Jealousy That Can't Be Contained

Both of them looked at me as if asking me to make the choice.

'Your wonderful brother or a shitty boss?' Luke conveyed.

'Your awesome mentor, boss and best friend (I have no idea when we became 'BFFs') or some childhood friend who is nowhere as cool as me.' Chris conveyed.

I gulped, well this is awkward....

See, I can't offend Mr Wilson because he's my boss and since Im not going home anytime soon, I have to keep working for him. And I really want to spend time with Luke, I spent around four years away from him. Though I came home, I had to run away because of the whole arranged marriage, blah blah blah. I'm in a tough spot.

Oh wait! How about....

"Um, Mr Wilson, how about we eat together, Luke, me and you? He will be happy to treat us." I came up with this wonderful solution where both parties can be happy without me having to suffer losses. Oh Yeah~ See, this is why I call myself awesome, I can come up with great solutions so easily. Such a waste of my creative and intelligent mind by just working as a secretary (more like a housekeeper).

Luke looked at me like 'when did I agree to pay for this?'

Aye, he should really stop being so stingy, he lives in a mansion for goodness' sake, what's wrong with him?

"Chris! Call me Chris!" He insisted. Why is he so stubborn? I'm used to calling him Mr Wilson. Tch.

He continued, "I only eat in five-star restaurants or food made by you, I hardly think Luke here can afford it." He lifted his head in pride but I could still see his pout which meant that he's throwing another tantrum. Oh dear God, how many times in a day should I deal with this? It became a regular thing now, wake up, cry, take a bath, cry, eat breakfast, go to the office, cry, deal with his tantrums, curse him behind his back, deal with his tantrums again, have lunch, cry, back to dealing with his tantrums, go home, eat dinner, cry, and finally, sleep and repeat. This has become my daily routine.

I almost choked when I heard him say this, he is flaunting his wealth so shamelessly.

Chris looked at me and blinked. He was asking me why I was taking so long to make the choice, 'it's so obvious that Luna is going to choose me, I have money, good looks, money and intelligence. What does Luke have? Nothing, that's what!' He thought.

Did he not hear what I said? I suggested that we eat together. Should I remind him?

Luke was offended by this and he was about to say something when I interrupted, "Luke can definitely afford it, considering he works as a secretary under the CEO of a very wealthy company."

'Is everyone she's acquainted with secretaries?' Mr Wilson thought.

Luke was like, what? I elbowed him again. I was thinking on my feet here, and secretary was the only word I remembered.

Mr Wilson did not look convinced, or maybe he did not want to be convinced. I looked at the ballroom and spotted Bob. He was currently stuffing some cake, there was some cream on his chin and his cheeks were filled with cake. He saw me looking at him and he gave a nervous smile.

Ugh, stop complaining, work with what you got, I thought to myself.

I pointed at Bob and said, "See, that's Luke's boss. He's a very wealthy guy,"

Both Luke and Chris looked at the direction at which I was pointing to see what clown he was working for/Luke was working for. Bob froze after seeing me point at him, especially to his boss.

'Is this lady going to get me fired? I don't have enough money for a return ticket. *cries inside*' he thought.

I don't get it, am I that scary? I'm not such a mean person.

Mr Wilson was still suspicious about Bob being... an authoritative figure, maybe because his mouth was stuffed with cake. Chris is a real hypocrite, he stuffs his face with strawberry ice cream all the time, I don't go questioning his authority, mostly because I'm trying to make a living here.

"Maybe Luke should go and invite him over here, I don't know this man, it would be nice to meet him."

Dude, why? You hate socialising, what happened now? "Um, he is a very busy man, he can't just meet up with people without appointments." I tried to convince him to just shut the hell up and move.

"He's idle now, Luna. He's just eating cake. Also, does Luke have that much of a bad reputation that his boss does not even grant him one request? I do you favours all the time." Chris taunted Luke on one hand and spouted lies on the other.

Excuse me, when have you done me favours?

I guess it's unavoidable, I just hope Bob plays along.

"Wait, I'll go call him myself." Mr Wilson said and headed for his direction.

We are screwed, totally screwed! Bob, please make yourself useful for once and give in to Mr Wilson. After talking to him for five minutes, he came back.

The conversation they had:

"Is Luke your secretary?" Mr Wilson got straight to the point.

Bob, whose cheeks are stuffed, just stared at him blankly because he did not understand why a man suddenly showed up and asked him if his boss was his secretary.

"No." He said in a muffled voice. Mr Wilson smiled in victory, 'now I can expose Luke and she won't ever talk to him again, I'm such a good employer, always looking after his employees.'

From behind I was mouthing the word, 'just go with it! Just go with it!

Bob realised that he did not 'go with it' so he quickly added, "Luke is not my secretary, he is much more than that, he is my half brother."

Mr Wilson turned around and looked at him in surprise.

Bob coughed and continued, "My family owes him a lot after the dreadful lonely childhood he had so I came forward and kept him as my secretary but he is so much more than that."

Mr Wilson frowned because his plan was foiled, 'Now how should I make Luna stay away from him? I have very less experience in sabotaging friendships, I should probably google it.'

*type* 'How to make a woman stay away from men other than you' *enter*


Mr Wilson came back with a frown on his face.

I asked once again, "So, should we go?"

"I don't know about that, I'm uncomfortable with him around here. Let's just leave Luke alone since he probably has a lot of work."

"No, I don't." Luke said while smirking. He knew that Chris was trying to get rid of him and he was aware of Chris's feeling, which he himself was unaware of. 'I am not going to allow some guy to whisk my sister away, not without torturing him first.'

Chris glared at him.

Luke added, "Come on, Mr Wilson. Join us."

This really triggered Chris because Luke was treating Chris as the guest and inviting him when it 'should' be the other way around.

"No, I am allergic to new people. I get really violent and quite possible I hit them too."

I stared at Mr Wilson's illogical reasoning. What the hell is wrong with him?

"Fine, Luna and I are leaving, you can join us if you want to, the invitation is open." Luke grabbed my hand and dragged me away from there.

Mr Wilson immediately reacted. He caught my other hand, "Wait! I am joining you because you begged me so much, it would very inhumane for me to refuse your invitation."

And like that we sat together at a table in awkward silence, waiting for the waiter to come and take our order.

I sat next to Luke and Mr Wilson sat opposite to us. At first he wanted to change seats with Luke, and when Luke disagreed, he wanted to change seats with me. Luke then added a statement hinting at how petty Mr Wilson was indirectly, but Chris and I figured out the meaning of his sentence immediately.

Mr Wilson immediately stopped complaining and shot me a pitiful look to show that he was being bullied by Luke. I completely ignored him. I did not have the mood to deal with two babies right now. Let me just eat my food in peace.

"So, 'friends from childhood' huh? How did you two meet, this has got to be an interesting story." Chris said this out of nowhere.

I was startled by his question, "Umm, not really. We went to the same school, and we ended up becoming friends."

"What logic is that Luna, you go to the same office with many people but you're not friends with all of them, you are friends only with me." He tried to make himself special. If you spend almost ten hours a day with one person you are obviously going to get close to them.

"Well, he taught me how to fight and I helped him get out of sticky relationships, that's one reason why we became close." The other reason: we're siblings. This sentence is actually true, I practised my punches on him cough cough and he used my name to get rid of annoying girls. Those annoying girls used to pick fights with me for stealing 'their' man and the punches which I practised with Luke came in handy then. Now that I think about it, it's pretty disgusting how I let him use my name like that, he's my brother! Excuse me while I go barf.

Mr Wilson's face darkened when he heard this, 'So he told everyone that she's with him! This is completely intolerable, I cannot have this. I should bring them all together and have him explain that there is no relationship between him and Luna. This should be on top of my to do list. I am doing this so that Revolution's reputation doesn't tarnish, not because of personal reasons. Yes, not because of personal reasons.'

If someone asks him how my 'past relationship' would affect Revolution's reputation, he would not have an answer.

"So, Luke, do you have someone you like? Do you have a girlfriend? Or are you married?"

"Yes, I do have someone I like." Luke decided to play Mr Wilson to the very last moment.