valentine's day, the bane of singles. I feel ya'll. And since I'm with Mr Wilson right now, it kind of feels like I'm that pitiful human being with unrequited love or something. I assure you, yeah I like him, but it's far from love. I can't say I love Mr Wilson, we met literally a few weeks ago. Crush? Maybe. Okay, okay, not maybe, yes. Love? Too early to say. Ugh, I pity myself for liking him, Mr Wilson likes nobody except himself. I would not be surprised if he says that he's married to himself just to pacify his parents who worry about his marital status too much. (That comment would not pacify them, it would only make matters worse).

I just got myself three golden opportunities, and I will use them wisely. Everything went according to my plan. Excellent~

I already know what I'm going to ask for heehee. Not a raise or money related wish, definitely not. I'm going to earn those by myself, by proving my abilities. But, I do need help with something and these wishes are the only way to go. What is that 'something' you may ask? Well, that is a secret, for now. Keep reading to find out.

I took the time out of my busy (pathetic) life to tell you how I ended up getting married to Chris Wilson (sad fate) so you better wait and find out. In the meantime, you can laugh at all the weirdness I've been through, from getting escorted by Bob to this tug-of-war with Mr Wilson.

Anyway, that morning I woke to Mr Wilson reading a newspaper with his glasses on. This was such a 'dad' moment. I remember when I was a kid and my dad used to read the newspaper and give unnecessary comments about politics and the society which no one heard or gave a damn about.

Why does this happen to me? I left home so I don't get reminded of my dad or disappointment or my dad getting dissapointed in me. I should ask Mr Wilson to stop acting like a fifty-year-old. He is two extremes, he's either a tantrum throwing brat or an old soul. Which I prefer? None.

Mr Wilson sipped his coffee while he looked at me and the first thought in my mind is 'where did he get that coffee from?' Surely his highness did not make it himself. Wait, what am I thinking? I'm not in my old apartment, I'm in the guesthouse of the very rich Charlie, of course he got someone to serve Mr Wilson. The only problem is: Where is my coffee?

"Um, Mr Wilson, why are you up so early? I asked while I took a seat opposite to him.

"Because today is going to be a very busy day." he replied while peacefully sipping his coffee. My stomach rumbled. Why is he so slow if today is going to be a very busy day? I would start off with finishing off the errands and getting them over with as early as possible and not take my time enjoying a cup of coffee while the other person starves to death! Okay, okay, my rage is included in this. Hey, I'm a very hangry person, don't blame me for this inner outburst.

"If today is going to be such a busy day, then why are you sitting here being all chill?" I tossed a few cubes of sugar in my mouth and asked.

"Ms Brown, I did not say it would be a busy day for me."

Wait a damn minute. Is he going to send me on errands again? I'm telling him right now that I won't be doing any of them! Either he joins me or nothing at all.

"Mr Wilson! I will not-"

"Shush. Stop shouting, behave yourself." He reprimanded me.

Oh? okay. Subconsciously I listened to him and lowered my voice, I even sat in proper posture which my mother nags about every damn time. "Sit like a lady!" she says. No, I'm not going to 'sit like a lady' I will spread my legs and sit like a guy. Humph! How can a sitting posture be assigned to a gender, huh?

And when I realised how I obeyed him without a second thought, I was thoroughly surprised, Oh nooooooo! Nooooooooo! I am brainwashed into listening to him! The aliens are taking over my mindddddddd! They are turning me into a robot who obeys orders without hesitation!'

Did I have too much of sugar? But I was hungry, UwU

Either I am being manipulated into obeying every order or Mr Wilson's perfectionist and noble-y attitude and conduct are rubbing off on me.

"Today, you will accompany Lizzie to a spa and a salon so that you would be ready for tonight's ball. I thought you would enjoy having a day to yourself while you..... have feet rubs and other 'beautifying processes'. I have already picked out the dress, I think it is obvious that we should match."

Okay first of all, a spa day ain't bad at all, second of all, how does this perv know my dress size and third of all, with Mr Wilson's fashion sense I am genuinely worried about what bland outfit he chose for me. Well, today won't be a busy day, at least for me it won't. Thank you Mr Wilson, for the first time in your life, you have done something....kind? Good?

I took another cube of sugar and opened my mouth when Mr Wilson held my hand firmly to stop me. He snatched that cube of sugar from me and said, "I think you had enough of these Ms Brown. Have this instead."

And he passed me a cup of green tea. As a girl who drank very sweet ice coffee like it's an energy drink (it is for me, yummy~) green tea was not exciting. With a lot of insisting by my mother, I tried green tea because it's healthy and I did not like it at all. It was bitter. As a person with a sweet tooth, bitterness is an evil, except dark chocolate- yummy~

And potato chips, and cake, and chocolate, and candy, and you know what? This is not going to end. Anyway, my point was that I don't like green tea and Mr Wilson looked like he'd shove it down my throat like a certain someone did, cough mom cough.

Mr Wilson smiled at me as he pushed a cup towards me, his smile was code for 'are you gonna drink it or should I find a funnel to pour it into your mouth?' Since when did Mr Wilson start caring about my health huh? Why does he get coffee and I don't? It's an unfair world. *fake tears*

I gulped it down with a lot of hard work. He nodded at me and said, "Good, now leave."

I frowned at him. Yep, my mother would like Mr Wilson a lot. He's exactly one of those, 'my body is a temple' type. I'm more of a 'my body is my body, so let me be a potato in peace. Leave me alone with my chips, you health freaks!' type. (I know most of us are this type Hehe)

"Mr Wilson, can I see the dress I am going to wear today?"


"...." The hell? I was just asking out of courtesy, I demand to see what I'm supposed to wear tonight. Bla bla bla surprise, I don't care. I really do not trust Mr Wilson's fashion sense.

"I was not asking Mr Wilson, I want to see."

"No. Because it's not ready yet. The ball tonight is fairytale themed, I chose 'the Prince and the Pauper' theme."

"..." If I'm the pauper... I am not going to the ball. I'm tired of feeling broke.

After a very awkward and long gap I said, "Who's the pauper?"

"Who do you think it is, Ms Brown?" He smiled at me kindly. It was as if he was genuinely asking me to guess- something we do with friends, the good old guessing game.

No, seriously, I have a crush on this guy? How? "If I am the pauper, then I guess..." I made a slice mark across my neck. I think that my message was conveyed very clearly.

Now, if he planned to make me the pauper, he would definitely change his mind or else SLICE!

You know, instead of a pauper I should dress up as the Red Queen from Alice in the Wonderland, I already practised the SLICE move. All I needed to say was 'off with your head!' and I'm ready.

No? Okay. All I'm saying is, Mr Wilson could be Tweedledum, because he's already dumb. We would definitely win the competition if there was one.